Make your own pen from paper. Paper feathers

In order to create a feather from paper with your own hands, you don’t need a lot of knowledge and skill. After all, the main thing is to follow the instructions correctly, and you will definitely succeed! These products can be used to decorate an Indian costume, can be used for your room, or for something completely different, invented or created by you. There are several techniques, all of them are very interesting. Each of them deserves attention. Of course, you definitely need to remember about the quality and composition of the paper, this will affect the final result. Take a blank sheet of paper, draw an outline, fold it in half and cut it out with scissors. We make narrow cuts. We twist a small rectangle into a tube and insert a wire into it. Apply glue. Glue it to the feather. Smooth it out. If you create several such large specimens and put them in a vase, then all your friends will be delighted with such beauty. They can be used to decorate gifts for any occasion. Use as bookmarks for books or diaries. For holiday packaging. A feather of notes will give a feeling of antiquity. Prepared. Apply glue to the wire and place it on the sheet of music. We wait some time to let the product dry. We attach the template and trace it with a pencil. Cut a strip of newsprint and wrap it around the wire. Cut into pieces. Ready. Original templates. We reschedule. Cut it out. Fold in the middle. I think this paper feather would be a great addition to any gift.

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How to make a feather from paper: methods, material

Did you pick up all sorts of feathers as a child? Yes? After all, they are so diverse, attractive, different colors, lengths and shapes, fluffy or thin, neat. Feathers are an incredible work of nature, a symbol of lightness, which is always useful if you are a lover of needlework, if you like to decorate and decorate. But in order not to injure the birds by pulling out the most beautiful feathers from their tails, let's try to make them ourselves.

How to make a feather from paper?

It's very simple, for this we need:

  • a sheet of white or colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • toothpick;
  • pencil.

How to make feathers with your own hands? Take a piece of paper, for a medium-sized feather, cut out a piece about 15 by 10 cm. Fold it lengthwise and draw an arc with a sharp end near the fold. There are feathers different sizes, some expand towards the end, and some maintain a flat shape. Draw the shape of the future feather that you like. Cut along the outline.

All that remains is to give the workpiece a finished look. Cut the edges into thin strips, moving from the sharp end at an angle downwards. Do not make too deep cuts, cut into 2/3 halves.

Feathers are fluffy and even. If desired, give your feather fluffiness by twisting several paper fringe ribbons in different directions.

You will need a toothpick for the pen shaft. From the remaining paper, cut a ribbon about a centimeter wide. Apply glue to one side of the ribbon and wrap it around a toothpick. You can also use a match. Glue the finished rod to the product on the inside fold. This way you will get a medium feather that you can easily find a use for.

Another way

How to make a feather of an unusual shape? For example, a curved or peacock feather? Just. You have several options. Draw the feather by hand, marking the cut locations with thin strokes, or use ready-made printed stencils. Cut out the feather carefully, using small nail scissors, a blade or a utility knife.


You can, of course, leave the feathers white or cut them out of colored paper. But what if you want something bright, colorful, with shimmer?

The feather needs to be painted. Be careful, it’s not in vain that we pay attention to this topic. To make a bright feather, first color the sheet from which it will be cut. The fact is that if you use markers or watercolors, the liquid will curl or soften your feathers and tear if you move awkwardly. Watercolor – good way create a sheet with overflows. You can also use a sponge or sponge to create a blur between colors.

Add sparkles, stars and inscriptions as soon as you cut out the feather, but it’s better to decide on the color before you pick up the scissors.

Material Variations

Such feathers will definitely come in handy in decorations, in various crafts, and for decorating gifts. How to make a feather attractive, presentable, unusual? What other material can you use to create something interesting? Use foil. It produces iridescent bright products.

Newspapers, pages of magazines and books will come in handy. Try decorating your gift with feathers cut from old American newspapers or a music book.

Combine colors and materials, and then you will succeed interesting decoration. Good luck!

Paper feathers - Homemade hand-made

A beautiful and effective accent in home interior decoration and festive table will help to put interesting multi-colored paper feathers. Not only are they relatively easy to create, but they are also relatively cheap.

To make feathers you will need the following materials and tools: strong craft wrapping paper, scissors, glue, wire, tape or adhesive tape, paints.

Step 1. Cut out a blank from kraft paper in the form of a paper oval folded in half. Round the oval at the bottom and slightly narrow its top, repeating and imitating the shape of natural bird feathers.

