Weight and height calculator. How to correctly calculate your ideal weight

Let's imagine a picture: we wake up in the morning, take a shower, and have breakfast. And when the time comes to put on your favorite jeans, we realize with horror that we cannot button them - our stomach is in the way. We crawl under the sofa, find dusty bathroom scales, stand on them and... A familiar story, right?

Whatever number is displayed on the scale, frustration and depression are achieved - you can’t wear jeans now. What to do? You can just score. Throw your pants in the trash or push them into the farthest corner of the chest of drawers - let them lie there until better times. Or you can go the other way - lose a couple of extra pounds - maybe the trousers will fit.

The second option is more difficult - you need to do something, spend time, make efforts. However, we clench our will and decide to lose weight. But before starting, one more question arises - what to strive for, how many kilograms you need to lose in order to feel completely good: so that your pants fit, and you can breathe easier, and so that you won’t be ashamed to go to the beach in the summer. We are thinking, trying to figure out how to calculate our ideal weight?

It turns out that ideal (correct) weight is an abstract concept, and it means the average value obtained on the basis of a set of given physiological parameters of a person, such as height, age, gender characteristics, and body features. But the state of health, level of physical activity, percentage of fat mass in relation to muscle mass and other individual indicators of an individual person are not taken into account here.

This means that it will not be possible to find the exact value of your weight using known formulas. However, we will get an approximate guideline that you can rely on when losing or gaining body weight.

The most famous types of weight calculation using formulas:

  • Calculation of weight by height
  • Calculation of weight by age and height
  • Weight calculation by BMI (body mass index)

Calculate weight by height

A simple method better known as Brocca's formula. A simplified version looks like this:

  • For women: Ideal weight = Height (cm) - 110
  • For men: Ideal weight = Height (cm) - 100

Example: normal weight men with a height of 180 cm is equal to 80 kg, and women with a height of 170 cm - 60 kg

The modern version of the same formula looks a little different, but is considered more accurate:

  • For women: Ideal weight = (Height (cm) - 110)*1.15
  • For men: Ideal weight = (Height (cm) - 100)*1.15

Example: the normal weight of a man with a height of 180 cm is 92 kg, and a woman with a height of 170 cm is 69 kg

Calculate weight by age and height

The following weight determination method is not a calculation formula. This is a ready-made table with which you can calculate the correct weight by age. And if the previous version gives an approximate norm of human body weight, then the Egorov-Levitsky table, as it is also called, displays the maximum permissible weight value, exceeding which is considered unacceptable for a given height and age group.

All you need is to know your height, age and current weight. Look for the intersection of these parameters in the table and understand how far you are from the maximum permissible value. If the number in the table is higher than your existing weight, good, if lower, there is reason to think about the gym and dietary restrictions.

Example: A woman with a height of 170 cm, 35 years old, weight 75 kg. The intersection of the table shows a maximum weight value of 75.8. The woman is one step away from this value. Therefore, close control of body weight is necessary, otherwise it is possible to go beyond the permissible limits.

Calculate weight using BMI (Quetelet body mass index)

table for calculating optimal weight using Quetelet body mass index

Using the Body Mass Index, you can find out in what predetermined range a person’s current weight is: deficit, normal or obese (all BMI values ​​are shown in the table).

BMI is calculated using a formula that takes into account the initial values ​​of height in meters and weight in kilograms. The formula looks like this: KMT = weight in kilograms: (height in meters * height in meters).

Example: a man with a height of 185 cm (1.85 m) and a weight of 88 kg will have a BMI = 88: (1.85 * 1.85) = 27.7. We look for the value in the table and understand that the index is in the range of Overweight (pre-obesity).

Important point: calculation correct weight BMI does not take into account gender and age-related changes in the body.


