Detailed menu at 36 weeks of pregnancy. Nutrition before childbirth


At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother is already quite tired of her condition, it is difficult for her to move, it is uncomfortable to bend over and sleep, and it is difficult to do housework.

At the end of pregnancy, it is important for the expectant mother to gain strength and remain calm, and for this she needs sufficient time to rest. If expectant mother If you have problems making a choice, it is difficult to get comfortable in bed due to an enlarged belly, or you suffer from insomnia, you need to ventilate the room before going to bed, take light sedatives in consultation with your doctor, go for a walk in the evening and try not to eat heavily before bed. The main task of this period is to prepare for childbirth, to become as healthy, rested and calm as possible.


At 36 weeks of pregnancy, even women who do not suffer from late toxicosis notice. Edema is caused by impaired blood flow due to compression of the pelvic veins by the enlarged uterus. Sometimes this is not associated with pathology, but if, along with swelling, the expectant mother experiences headaches and problems with blood pressure, it is important to consult a doctor and do the appropriate tests.

Movements the baby at 36 weeks of pregnancy feels good, although their total number decreases towards the end of pregnancy. The child grows, his womb becomes dough, he is in very cramped conditions, where it is quite difficult to move.

Also, such symptoms of a “special situation” as heaviness in the lower back do not go away, and appears.

Due to difficulty with defecation and a tendency to defecate, some expectant mothers may experience hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. It is worth reporting these problems to your doctor so that he can help you choose the appropriate treatment or adjust your diet.

At week 36, the grown uterus puts pressure on the stomach, which provokes symptoms in the pregnant woman. Heartburn occurs due to the fact that progesterone relaxes the sphincter of the stomach and from there its contents enter the esophagus, along with the acid that is involved in digestion. A balanced diet, split meals, avoid bending and not lying down immediately after eating can help cope with this scourge.


At the 36th week of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is 47 cm and the weight is about 2800 g. By this period, the baby has already accumulated a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat and looks quite well-fed. His skin became pink and velvety, practically devoid of lanugo and only in places covered with vernix. The hair on the head has become a little longer, eyebrows and eyelashes are clearly visible. Fingernails and toenails are already covered nail beds. The cartilage that forms the auricles has become noticeably denser, and all the curls and grooves of the outer ear have been formed.

At this stage, the baby is already quite cramped in the uterine cavity, his movements are limited, and shocks and blows are noticeable to the mother. The fetus has taken its “rightful” position, and it will remain until the end of pregnancy. The baby's head or pelvis gradually begins to descend into the woman's pelvic cavity.

The child's heart beats at a frequency of 140 beats per minute, its sounds have become clear and clearly audible through an obstetric stethoscope. The lungs contain a sufficient amount of surfactant. If born at 36 weeks, the child will be able to survive on his own, without the support of the mother’s body and special medical care.

How mom's life changes

36th week - the expectant mother begins to slowly age, although in most cases she is still coping with her functions. Its thickness is now about 36 mm. If the placenta aging prematurely, placental insufficiency develops, which entails a disruption in the flow of nutrients. This fact causes oxygen starvation of the fetus, due to which the child may experience retarded growth and development, problems in the functioning of internal organs.

Signs of premature aging of the placenta may be expansion of the intervillous space and the presence of calcifications, which can be detected on ultrasound.

It is important that these signs are not combined with disturbances in the baby’s development. If the baby’s proportions, weight, heartbeat, amount of amniotic fluid and other criteria are normal, then the placenta fulfills its functions of transferring nutrients to the baby, and the diagnosis of “premature aging” is not a death sentence. Sometimes a pregnancy is genetically planned for delivery at 38-39 weeks, and not 40-41, and in this case, the ultrasound results and the condition of the placenta are fully consistent with the duration of the pregnancy.


During pregnancy, you should not give up protein foods (meat, poultry, fish) for fear of gaining excess weight. Proteins perform a construction function, thanks to them a child grows, the placenta and mammary glands develop, and protein molecules also serve as transport for vitamins and microelements. You can cook meat by steaming, baking in the oven, stewing - this way it retains the maximum amount useful substances and does not strain the stomach and intestines.