Step 2. Without unfolding the resulting feather blank, make small inclined cuts on it, close to each other, without cutting some distance to the middle of the oval.

Step 3: Roll a thin strip of kraft paper into a thin tube.

Step 4. Wrap the cut wire (the length of the wire is calculated as follows: ½ of it is added to the length of the workpiece) about 1/3 of the way with a tube of wrapping paper, secure it securely with glue.

Step 5. Glue the wire prepared in the previous step to the feather blank, as shown in the photo.

If the selected wire is fastened with great effort or difficulty, or does not stick, then use small strips of tape to tighten and fix it. Wait until the glue is completely dry, remove the “auxiliary” strips of adhesive tape.

Once the feather is dry, bend it and color it in any color you choose, if desired.

Coloring tip: it’s better if you color craft paper rather than finished paper feathers at the initial, preparatory stage.

Place the finished fancy light feathers in the selected container (for example, in a vase or place it on a plate), add it as an additional impressive element to the composition, and decorate your Easter holiday table with them.


Paper feathers can be used to create various decorative compositions and panels. Making such feathers with your own hands is very simple.

To do this you will need:

  1. paper
  2. scissors
  3. PVA glue
  4. thin wire
  5. watercolor paints
  6. tassel

Manufacturing process

Draw an oval on a piece of paper - this will be the outline of the feather. Then cut it out and fold it in half. Using scissors, make cuts on the edges of the oval, not cutting to the fold line of about 0.5 cm.

Now twist a thin tube from a piece of paper, grease its edge with glue so that it does not unwind.

Coat the wire with glue and insert it into paper straw. Lightly squeeze the tip of the tube from which the wire comes out with your fingers to ensure better adhesion of the paper to the wire.

Next, spread the glue along the entire length of the middle of the feather, lay the wire along it like this, and then pinch the middle of the feather on the other side so that the wire is securely glued.

When the glue dries, the feathers can be painted with watercolor paint.

DIY paper feathers

Simple packaging can be made very stylish using very simple decoration techniques and simple accessories. One such accessory is paper feathers.

A paper pen can radically change the appearance of the package, and, as you know, “you meet people by their clothes.”

Making a pen out of paper is very simple, you just need to use this stencil.

Here are some examples of using paper feathers to decorate gifts and gift wrapping. It turns out quite beautiful. Is not it?

These are just a few examples of using paper feathers - an elegant and very simple craft.

On the pages of our holiday portal you will find many more of the most various crafts made of paper and more, which will be very useful to you in preparing for the holidays.

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20.09 22:217322

Paper feathers / Decor, Paper crafts / In needlework

A delicate and weightless feather, made with your own hands from paper, looks just as good as a real feather. Paper feathers are widely used in the design of cards, gift wrapping, large feathers are collected into unique bouquets and placed in vases, feather garlands are made... I think every craftswoman will find a worthy use for this original decor.

To make feathers you will need:

Thin but fairly dense cardboard, designer paper with a print or even the thinnest rice paper - the choice of paper directly depends on the further use of the pen; - Scissors with thin and sharp blades or a stationery knife and ruler; - Wooden skewer or metal knitting needle; - Template for the pen ;- Paints, glue, glitter and other decor for decoration (optional).

First, prepare a template for the future feather - use the ready-made templates presented below, or draw your own, then carefully cut it out. Lay out the feather template on the selected paper and, using a wooden skewer or knitting needle, transfer the contours of the feather, pushing through the outlines (the contours of the template can also be transferred to paper using a simple pencil, but in this case the finished pen will not have a very beautiful outline).

Carefully cut out the feather along the pressed outline. If your feather has a more or less even shape, bend the workpiece in half lengthwise, press the fold with pressure with a skewer or knitting needle and, without straightening the workpiece, make very frequent cuts along the edge, not reaching the fold about 1-2 mm, depending on the size of the feather. If your feather is curved, press the central shaft of the feather with a skewer or knitting needle and then make frequent symmetrical cuts along both edges. To get very thin, most realistic cuts, it is recommended to make them under a ruler with a blade.

If desired, after completing the cuts, the feathers are decorated with sparkles, small beads or tinted with paint.

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Making decorative feathers from thread and glue

You can make many unusual and beautiful things with your own hands. In this master class we will look at how to make decorative feathers from thread and glue. These products can be used to decorate various objects, make jewelry with your own hands, and even an unusual painting that will decorate your interior or be an original gift.