It is important to remember, no matter which method of calculating the correct weight you choose, the result of the calculations should not be taken as the absolute truth. All figures will be approximate and indicative. And these calculations still won’t fit your jeans. So, put dumbbells in your hands, put your feet in sneakers, put a lock on the refrigerator and go ahead - towards the result.

At least once a year, every self-respecting girl wants to do something with her figure. At the same time, before your eyes there is a certain vague concept of an ideal that must be achieved at all costs. What is the ideal weight for a certain height? By the way, both women and men are very interested in this. Will try to understand the variety of methods for calculations.

Starting point

There is a theory according to which the ideal weight should be considered the one you had when you were 18 years old. But this does not mean that this figure should be steadily strived for. In addition to age-related and hormonal changes, energy expenditure affects a person’s weight. At a young age they are higher, but every 10 years - with a general decrease in physical activity - energy consumption decreases by about 10%, and weight increases in proportion to the same percentage. It is impossible to get rid of excess suddenly. So that they don’t later come back and grab kilo friends in addition. You need to strive for a real and completely achievable ideal, which will be indicated by one of the formulas below.

When playing sports, you need to take into account natural weight fluctuations. Muscle weighs more than fat, so don't be surprised when the weight goes up instead of down after the gym. The result will be a sculpted, slender body.

Each of the listed methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. We'll talk about them too.

Body mass index

Often, decisions that it’s time to change something about your figure are made based on BMI data. As soon as the weight ceases to fit into what is indicated in the table, either actively eating cakes or racing with the wind on an exercise bike immediately begins. Calculating this index is simple:

Weight in kg / (Height in m * 2).

We compare the results against the table

Classification of health conditions depending on BMI BMI Health Risk What to do?
18 – 25 years old more than 25 years
Anorexia nervous. Anorexia ataroxic. Weight less than 15% of expected, BMI less than 17.5 High It is recommended to increase body weight and treat anorexia.
Underweight Less than 18.5 Absent
Norm 19,5-22,9 20,0-25,9
Excess body weight 23,0-27,4 26,0-27,9 Elevated
Obesity I degree 27,5-29,9 28,0-30,9 Elevated Weight loss is recommended
Obesity II degree 30,0-34,9 31,0-35,9 High
Obesity III degree 35,0-39,9 36,0-40,9 Very tall Weight loss is strongly recommended
Obesity IV degree 40.0 above 41.0- above Excessively high Immediate weight loss is necessary

Are you up to standard? So, according to the formulas, run diagonally. No? Then we will calculate what the weight should be.

Solovyov index

Before starting mathematics, you need to stock up on a sufficient amount of initial data. Check your height, remember your age and measure your wrist at the thinnest point. This is how bone volume is determined, from which the famous physician Soloviev derived the concept of three body types:

Asthenic: less than 18 cm in men, less than 15 cm in women.
Normosthenic: 18-20 cm in men, 15-17 in women.
Hypersthenic: more than 20 cm in men, more than 17 cm in women.

Lorentz formula


Or a simplified version:

where X is height in centimeters.

The obvious simplicity of the method has both a positive and a negative side. The Lorenz formula does not differentiate people by type (asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic), does not take into account age and the presence physical activity. The result can be considered quite average.

Broca's formula

In their youth, everyone calculated their ideal weight according to Brock:

X-100 for men,

X-110 for women, where X is height in centimeters.

As you can see, here the result will also be averaged, since no parameters other than growth itself are taken into account.

Scientists have slightly modified this formula, proposing to multiply the result obtained as a result of subtraction by a factor of 1.15:

(X-100)*1.15 for men,

(X-110)*1.15 for women.

In this form, the formula began to look more like reality. For example, if previously the weight of a woman with a height of 168 cm “should have been” 58 kg, then according to new calculations (168-110) * 1.15 = 66.7.

Considering that people stop growing around the age of 18-25, the old formula would stubbornly return you to how ideal you were many years ago.