36th week of pregnancy - fermented milk products are indispensable for normal bowel function; if the expectant mother has already gained quite an impressive amount of weight, she should choose foods low in fat.

It is better to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day, avoiding fatty, spicy, salty and sweet foods. You should also give up fast food, sauces, mayonnaise and products with a long shelf life. Must be observed drinking regime, however, it is not recommended to drink nectars and carbonated sweet drinks - they linger in the body and cause swelling. It is better to choose purified water, green tea or herbal drinks.


Bleeding from the vagina at 36 weeks of pregnancy, regardless of its intensity, especially if in addition to this there is pain in the stomach - these are symptoms of placental abruption, which is a reason to call an ambulance.

Liquid discharge from the genital tract that resembles slightly yellowish or whitish water may be amniotic fluid. Regardless of the amount of discharge, even if you doubt that it is water, you should go to the maternity hospital to clarify the diagnosis.

White, curd-like discharge is a sign of an infection in the vagina and a reason for urgent consultation with a doctor.


If the doctor diagnoses “premature aging of the placenta” using an ultrasound scan, you can undergo a blood flow study using Doppler metry, as well as do cardiotocography of the child once every 7 days. At the next appointment, the examination will need to be repeated in order to understand the dynamics of the development of symptoms and the behavioral strategy for the upcoming birth.

Also at the appointment, the doctor will examine the pregnant woman, measure her blood pressure, measure her stomach, and ask her to step on the scale. Before the visit, you will need to undergo general urine and blood tests.


Herbal drinks and infusions contain a large number of biologically active substances and are endowed with general strengthening properties, so during pregnancy it is worth replacing your favorite strong coffee or black tea with herbal pleasure. Of course, you shouldn’t overuse herbs either, but remembering that raspberries contain useful vitamins and will help with colds, and lemon balm will improve night sleep and relieve irritability will not be superfluous. Rhubarb or dandelion tea will help normalize intestinal function, and an infusion of anise, coriander, mint or dill will solve problems with bloating. Some herbs can be dangerous for pregnant women; ginseng increases blood pressure, while echinacea, on the contrary, reduces it. Oregano, lovage and thyme stimulate uterine contractions and can lead to premature birth, and aloe can cause bleeding and reduce potassium levels in the blood.


The difficult period of bearing a child is coming to an end. At the thirty-sixth week, a pregnant woman already clearly realizes that expecting a baby is quite hard work, on which not only the health of the mother, but also the well-being of her child depends. With the appearance of additional kilograms, it becomes increasingly difficult for a woman to move around and do housework, so it is very good if she has helpers at this time.

Baby development at 36 weeks of gestation

At the thirty-sixth week, the fetus already weighs quite a lot, on average about three kilograms. Its length is forty-seven centimeters, and the diameter of its head reaches eight centimeters. The baby has already accumulated the required amount of subcutaneous fat and has become quite plump. His skin has become velvety and soft pink, there is practically no vellus hair on it, as it is covered with oily grease. The baby's eyelashes and eyebrows are already clearly visible, and the hairs on his head have become noticeably thicker. The baby's fingers and toes are covered with long nails, the grooves and curls of the outer ear are fully formed and dense.

Every day there is less and less space in the uterine cavity for the baby’s active movements, but shocks and blows are still clearly noticeable. The fetus has already taken its final position; most likely, this presentation will persist until the end of the pregnancy. Most often, the presenting part is the head, but sometimes it can be the baby’s pelvis.

All the child’s internal organs are already well developed, his brain is fully functional. The heart rate is one hundred and forty to one hundred and fifty beats per minute. Heart sounds became clear and clearly distinguishable. The fetal lungs contain a large amount of surfactant and after birth the baby will be able to breathe on his own.

Towards the end of pregnancy, the placenta gradually withers. Its thickness is thirty-five and a half millimeters, and it still reliably copes with its functions. However, with its premature aging, placental insufficiency develops, which leads to oxygen starvation and retarded growth and development of the fetus.

