Craft cat - diagrams and instructions for making crafts from scrap materials (95 photo ideas). Cardboard box cat house

It’s hard not to notice the indifference of cats to various boxes, drawers and shelves: at the first convenient opportunity, they will rush to study and fill the alluring space behind the doors of kitchen and storage cabinets, like every piece of cardboard in the house that comes to hand, that is, paws.

Caring owners, of course, want to please their pet and at the same time protect their closets from curiosity and the invasion of mustaches and stripes. To solve this issue, a hand-made one is perfect cat house from a cardboard box.

Every living organism needs personal space, a place that belongs only to it, where you can feel comfortable and be safe. House purrs are no exception, which, as you know, love to “walk on their own” and, thanks to their freedom-loving nature, are constantly looking for a secluded personal corner.

Cardboard boxes are especially good for this purpose:

A cat house made with your own hands from a cardboard box will definitely please your tailed friend, satisfying his immediate cat needs. In addition, it can become another wonderful place not only for four-legged animals to relax, but also for exciting games with pets.

Materials and tools for making the structure

The elements of the future construction depend on the model of the chosen house and the design idea, but there are common components that will be useful in the construction of cat apartments in any case.

These include:

  • Cardboard or cardboard box(s)
  • Scissors and stationery knife
  • Tape measure/centimeter and pencil/pen
  • Brushes and glue. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of glue. With its strong, pungent smell, the cat will not want to be inside or even near the cardboard house. To prevent this, the glue must be environmentally friendly and have quality certificates. If it is not possible to find or purchase such glue, PVA glue is perfect.

Armed with the necessary materials, you can proceed to the next stage of production.

How to choose the size of a cat house

In order for a cat to feel comfortable in its house, it is necessary to make it based on the dimensions of the tailed pet, taking into account its behavioral preferences and habits. For example, owners of Bengal and Siamese cats may encounter a predilection for these breeds to stand on their hind legs, which means that the height of the structure must be calculated so that the cat can rise on its hind legs inside the house.

A good option for such a cat there will be a cardboard wigwam, which will instantly arouse interest and at the same time provide comfort.

A do-it-yourself cat house made from a cardboard box must be made only with exact measurements to be sure that the cat will fit in it.

It should be remembered that the cat should have enough space not only for sleeping, but also for stretching when waking up, and since cat fans instinctively strive to mark their territory, also for the point of their claws.

The optimal size for a cat house is: base 50x60 cm and height 30 cm. British cats will feel comfortable in a house with dimensions of 50x50x20 cm, representatives of the Bengal breed will suit a design starting with a size of 42x40x50 cm, and the Maine Coon, as a large cat, will like a house with a play complex measuring 120x60x180 cm.

Features of building a future home for a pet

To make a cat’s house as comfortable as possible, you need to take into account the animal’s behavioral habits and preferences. For example, some owners of purrs may have noticed their pets’ passion for climbing to the very tops of sideboards and cabinets.

This is due to several factors:

  • The higher the cat climbs, the more confident she feels. On an instinctive level, this is a sign of superiority over other animals and their relatives.
  • With the onset of cold weather, warm air rises up to the ceiling, and to keep warm, the cat climbs as high as possible.

In this case, the cat will like the design with a column a meter and a half high and a diameter of at least 10-15 cm, on which the house will be attached.

Also, based on the animal’s habits, you need to choose the size of the entrance: for cats who like to relax purely in their own company, a compact entrance is suitable, but for those who like to watch all the household and everything that happens, they need an entrance that will provide good review. The optimal entrance width is 15-20 cm.

Cardboard house options

You can make a do-it-yourself cat house from a cardboard box to suit every taste, choosing an attractive degree of intricacy, complexity and design ideas for this. The only question is the personal preferences of the owner and the cat, and the amount of free time: some houses can be made in 5 minutes, making and decorating others can take a couple of hours.

There are the following options for cardboard houses:

  • Wigwam- a dome-shaped hut, often consisting of a frame in the form of four to six sticks and “walls” made of fabric or cardboard.
  • Bed- a cat bed made from a box or basket covered with a mattress or thick soft cloth.
  • One-story and two-story houses made of cardboard- the simplest square-shaped cardboard buildings, providing space for sleeping and playing.
  • Cardboard castle- a complex structure that includes cardboard blocks interconnected into several floors with various decorative elements and cut-out windows.
  • Cardboard tower- a structure consisting of many layers of cardboard cut into rings, of different diameters, from larger at the bottom to smaller at the top.

A simple house made from a cardboard box. Step-by-step instruction


Complex house out of a box. Detailed master class


Cardboard tower or castle

To build a cat tower house from a cardboard box with your own hands, you need to follow these steps:

Two-story cardboard house

You will need: door and window templates (prepare and cut out first), two identical strong cardboard boxes (the larger the cat, the larger the box needed), pencil, ruler, stationery knife, hot glue.


  1. First, decide on the scale, draw and cut out door and window templates. Attach them to the boxes that will make up the first and second floors, and trace the contours of the templates. Take a utility knife and use the drawn lines to make an opening for the doors and windows.
  2. Take the first box and cut off the two top flaps, located not opposite each other, but next to each other. Take the second box and cut the flaps in the same places, but from the bottom. After this, glue the doors to each other in each box. When the roof is made, you will need to connect them together and glue them.
  3. Making a roof. To do this, draw triangles on the two smaller flaps at the top, located opposite each other, so that the two remaining parts of the flap can be bent forward. Lightly draw a knife along the drawn line and bend it forward. Then we glue them from below to two adjacent sashes, thus creating a roof. Now you can connect both boxes together.
  4. The house is ready! Call the cat to evaluate the work. For greater comfort, you can lay a rug or pillow inside the house.

