Hello! I beg you to help me, as I am completely confused. Perhaps I'll start from the very beginning to make it clear...
I am 25, my husband is 21 years old. After 8 months of dating, we had a luxurious wedding (practically with my parents’ money, his family also helped a little). My father sent us on our honeymoon, everything was fine....I have 2 educations, one of them is a higher education degree in law, and he has a secondary specialized degree in electrical engineering. I already have 6 years of experience, he simply doesn’t have it. After his honeymoon it was assumed that he would find a job, but it was not there. No one saw the desire; no one wanted to cut it. I have my own business (not a huge one, of course, but enough for bread, butter and cheese), so we didn’t need money. We live in my 2-room apartment, my dad in the next two-room apartment. After the trip we learned about pregnancy. We started renovating the apartment and hired workers. My father said: “Seryozha, you don’t have to work for now while the repairs are going on, since Vika is in a state and it’s hard for her to cope with construction dirt and a selection of building materials.... Dad is a fairly wealthy and accomplished man who loves his daughter madly. Husband, Of course, he agreed. Nobody saw any special help, everything was crazy and screaming, everything was under pressure. He really likes to sleep, naturally he doesn’t like to wake up early, and here there is constant noise and dirt, everything started to infuriate him. and without. In April 2012, I gave birth to a son, I thought that this would at least somehow affect him and he would change his attitude towards me, no, I didn’t even try to go to the maternity hospital myself, by taxi, as he was packing his things. to leave the house again (he did this at every quarrel). When I arrived at the maternity hospital, he rushed over with an apology and forgave me for some time, without working anywhere. Then he started going to the garage. shakers likes to work on cars). I began to be indignant... You don’t work, you stopped helping around the house, you always don’t like something, you’re always yelling in front of a newborn child.... And then I found myself a drinking wife. And it’s always like that now. Once I hit him hard on the head, as he explained because I hit him in the face. But I would never have hit him if he hadn’t started grabbing me. He left again. Doesn't answer calls or SMS. Now the child is already 8 months old, and nothing has changed. Without exaggeration, there are scandals every day. My father and I asked him to take over our business and be the caretaker of the building (we rent out premises). His duties included: sprinkling sand at the entrance when it was slippery, screwing in burnt-out light bulbs somewhere, in general, little things. But he had to be at his work place from 10 to 18. No! And we can’t do this, because getting up at 9.30 is a disaster! With obscenities, with shouts at me. Why am I such and such not letting him sleep. This Friday, the scandal began because of such a small thing that it’s difficult to think of anything smaller. Because of cigarettes. I asked him to bring me cigarettes. To which he told me that he doesn’t have them either. I never forbade him to use my card, but this time I simply asked him again: “What’s next, that you don’t have cigarettes?” In response: “Yes, no fucking way, I don’t even have money! I won’t smoke, and neither will you!” It’s funny and makes me want to cry. All this is with my son. Then he ran for his cell phone and started yelling where he was. I couldn’t stand it anymore and started answering him too. That it’s time for him to see a psychiatrist. He started grabbing me and shaking me. I told him to pack his things and get out, that he would never see me or my son again. I will file for divorce and will raise the issue of depriving him of his birth rights. I later apologized, but this time I stood my ground. He packed up and left.
I love him madly and don’t want to get a divorce. I want people to just understand that I don’t need much. Only peace in the family. But he can't talk calmly. I worry about my son’s psyche, because he sees all this.
I beg you very much, do not advise me to get a divorce. I do not want it. I really want him to come back, but how can I deal with his constant aggression?! Help me please. It’s hard without him, I have no strength.

If we analyze your message, the key decisions in your family with your husband are made by your dad. Key decisions in the family are made by the Head of the family. This role is in the strong hands of your father. The husband, according to documents, is actually a lover, this is in best case scenario, at worst - your and your dad’s eldest teenage son, disobedient, difficult.