Changes in the female body at 36 weeks of pregnancy

While expecting a child, a woman sometimes becomes a little capricious and irritable. Such changes in her mental state associated with many fears and doubts that arise during pregnancy. By the end of the third trimester, cramps in the arms and legs, pain in the hip joints and pubis, and heaviness in the lower back and spine often appear. Some women experience an exacerbation of such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal nodules protruding from the anus cause mass discomfort, itch and cause minor bleeding. You should tell your doctor about these symptoms, he will competently select the necessary treatment that will alleviate your health condition.

Dangerous symptoms at 36 weeks of pregnancy

Bloody discharge, especially in combination with abdominal pain, are signs indicating placental abruption, requiring an immediate call to the ambulance. Yellowish or whitish liquid discharge may be amniotic fluid. At the slightest suspicion of their effusion, you must urgently go to the maternity hospital. A white, curd-like discharge may be evidence of a vaginal infection. They are a serious reason to visit a doctor and prescribe timely treatment.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

At week 36, a pregnant woman’s diet should be no less high in calories than before. The diet should be designed taking into account the reduced energy costs during this period of waiting for the baby. But at the same time, you need to eat well, focusing on food rich in vitamins and microelements. The consumption of animal fats and simple carbohydrates should be limited. The fetus during this period should not lack nutrients in order to avoid further developmental delays and a decrease in its viability.

All products consumed must be safe. It is necessary to strictly monitor their expiration date, process and store them correctly. Do not get carried away with exotic fruits to avoid poisoning. You need to eat often, but in small portions. The amount of liquid you drink should not exceed one liter per day. Approximately once every seven days you can arrange fasting days, freeing the body from excess water. You should not eat at night, consume sweet and salty foods, as well as products made from butter and shortcrust pastry.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 36th week of pregnancy, a blood test for syphilis and AIDS, a biochemical blood test, and a vaginal smear are taken again. At this time it is necessary to carry out the last ultrasonography, during which the condition of the placenta, the weight and height of the fetus, its presentation and position in the uterus, as well as the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid are assessed.

If all the examination results are satisfactory, the pregnant woman continues to visit the doctor weekly and undergo regular tests. general analysis urine. If any abnormalities are detected in the condition of a child or a pregnant woman, the woman is taken under special medical supervision, the necessary medications are prescribed and additional studies are carried out.

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The coming 36th week for pregnant women becomes a serious milestone, when when organizing meals it is unacceptable to violate the established six-times-a-day regimen. Eating food often enough and in small quantities during pregnancy helps you avoid feelings of hunger and the desire to eat something excessively high in calories. We must not forget that the quality of food of the expectant mother will directly affect the possibility of proper feeding baby.

Modern science proves the dependence of a child’s health on the presence of the entire spectrum of useful substances in a pregnant woman’s diet. If by the 36th week of pregnancy pathologies caused by their deficiency appear, the doctor recommends introducing into the diet certain specialized products designed to solve the problem of improving the health of the mother.

In accordance with the advice of experts, certain rules for planning and organizing optimal nutrition for later pregnancy:

    • all products, both intended for consumption raw (greens, fruit and vegetable assortment) and for heat treatment, must be fresh;
    • It is unacceptable for pregnant women to eat soft-boiled eggs, meat with blood, raw fish to eliminate the risk of intestinal infections;
    • vegetables, including new potatoes, squash, zucchini, are not only thoroughly washed, but also peeled;
    • After washing, fruits are scalded with boiling water, and some (imported apples) are peeled;
    • greens are washed in small portions under a strong stream;
    • During pregnancy, it is imperative to drink purified water, making sure that its volume per day is at least a liter.

It is advisable to plan the day so that meals take place at the appointed time without skipping. When the woman is already 36 weeks pregnant, she does not work, so it is not difficult for her to follow the regime. If you have urgent matters or short trips, take sandwiches with boiled meat, dried fruits, nuts, and water.

36 weeks pregnant

Preferred food range

During pregnancy, when the period is already 36 weeks, expectant mothers should include in their diet those types of foods that are considered safe and healthy:

    • fresh, baked, sometimes boiled vegetables;
    • fermented milk drinks;
    • greens without a pronounced pungent taste;
    • cottage cheese with low fat content;
    • hard cheese;
    • fresh juices, which during pregnancy must be diluted in approximately equal volumes with boiled cool water;
    • fruits (with the exception of obvious allergens and varieties subject to long-term transportation);
    • legumes.