Broca-Brugsch formula

The previous formula was modified taking into account body type and non-standard height. So, hypersthenics add 10% to the form, and asthenics subtract 10%. As for growth, they now propose to calculate it as follows:

Less than 165 cm: X - 100
165-175 cm: X - 105
More than 175 cm: X - 110.
Already in this form the result is more optimal. So, a girl with a normosthenic physique and a height of 168 cm should weigh: 168-105 = 63 kg.

Cooper's formula

(X * 3.5/2.54-108) * 0.453, for women,

(X * 4.0/2.54-128) * 0.453, for men,

where X is height in centimeters.

Egorov-Levitsky table

You don't need formulas to find out your maximum weight limit for your height. At the intersection of height, gender and age, a number is indicated that should not be crossed.

Height, cm 20-29 years old 30-39 years old 40-49 years old 50-59 years old 60-69 years old
148 50,8 48,4 55 52,3 56,6 54,7 56 53,2 53,9 52,2
150 51,3 48,9 56,7 53,9 58,1 56,5 58 55,7 57,3 54,8
152 51,3 51 58,7 55 61,5 59,5 61,1 57,6 60,3 55,9
154 55,3 53 61,6 59,1 64,5 62,4 63,8 60,2 61,9 59
156 58,5 55,8 64,4 61,5 67,3 66 65,8 62,4 63,7 60,9
158 61,2 58,1 67,3 64,1 70,4 67,9 b8 64,5 67 62,4
160 62,9 59,8 69,2 65,8 72,3 69,9 69,7 65,8 68,2 64,6
162 64,6 61,6 71 68,5 74,4 72,7 72,7 68,7 69,1 66,5
164 67,3 63,6 73,9 70,8 77,2 74 75,6 72 72,2 70
166 68,8 65,2 74,5 71,8 78 76,5 76,3 73,8 74,3 71,3
168 70,8 68,5 76,3 73,7 79,6 78,2 77,9 74,8 76 73,3
170 72,7 69,2 77,7 75,8 81 79,8 79,6 76,8 76,9 75
172 74,1 72,8 79,3 77 82,8 81,7 81,1 77,7 78,3 76,3
174 77,5 74,3 80,8 79 84,4 83,7 83 79,4 79,3 78
176 80,8 76,8 83,3 79,9 86 84,6 84,1 80,5 81,9 79,1
178 83 78,2 85,6 82,4 88 86,1 86,5 82,4 82,8 80,9
180 85,1 80,9 88 83,9 89,9 88,1 87,5 84,1 84,4 81,6
182 87,2 83,3 90,6 87,7 91,4 89,3 89,5 86,5 85,4 82,9
184 89,1 85,5 92 89,4 92,9 90,9 91,6 87,4 88 85,9
186 93,1 89,2 95 91 96,6 92,9 92,8 89,6 89 87,3
188 95,8 91,8 97 94,4 98 95,8 95 91,5 91,5 88,8
190 97,1 92,3 99,5 95,6 100,7 97,4 99,4 95,6 94,8 92,9

Perhaps, this table can only be reproached for the fact that the minimum weight limit is not indicated. However, it will be useful for those who do not want to carry around extra pounds. The table takes into account everything except body composition. It can be considered one of the most balanced approaches to computing.

Bornhardt Index (1886)

where X is height in cm, Y is chest circumference in cm.

Devin formula

45.5 + 2.3 * (X - 60) for women,

50 + 2.3 * (X – 60) for men,

where X is height in inches.

Miller's Formula (1983)

Miller made changes to Devin's existing mathematical formula, which did not use anything other than statistical data. It was used to correctly calculate drug doses. In order to determine your ideal weight using Miller's formula, you will need to know your height (in inches):

53.1 + 1.36 * (X - 60), for women,

56.2 + 1.41 * (X - 60), for men,

where X is height in inches.

Kref's formula

Based on Broca's formula, but with the addition of body type and age:

(X-100 + (Y / 10)) * 0.9 * Z,

where X is height in cm, Y is age, Z is a coefficient depending on body type.