We really like things using the macrame technique and today we will make a decorative feather or leaf that can be used as decoration, made into earrings or a decoration for clothes.

All you need:

  • Scissors.
  • Bead for decoration (optional).

We decided to make a large decorative feather leaf to hang on the wall. But using this technique you can make such blanks of any size. For the base, we cut a long thread of 60 cm. Cut the rest of the yarn into 20 cm pieces (again, the sizes depend on what exactly you want to make from such a feather-leaf).

Place the threads, folded in half, in front of you.

Place one of the short pieces of yarn under the long one, as shown in the picture below.

Now thread the ends of the short pieces through the loops they formed. The picture below shows exactly how this is done.

Tighten the loops into a knot.

Tie the lower end of the long cord into a knot so that our feather is securely fastened at the bottom.

So, our feather leaf has begun. Next, move up along the long warp cord, tying short pieces of yarn in the manner described above.

Make a feather of the size you need. It will have a loop at the end.

To make the feather-leaf look softer and fluffier, you can comb the yarn with a comb.

If necessary, trim the edges of the leaf feathers using sharp scissors to make them look smoother and neater.

We threaded a bead onto a loop and hung our macrame feather on the wall as decor.

You can make any kind of wall decor from these leaf feathers.

You can make a keychain or earrings.

You can also use these feathers to decorate clothes or hats.

Feather is an unusual decorative element that can decorate an interior item, theatrical or new Year costume, postcard or jewelry. Several pieces can be folded into a beautiful fan or wreath. And if the feather is green, it easily turns into a miniature Christmas tree. There is no need to look for exotic birds and go to distant shores for decoration. It's easy to make it yourself using materials and tools available in every home. Read more about this.

To create crafts, you can use any thread, bobbin thread, floss, or knitting yarn. The composition can also be different: wool, acrylic, cotton, combined. Depending on the material used, the results will vary. Feathers made from threads of several colors look impressive. We will consider the option of making a feather from yarn.

What will you need? Materials and tools

To make a feather, prepare the following for work:

Step-by-step plan on how to make a feather from threads with your own hands

To get started, it is recommended to determine what the decoration will be used for; its size depends on this. If this is a future brooch or hairpin, then 4–5 cm is enough, for a hat or bag – from 10 to 15 cm, for a fan – up to 50 cm.

Reference. If you are more accustomed to working with fabric than with yarn, there is the option of making feathers from textiles. The procedure is the same, only the fan is formed from the fibers of the fabric used for work.

Even a child can make a feather from threads; the steps are simple and the materials are available. Your imagination will tell you how to apply this decoration. They are suitable for decorating clothes, accessories and interior items.. Even if you can’t think of anything, put feathers in a flower vase and your interior will become more interesting.

Did you pick up all sorts of feathers as a child? Yes? After all, they are so diverse, attractive, different colors, lengths and shapes, fluffy or thin, neat. Feathers are an incredible work of nature, a symbol of lightness, which is always useful if you are a lover of needlework, if you like to decorate and decorate. But in order not to injure the birds by pulling out the most beautiful feathers from their tails, let's try to make them ourselves.

How to make a feather from paper?

It's very simple, for this we need:

  • a sheet of white or colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • toothpick;
  • pencil.

How to make feathers with your own hands? Take a piece of paper, for a medium-sized feather, cut out a piece about 15 by 10 cm. Fold it lengthwise and draw an arc with a sharp end near the fold. Feathers come in different sizes, some flare out towards the end and some maintain a flat shape. Draw the shape of the future feather that you like. Cut along the outline.

All that remains is to give the workpiece a finished look. Cut the edges into thin strips, moving from the sharp end at an angle downwards. Do not make too deep cuts, cut into 2/3 halves.

Feathers are fluffy and even. If desired, give your feather fluffiness by twisting several paper fringe ribbons in different directions.

You will need a toothpick for the pen shaft. From the remaining paper, cut a ribbon about a centimeter wide. Apply glue to one side of the ribbon and wrap it around a toothpick. You can also use a match. Glue the finished rod to the product on the inside fold. This way you will get a medium feather that you can easily find a use for.

Another way

How to make a feather of an unusual shape? For example, curved or Simple. You have several options. Draw the feather by hand, marking the cut locations with thin strokes, or use ready-made printed stencils. Cut out the feather carefully, using small nail scissors, a blade or a utility knife.


You can, of course, leave the feathers white or cut them out of colored paper. But what if you want something bright, colorful, with shimmer?