If there are no contraindications, then lean meats and lean sea fish are consumed. It is advisable to purchase rye, rye-wheat, bran, and whole grain bread. If during pregnancy, due to taste needs, preference is given to wheat bread, then it does not need to be eaten fresh. It is advisable to lightly dry the slices in the oven.

Pasta during pregnancy, they are used to prepare side dishes, and are also added to soups and casseroles. Usually, when drawing up a menu on the day when you plan to make meat or fish with noodles, in the morning the porridge is replaced with cottage cheese or vegetable stew, so as not to receive excess calories, which quietly lead to obesity.

The benefits of cereals

Porridge at 36 weeks of pregnancy remains on the daily menu, thanks to many beneficial properties. They must be prepared in the last weeks of pregnancy without milk or salt. Of the entire range of cereals, white rice, which contributes to constipation, and semolina are not recommended due to their high calorie content. Other types of porridge can be alternated throughout the week. It should be taken into account that whole grains bring the greatest benefit during pregnancy.

Barley and corn grits are also found worthy place in the diet of pregnant women. By alternating different types of porridges, adding honey, fruits, berries, nuts, vegetables, dried fruits, you can get a wide variety of healthy, nutritious and tasty food.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman

Undesirable foods

At week 36, pregnant women’s diet should be free of some foods that can harm not only the mother’s body, but also the child’s:

    • spicy, sour foods;
    • fried, fatty foods;
    • canned food;
    • cakes, rolls, homemade pastries, pastries, pastries;
    • sweets;

Salt, as a provocateur of edema, is used in small quantities. In some cases, during a pregnancy of 36 weeks, the doctor, focusing on the woman’s condition, advises limiting the consumption of fish, meat, milk, and butter.

Menu creation

Proper nutrition throughout pregnancy requires careful attention to the preparation of the daily menu. The ability to select products depending on their beneficial qualities allows you to make a balanced and harmonious diet. It is equally important to consider recommendations for the amount of consumption of main types of foods per day in grams:

    • rye-wheat bread – 100;
    • legumes, pasta, cereals – 60;
    • greens and vegetables – 500;
    • potatoes – 200;
    • fruits – 300;
    • dried fruits – 20;
    • meat – 170;
    • fermented milk drinks – 500;
    • fish – 70;
    • low-fat cottage cheese – 50;
    • hard cheese – 15;
    • vegetable oil – 15;
    • egg – ½ pc.

As for the chemical composition of the daily menu of the expectant mother, the ratio may be as follows (in grams):

    • proteins – 96, of which animals – 60;
    • fats – 90, of which vegetable – 23;
    • carbohydrates – 340.

The energy value of the daily diet during pregnancy is approximately 2556 kcal. It is more convenient to distribute the types of food by day so that the whole week is filled at once.

This allows you to rationally distribute financial expenses, as well as calculate how balanced the menu is in terms of the presence of the entire range of useful substances.

The need for specialized products

In some cases during pregnancy, based on the results of an examination at 36 weeks, the doctor may recommend including in the diet some specialized products designed to correct some of the deteriorating health of pregnant women.

Indications for such a prescription are problems associated with a deficiency of vitamin C, iron, calcium, iodine, which can cause anemia during pregnancy and also cause the development of osteoporosis in the expectant mother. For a child, this condition is fraught with impaired growth and weight loss.

Since the 36th week is a serious period for pregnant women, the use of specialized food packages prescribed by a doctor is an opportunity to give birth to a healthy baby. There are several varieties of them, differentiated depending on the pathologies detected during pregnancy.

    • In order to quickly neutralize the signs of anemia in the expectant mother, specialized mixtures and fruit juices enriched with iron and essential vitamins are introduced into the diet.
    • If it is determined that during pregnancy, including at 36 weeks, a woman consumes insufficient amounts of micronutrients or she is diagnosed with obesity, then the use of dry mixtures enriched with vitamins or some micronutrients with a low percentage of fat is prescribed.
    • In case of loss of strength due to protein deficiency, milk formulas are prescribed, which are enriched with all the necessary micronutrients (macro- and microelements, vitamins), polyunsaturated fatty acids - PUFAs.
    • For hypovitaminosis during pregnancy, specialized supplements with the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes are provided.
    • Osteoporosis at 36 weeks of pregnancy is a serious pathology for a woman. Mixtures and fruit juices with micronutrients, including calcium, necessary in such cases, will help stop the development of the disease. Yogurts or milk fortified with calcium are also prescribed.