Coefficient = 0.9 for wrist circumference less than 15 cm

Coefficient = 1 for wrist circumference from 15 cm to 17 cm

Coefficient = 1.1 for wrist circumference more than 17 cm

In principle, the approach is quite correct, since it takes into account the basic parameters.

Nagler's formula

This formula takes into account height and gender, but excludes weight and age.

45.3 + 2.27 * (X - 60) for women,

where X is height in inches.

Küttl formula (body mass index)

It is this method of calculation that is recognized by doctors all over the world:

BMI = weight (kg): (height (m))2

The obtained result is compared with the data in the table:

Mohammed's Formula (2010)

This formula uses only height for calculations:
X * X * 0.00225,

where X is height in cm.

Robinson's Formula (1983)

The formula looks like this:

49 + 1.7 * (X - 60) for women,

52 + 1.9 * (X – 60) for men,

where X is height in inches.

Opponents of the formula argue that it is incorrect for men.

Monneroth-Dumain formula

It takes into account the Solovyov index and growth for calculation:

X - 100 + (4*wrist circumference))/2,

where X is height in cm.

Formula Humvee (1964)

This is what online weight calculators on the Internet “use”:

45.5 + 2.2 * (X - 60) for women,

48 + 2.7 * (X – 60) for men,

where X is height in inches.

All the variety of formulas gives different results with the same initial data. Perhaps they can be combined by saying that the ideal weight is a healthy weight. One that does not cause inconvenience to you personally and does not lead to the appearance of various diseases.

Comments (14)

    according to this calculator, with a height of 190 cm, I should ideally weigh 70 kg)))))))))))))) in fact I weigh 90 kg, no belly, no sides, regular visits to the gym

    Normosthenic body type. The calculated ideal weight turned out to be 63 kg, according to Brock 65 kg, which was what he was at school. Real 76 kg, difference 11 kg. Recommended by nutritionist 72 kg. At ideal weight, the fat content will be like that of athletes, at the lower limit.

    Everything is fine. 59 kg is too much for me! It's hard to breathe. With a height of 165 and a weight of 50 kg, I feel great! And I like the calculator))

    Ardak, tell me, what kind of food helped you lose so much weight?

    Evgeniya, don’t be discouraged, there is always a way out. I had exactly the same problem. I gained weight from 58 kg to 89 kg. I did everything I did, went on different diets, drank all sorts of diet pills, the weight easily returned in double form once again when I started drinking Bilayt tablets, I felt better. it’s bad that I ended up in the hospital after lying for 10 days, I realized that everything I did was wrong, I decided that proper nutrition this is what I need in 7 months I lost 21 kg the best part is that the weight doesn’t come back and this kind of nutrition has already become the norm of life and the most important thing is to eat in small portions I wish you all the best

    These diets are nonsense. When you are afraid of illness, then your appetite will moderate. I weighed 70 with a height of 164. Arthritis suddenly appeared - due to age, it turns out, but nothing foreshadowed it, I was carrying bags, an active lifestyle, etc. And in a year I lost 10 kg. Fear helped. I started eating a little in the morning - low-fat cottage cheese, and completely eliminated coffee. All the food is as usual, but there is less food. Joints should not be loaded. I still need to lose 2 kilos, but I can wait until the summer. I only drink boiled water in moderation. The intestines are fine.