The feather needs to be painted. Be careful, it’s not in vain that we pay attention to this topic. To make a bright feather, first color the sheet from which it will be cut. The fact is that if you use markers or watercolors, the liquid will curl or soften your feathers and tear if you move awkwardly. Watercolor is a good way to create a leaf with iridescence. You can also use a sponge or sponge to create a blur between colors.

Add sparkles, stars and inscriptions as soon as you cut out the feather, but it’s better to decide on the color before you pick up the scissors.

Material Variations

Such feathers will definitely come in handy in decorations, in various crafts, and for decorating gifts. How to make a feather attractive, presentable, unusual? What other material can you use to create something interesting? Use foil. It produces iridescent bright products.

Newspapers, pages of magazines and books will come in handy. Try decorating your gift with feathers cut from old American newspapers or a music book.

Combine colors and materials, and then you will get an interesting decoration. Good luck!

A delicate, almost weightless feather, made from paper with your own hands, looks no worse than its real prototype. Paper feathers are widely used for decorating cards and gift wrapping, and very large feathers become part of original bouquets, they are placed in vases, and they are also used to make special decor - feather garlands. A beautiful and also very effective accent when decorating the interior of a house or a holiday table is created by nothing more than interesting, perhaps even multi-colored paper feathers. In addition, they are not only relatively easy to create, such decor is quite cheap.

What do you need to make paper feathers at home?

To make paper feathers, you will need materials and tools such as strong wrapping paper, preferably kraft paper, as well as scissors, glue and wire. You will need tape or adhesive tape and paint.


Before proceeding directly to action, first carefully study step by step instructions. This is not a difficult task, but it does require care.

In ancient times, the expression “neither fluff nor feather” was very popular; it was used mainly by hunters and served to deceive evil spirits. Relatives, saying after the hunters “no fluff, no feather,” firmly believed that with such a negative wish they were deflecting the forest spirits, therefore, those who went to hunt would certainly return with good catch - with fluff and feathers. The feather is also a symbol of truth, which certainly rises upward, becoming universally known. It is a symbol of lightness and tenderness, sky, height, speed and simplicity.

First you need to take paper and cut out a special blank from it, it should resemble a paper oval folded in half. The resulting figure needs to be slightly rounded at the bottom and slightly narrowed at the top, thereby, as if repeating, imitating the shape of a natural bird feather. Without unfolding the newly created feather blank, you need to make small, inclined cuts on it. The closer they are to each other, the better. But, under no circumstances should you cut to the very middle of the oval. Separately, you should cut a thin and narrow strip of kraft paper; it will need to be rolled into a thin tube. Next, you should wrap the pre-cut wire approximately 1/3 of the length of the entire tube of wrapping paper, and then securely secure everything with glue. As for the length, they are calculated in the simplest way. You need to add ½ part of it to the length of the workpiece. Then you should glue the prepared wire to the feather blank. If the selected wire is attached with great effort, it is difficult, or even does not stick at all, you can always use small strips of tape. With their help you can tighten and fix all the elements. Take your time, wait until the glue is completely dry, and then remove all the “auxiliary” strips from the adhesive tape.

When the feather is completely dry, you need to bend it and paint it in any of the colors you choose. However, this is optional. If you don't paint the feathers, it also turns out very creative. By the way, it is most convenient to color not finished paper feathers, but the craft paper itself, at the initial, that is, preparatory stage. When the craft paper feathers are ready, they can, for example, be placed in the selected container - a vase, plate or other decorative container, and you can also add flowers and other decor as an additional decorative element. It is also good to decorate the festive Easter table with feathers.

Simple technique for making feathers

To make your own pen in the simplest way, all you need is paper and scissors. The material can be white or colored; alternatively, you can even take papyrus paper, or use tracing paper. This depends on the characteristics of the future feathers. A blank is made from paper. It is optimal if thick cardboard is used for this purpose. Having made the blank once, you will then use it as a template. This way it will be possible to create a large number of feathers Next, using the previously prepared template, you need to cut out as many feathers from paper as necessary. Then each one has a fringe along the edges. For this you need scissors. If you glue together several blanks of different colors at once, you will get a very original feather, as if from some strange bird or firebird. Then a twig is glued in the middle of the feather on which it will be held.


Feathers can have many different uses in decoration and design. And making them is an extremely exciting process, so making them at home is not at all difficult. In addition, this will require ordinary office supplies and materials.

Feathers from corrugated paper

DIY decorative feather

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