Scientists have found that the deficiency of many nutrients during pregnancy is associated not only with an unbalanced diet, but also with a decrease in their content in different types agricultural products due to the intensification of agronomic technologies, the use of chemicals, improper storage, and long-term transportation.

Therefore, even if you consume the recommended amount healthy products The pregnant woman’s body will experience a deficiency of certain minerals, vitamins, and microelements. In such a situation, the use of specialized types of nutrition during pregnancy is a serious measure to preserve the health of the expectant mother and her child.

Video: How to eat properly during pregnancy?

36 obstetric week pregnancy. The weight of the fetus is approximately 2.5-2.7 kg. Full height about 45-47 cm. At this time, the indicators of each baby may differ greatly from the average, down or down. This is dictated by heredity and the course of pregnancy. What are the harbingers of labor? It's time for mom to make a list of things that are important to complete before the baby is born.

What month?

Fetal development

Your baby is almost completely ready for birth. Many internal organs (for example, the heart, endocrine glands, brain, circulatory system, liver, kidneys) are fully formed and perform all their functions.

Some organs will only function after the baby is born. For example, the intestines do not perform their excretory function, although a certain amount of feces has already accumulated in it. These are solid particles that, during the entire period of pregnancy, entered the fetal stomach along with the swallowed amniotic fluid. Such masses are called meconium, they are black in color, and will be expelled by the intestines in the first days after the birth of the child.

The lungs are not functioning yet. The fetus receives oxygen through the placenta and umbilical cord, and is also excreted carbon dioxide. Now the lungs are the baby’s weakest point. Many children have not yet developed enough surfactant, a substance that regulates respiratory processes.

This is why giving birth at 36 weeks of pregnancy is considered premature and undesirable. Babies born at this age are often unable to breathe properly. They need special equipment and medical supervision.

What's happening to the baby now? It gradually gets rid of the original lubricant. This substance protects thin baby skin from getting wet for many weeks. Now its layer is becoming thinner.

The fetal skeleton has almost reached the desired degree of mineralization. The bones of the skull are connected by cartilage. During childbirth, they will move a little so that the fetus can more easily pass through the mother's birth canal. Full bone development is achieved by an adult, approximately at 25 years of age.

The skin of the fetus has straightened out a little due to subcutaneous fat, the limbs and cheeks acquire a cute baby plumpness. The bright red color of the skin fades slightly, although childish pink color will appear only a few weeks after birth.

Count the movements. Fetal movements can be painful or simply very sensitive, but they should not be constant or too active. If your baby kicks every now and then, you may be sitting uncomfortably, overtired, or in a stuffy room.

Fetal position

Now your baby is very cramped in the uterus. Most likely, he has already taken the most correct position: head down, arms and legs crossed. But this doesn't always happen.

If the doctor has determined that your fetus is not presenting correctly, do not be afraid of anything. There are exercises that will help your baby turn correctly (read about them in the recommendations at the bottom of the article). There is also a technique for external fetal rotation, which is a special medical procedure.

Attention. During external rotation, there is a risk of placental abruption, so the decision on the procedure is made only by the doctor, taking into account all the circumstances.

Pregnancy with twins

This happens to about one mother in a hundred. Carrying two children at once is more difficult work than giving birth to one baby. A multiple pregnancy rarely lasts until forty weeks, so twins or twins may well be born at the thirty-sixth week.

At multiple pregnancy The height and weight of each baby is less than with a singleton. And the number of movements can be very small, since there is literally not enough space for two children.

Woman's feelings

It is at the 36th week that you can feel something wonderful: the disappearance of heartburn and easier breathing. Now my stomach is gradually starting to drop. This reduces pressure on the diaphragm and some internal organs.