    Good afternoon, I’ve always wondered if my weight is normal, height 174, weight 59

    I’m 21, half a year ago at fast 1.66 I weighed 90 kg, I lost the first 20 kg in 2.5 months, then it became more difficult. As my body adapted, I ended up losing 34 kg in half a year. Now I weigh 54 (with my height and build this is the ideal weight)
    From my own experience I will say that counting calories is complete nonsense, what matters is what you eat, how often and in what quantities. Well, of course, there’s no way without physical activity, you don’t have to go to the gym if there’s no such opportunity, just running in the evenings will be enough.
    Be sure to drink 1.5 -2 liters of water, and reduce the amount of salt you consume, preferably not eating it at all. Include bran in your diet (30 grams daily allowance).
    I won’t be original if I say something about sweets and starchy foods, since I myself have a sweet tooth; it was simply not possible for me to completely give up eating chocolate, and every other day I allowed myself to eat 2-4 pieces of chocolate, but only before 12:00. The same goes for bread; a piece of toast in the morning won’t do much harm to your figure. It is not recommended to eat fruits after 15:00. As for all the talk about shutting your mouth after 6, it’s nonsense and that’s all! Do not do this under any circumstances, since until the next morning the body will starve for as many as 13 hours (with the condition that your breakfast will be at 8 am) and subsequently whatever you eat in the morning will be directly stored in reserve. In addition, all important processes in the body occur at night, and if you haven’t eaten anything, then how should your body absorb all the vitamins and elements it needs. Kovalkov recommends that his patients eat the whites of two eggs 2-3 hours before bedtime.

    If you are on a diet, eat separately, give your body physical. load, but the weight still does not go away, you should undergo a hormone examination. It's possible that it's all about them. I had such a problem with being overweight. I ate little, exercised a lot, and the weight came off either slowly. or stood still. I took tests for hormones, it turned out that it was all about them. When the hormonal levels were leveled out, after a few months everything began to return to normal.

    Evgeniya, everything is individual for each person. I was able to lose 23 kilograms in 5 months, ate small portions every 2-3 hours (even dumplings), after 18.00 I kept my mouth shut), then I introduced 2 kefir fasting days a week, in general it turned out “without suffering”, because I did not limit yourself in the products.

    Evgenia, try breathing exercises using the Oxysize or Bodyflex system with static exercises, they helped me a lot, because... I don’t know how to diet at all. Appetite is reduced due to the retraction of the abdomen during exercises + the exercises themselves are not very difficult and do not require gigantic efforts, and the results are already visible after 1-2 weeks (but more in the reduction of cm than kg). I studied at home using video. Then I started running with the miCoach program from Adidas (the program guides you by tracking your speed using GPS + there are very basic levels, even for those who find it difficult after a 15-minute walk). Set a goal: for example, I signed up to participate in a free 10 km marathon from Nike and started preparing 4 months in advance. For me it seemed unattainable, but I did it. And even though I had very, very average results, I have never achieved such results + this allows you to increase your metabolism. By the way, they hold such marathons every year. I stopped drinking tea with sugar and eating less flour. To improve peristalsis, eat foods rich in dietary fiber. And one more thing - love yourself and prepare mentally for a new life, a new attitude towards food. In 1.5 years of this regime, I lost more than 12 kg (almost all that I had gained). It's not super fast, of course, but now I like the way I look and am determined to continue further, because... over time you need to increase the load. Now instead of running I want to do kung fu. Be careful. DO NOT try to achieve quick results. I wish you good luck, experiment and definitely find what suits you!

    Evgenia, I would recommend separate meals and moderate physical activity.

    You need to eat less. And all problems will pass

    She suffered a lot of stress, and eventually gained weight to 92 kg with a height of 170. I tried diets, a cleansing system, sports (irregular), massages and water treatments. The weight decreases slightly, and then returns with additional kilograms. Please advise what to do.

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At the moment, there are several different formulas that allow you to calculate weight by height and age. But such tables are conditional, since many different factors influence the determination of the ratio of weight and height.

For example, with the same weight and height, one person may look normal while another is overweight.

Therefore, excess fat in the body is assessed not only by the given formulas, but also by the thickness of the skin folds and simply by appearance.

Ideal weight calculator

In fact, the concept of ideal weight is quite relative, because an indicator of an impeccable physique is not only weight, and there are no uniform immutable rules of beauty.