But at the same time, your bladder seems to shrink several times, because the uterus is now putting more pressure on it. The urge to urinate becomes almost constant. Because of this, it is simply impossible to leave the house for a long time. If you are going somewhere, immediately clarify the issue of the availability of public toilets. Sometimes the urge to defecate also increases.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

You may experience severe sleep disturbances. Even if you cover yourself with pillows at night, your stomach can really get in the way. If you can't get enough sleep at night, catch up during the day. Chronic fatigue can seriously complicate the upcoming birth and after birth period.

Harbingers of labor - false contractions

You've probably been experiencing false contractions (Braxton-Hicks) for quite some time now. This is normal physiological process. This is how your uterus trains before giving birth. You feel as if your entire stomach turns to stone for a few seconds and then relaxes on its own.

At the thirty-sixth week, such contractions may appear more often. Be very careful not to confuse them with a real birth. False contractions should not be repeated more often than four times in one hour, and the intervals between them should not be uniform.

If contractions repeat as if on a timer, call a doctor - most likely, labor is beginning.

A few words about how childbirth occurs

Now you need to understand, at least in general terms, what you will expect in the maternity hospital. The birth of a baby is a very individual process. Childbirth different women may be similar, but you will definitely feel something different. Childbirth is divided into three periods:

  1. The cervix dilates enough to “release” the fetus. This period is accompanied by regular contractions, breaking of water and ends with pushing.
  2. Feeling the effort, the woman in labor pushes at the command of the midwife, then relaxes. A child is born.
  3. Pushing begins again, and the mother’s body gets rid of the membranes and placenta.

IN postpartum period The woman will need rest, a doctor’s examination, and, if necessary, stitches. All this applies to independent childbirth.

If your baby is destined to be delivered by caesarean section, then at a certain period you will have this operation. It also has phases, but they relate only to medical actions. In this case, the mother is assigned a passive role.

What does mom need to do?

Pack your bag for the maternity hospital:

  • hygiene items (pre- and postnatal);
  • sealed water bottle;
  • a plastic envelope or corner with all documents (always carry it with you).

Clarify the rules and requirements of the maternity hospital that you have chosen or determined by the doctor. There may be a ban on the use of leather and fabric bags. Then you will have to put everything in plastic bags.

If you plan to have a family member present at the birth, they may need to undergo some tests.

Also, make a to-do list. We're talking about everything you want to do before giving birth. For example, go to an interesting exhibition or buy curtains for a child.

We also read: necessary things for a newborn baby for the first time -

What not to do as a mother

Many women at 36 weeks ask impatiently: when will I give birth? There is a very dangerous situation associated with this issue.

Many mothers believe that at this stage their baby is completely ready to be born, and they can even “help” him. And then women sharply increase their motor activity, take on hard work. There are even those who specifically visit a bathhouse or sauna or intensify their intimate life.

Never try to induce labor yourself. Being 36 weeks pregnant means it's not time yet. The baby will come to you when he is completely ready. It is possible that he will need more than forty weeks for this, and this also happens. Be patient so that you don’t regret the early birth of your child.

Discharge and pain

Everything is the same here. Normal – scanty vaginal mucus white with a neutral odor. Disorders: curdled, yellow, foul-smelling discharge.

Leakage of amniotic fluid and bleeding are the most dangerous; their occurrence requires an urgent call to the doctors.

Surely now and then you have barely noticeable pain in your stomach, lower back, and back. Mild discomfort is now impossible to avoid. However, for any real pain, immediately go to the doctor or call him at home.


Problems that disrupt the normal course of pregnancy can occur before birth. Most common:

  • Gestosis (late toxicosis). Find out more here -.
  • Placental abruption. Disrupts intrauterine nutrition of the fetus. It is an indication for the premature birth of a baby.
  • Hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus. May lead to complications in the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  • Increased uterine tone. Constantly tense muscles threaten premature birth.