Calculation of weight by height and age

Most exact result weighing will help determine electronic bathroom scales. If you have not yet acquired this necessary weighing attribute or want to replace your scales with more modern and accurate ones, follow this link. You will not only find a huge range of floor scales, but you will also be able to choose the most attractive price for yourself.

For quite a long time, Brock's weight formula was popular, which helped calculate the estimated weight-height ratio using the following system: Height in centimeters minus 100 is equal to ideal weight. However, recently these indicators have been revised and it is believed that this formula is more suitable for determining weight by age of women 40-50 years old.

Women 20-30 years old should weigh 10-12% less than this figure, and after the age of 50 the weight increases by 5-7%.

This is the easiest way to find out your weight by height and age. Today, other formulas and tables that take into account body type are more often used.

To calculate the best body fat ratio, you need to calculate the percentage of fat and musculoskeletal tissue. For men, the norm is 9 - 15% fat of total body weight, for women the norm is 12 - 20%.

Useful advice! For effective and safe reduction excess weight use natural organic complexes for weight loss from iHerb. Numerous reviews for each herbal preparation will help you choose the most suitable system for yourself.

One of the popular ways to determine height and weight is the Quetelet index or body mass index (BMI). This index helps assess how underweight or obese a person is; it is a good indicator of the amount of fat in the body, but does not indicate how this fat is distributed in the body.

Quetelet's body mass index may be inaccurate for adolescents, older adults, pregnant and lactating women, and athletes. Most often, this index is used for adult men and women from 20 to 65 years old.

Formula: body weight in kg divided by height in meters squared B/(P*P)
For example: height 180 cm, weight 75 kg. So 75: (1.8 * 1.8) = 23.1

At the same time, the normal indicator for men is 19-25, for women - 19-24. Scores from 25 to 29.9 indicate overweight, 30 to 39.9 indicate obesity with a moderate risk of complications (II), and a score above 40 indicates obesity with a high risk of complications (III degree).

Let's look at another formula to help check the distribution of fat throughout the body:

The waist circumference at the navel level should be divided by the volume of the buttocks.

For example: waist 70 cm, hips 105. So 70: 105 = 0.66
The norm for men is 0.85
For women - 0.65 - 0.85.

Weight by height and age

Another method for calculating weight by height is based on the interdependence of body weight and body type. Body types are divided into three main types: aesthetic (thin-boned), normostetic (normal-boned) and hyperesthetic (big-boned).

To determine your body type, you need to measure the circumference of the wrist of your working hand: for normosthenics it is 16-18.56 cm, for anasthenics it is less than 16 cm, and for hypersthenics it is more than 18.5 cm.

thin-boned the type differs in that the longitudinal dimensions of the body prevail over the transverse ones. Women of this body type have thin bones, poorly developed muscles and long limbs; they are usually energetic and not inclined to be overweight. People of this type are also called ectomorphs.

Normoskeletal physique implies proportionality to the main dimensions of the body, which makes the figure beautiful.

Broad-boned The figure type is distinguished by significantly larger transverse body dimensions than those of normosthenics. Women of this type have heavy bones, chests, shoulders and wide hips; they tend to be overweight.

To calculate your normal weight based on your height in grams, you need to multiply your height in centimeters by your weight-height coefficient, which corresponds to your age and body type. The recommended weight-to-height coefficient (g/cm) is indicated in this table.

In addition, age affects the determination of the height-to-weight ratio. It has already been proven that with age the weight of men and women should gradually increase and there is nothing wrong with that. “Extra” kilograms may not be like that - this is a normal physiological process.

Formula for calculating weight by height and age: Body weight = 50 + 0.75 (P - 150) + (B - 20) : 4
In this case, P stands for height and B stands for age in years.

Weight, height, age - table for men

In this table, the second and third columns indicate men and women aged 20-29 years, the fourth and fifth - 30-39 years old, then 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 years old, respectively.

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