Photos of bellies

Visiting the antenatal clinic

The schedule of visits to the doctor can be very individual. Usually at the 36th week you go to your local gynecologist every seven days. Activities during a visit are standard:

  • checking the results of tests that you must take the day before;
  • study of data from additional examinations (ultrasound, CTG, Dopplerometry, and so on);
  • measurement of abdominal circumference, uterine height, weight, blood pressure;
  • questions about the mother’s well-being and possible complaints;
  • issuing referrals for regular tests and studies.
  1. Nutrition. Your diet has probably become a habit. After giving birth, proper nutrition will become even more important due to upcoming breastfeeding.
  2. Check your weight. It is advisable that you gain no more than 11-13 kilograms from the beginning of pregnancy.
  3. If heartburn still occurs, cook and drink jelly and porridge.
  4. Do not allow constipation to occur, eat prunes and/or dried apricots every day, and prepare compotes from them.
  5. After defecation, wash yourself to prevent hemorrhoids.
  6. Palpitations and shortness of breath require cessation of physical activity and short rest.
  7. It may be very difficult for you to move now, but it is necessary. Do gymnastics for pregnant women, Kegel exercises, walk in the park (without long walks), swim in the pool, do special yoga. This will help your body recover before childbirth and recover quickly afterwards.
  8. When sitting, keep your legs elevated, this will especially help with swelling and varicose veins. Change your body position more often and do small warm-ups.
  9. If your fetus is not positioned correctly, do not wear a bandage.
  10. A simple exercise will help to change the incorrect presentation of the fetus: lie on each side for 10-15 minutes, repeat several times. Try not to fall asleep (ask your family to help you).
  11. If the baby is in a cephalic presentation, wear the prenatal bandage at all times.
  12. Avoid traveling, especially by air and over long distances. If this is absolutely necessary, obtain permission from your doctor. Without this document, the carrier may refuse to provide you with services.
  13. If you have a planned C-section, do not worry that the baby will have a “wrong” birth. The operation is prescribed only because natural childbirth is impossible in principle. This means that the baby really needs surgical delivery.
  14. Even if you don't have stretch marks, use special means against such skin damage (). Later, it will be more difficult to get rid of white stripes on the chest, thighs, buttocks and abdomen.
  15. Beware of colds and infections. Any illness can seriously weaken you and harm your baby.

Now it is especially important for you to save positive emotions. They will help you in the first difficult days after the birth of your baby.

Video guide: 36 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the baby and mother, birth is approaching, three stages of labor

Preparing for a trip to the maternity hospital

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

Not many women know that their well-being during childbirth and in the postpartum period largely depends on what foods they consume in the last weeks of pregnancy. Nutrition before childbirth is significantly different from what it was before early stages. This is due to the fact that the body is actively preparing for the birth of a child, and your task is to help it in every possible way.

Nutrition before childbirth depending on the stage of pregnancy.

Starting from 36-37 weeks of pregnancy, you should make some adjustments to your usual diet. Minimize your intake of animal protein (meat, fish, milk, eggs). At this stage, preference should be given to products of plant origin, while the consumption of fermented milk products should be continued. When choosing among drinks, opt for juices and still mineral water. If you like various herbal teas, please read the ingredients carefully before drinking them. Some herbs stimulate contraction of the muscles of the uterus, and accordingly, can lead to the onset of labor.

Three weeks before the expected date of birth, you should completely exclude dairy and fermented milk products from your diet, as well as most products of animal origin (all types of meat, fish, eggs). Now your menu should consist exclusively of vegetables, fruits and whole grain cereals.

Approximately 2 weeks before birth, the likelihood of edema becomes maximum, so at this stage, the volume of fluid drunk should not exceed 700-800 ml. per day. Among the products, only plant foods should be left, while cereals and bread should be completely excluded.

If you didn't stick proper nutrition during pregnancy, in order to protect the baby, a week before giving birth, allergy-causing foods (citrus fruits, chocolate, honey) should be completely excluded from the diet.

On the day of birth, it is advisable to reduce food consumption to a minimum. For most women, at the beginning of labor, the body cleanses itself, so what you eat will most likely come out anyway naturally. Also, it should be borne in mind that during contractions, it is not uncommon to experience attacks of nausea. An empty stomach should also be in order to make it easier to restore intestinal functions during the postpartum period.

During childbirth, you will most likely have a desire to quench your thirst, so still water should always be at hand.

Of course, proper nutrition before childbirth plays a role big role However, in order for the birth to be easy and without complications, you should prepare for this throughout your pregnancy and adhere to proper nutrition not only in the last weeks, but throughout the entire 9 months.

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