How to decorate a cardboard cat house. Decor ideas

To make the cat house more cozy and cute, you need to put in a little more effort and decorate the cardboard box yourself. To do this, you don’t have to run to the store, because most of the decorative parts can be found at home.

By the way, finding and making decorations for the house can become another little adventure and interesting activity, both for the owners and for the curious purr.

Here are some design ideas:

  • Using a thick needle, you can sheathe the house with fabric: completely or just inside, or in separate areas.
  • Pour white paper to the cardboard and decorate it with cute images.
  • Using the same principle, the box can be covered with wallpaper, beautiful napkins or newspapers.
  • You can use a variety of stickers, if available. By and large, anything that can be glued or sewn to a box can become an element of decor; use your imagination and trust your creative impulse.
  • They will help you make a cardboard cat house into a center of tenderness and comfort. Stuffed Toys: Choose several pieces and place them inside the house, near it, or glue them to the walls of the box.
  • Glue a rope that your pet likes to play with to the ceiling of the house, inside or outside. You can also tie a rustling candy wrapper, paper or a toy that the cat plays with to the rope.
  • A scratching post near or inside the house will make this place more attractive for the cat and protect the furniture from damage.

There are many options for a cat house: from the simplest, which will take no more than five to ten minutes to make, to very intricate ones, with a variety of decorative elements, second floors and towers. However, regardless of the complexity of the house, for each owner the satisfied face of his beloved purr is the best reward for the efforts expended.

Of course, you can purchase a ready-made house, but the manufacturing process itself will be fun for family members and pets who want to participate in the process. In addition, making a cat house with your own hands from a cardboard box is much cheaper than buying a ready-made one. You will be confident in its quality and will be able to show your Creative skills.

Video: DIY cat house from a cardboard box

How to make a house for a cat with your own hands, watch the video:

House for a cat made of cardboard, master class:

Experts recommend spending at least 15 minutes a day playing with cats. To prevent the animal from biting or scratching your hands, use toys. Have you spent a lot of money at the pet store, but your beloved cat does not respond to them? You can make it for your cat with your own hands. Ideas for good homemade cat toys are given below.

Cardboard toys for cats

Cats breathe unevenly towards paper bags and cardboard boxes. Sometimes it’s enough just to put these things on the floor, and the animal will find something to occupy itself with. But don't stop there - cardboard boxes can make a lot of interesting things.

You can make a rattle from small containers - place a piece of food inside, close the container and seal the edges with tape. Although it would be better to use an empty pill bottle as a rattle. You don't need to glue anything, just screw the lid on.

Pizza boxes are suitable for creating a “secret box”. To do this, prepare the box itself, scissors and tape. Creation stages:

The kitten will love to kick balls back and forth with his paw..

Large boxes will make a nice house. Cut an entrance and windows into the walls. Secure the cut cardboard with tape to create a hinged door. You can decorate the outside of the house with a felt-tip pen, attach a sloping roof, and put small toys inside.

Glue several of these boxes together to create a maze (don't throw away the remaining cardboard, we'll need it later). Place some treats to give your cat extra incentive to explore. Boxes can be stacked on top of each other, creating multi-level structures. The intricacy of the layout is limited by the amount of material, space, and your imagination! Never use plastic bags, dirty or dusty boxes. This will have a detrimental effect on the health of the animal.

Now about “production waste”:

  • Cut the remaining cardboard into small pieces of approximately the same size.
  • Fold into piles 2-4 cm high, make a hole in the center, and tie with lace.
  • Make knots along the edges so that the rounds do not fall apart.
  • The resulting toy can be hung from a stick and used as a cat fishing rod or decoration for the walls of the maze.

However, the express version does not require a stick, and paper will do instead of cardboard. Swing the resulting pendulum in front of the cat, inviting him to play.

Don't throw away the roll base toilet paper- they make excellent cat puzzles. Cut the base into rings one and a half to two centimeters thick. Insert the rings into each other until you get a ball, place a piece of dry food inside. The cat will roll the ball around trying to get food.

DIY paper crafts

Plastic plastic allows you to create full-fledged origami figures: a mouse, a fish, a bird, a butterfly, and so on. Check what your kitten likes to hunt the most: put together several different figures and play with each one in turn.

If the animal turns out to be indifferent to the figures, make a tassel: cut a colored A4 sheet lengthwise, cut half into a fringe and wrap it around a stick (a pencil will do). An option for the lazy is just a crumpled sheet. It won’t always work, but it’s worth a try: what if your cat is a dog at heart, and he likes to bring abandoned things to his owner.

Wool products

A cat playing with a ball of wool is a textbook image. As with bags, you just need to throw a ball to the animal, having first secured the free end. If at first there is no interest, roll the ball in front of her and draw her attention to the toy. If you are afraid that the animal will choke on the threads, first wrap the ball in foil.

Wool makes wonderful pom-poms:

  1. Wrap the thread generously around the fork and pull the pendant in the middle and secure it with a knot.
  2. Remove the resulting workpiece from the fork.
  3. Cut the main body of thread with scissors on both sides of the puff.

A pompom can be hung on a doorknob, under an opening, and can also be used to decorate the labyrinths and locks discussed above. A pompom will replace a paper or cardboard pendulum - it all depends on the kitten’s preferences.

Learn to knit and a whole world of products will open up for you self made, which you can make not only for yourself, but also for your pets. Knitted balls with rice filling, colorful woolen mice, birds, fish.

To practice, try knitting a wool wine cork cover. Cork is a natural and non-toxic material, you can safely give it to your pet for use. A woolen cover will extend the life of the cork; it can be easily improved later by sewing on ears and a tail; Instead of a boring blank, you get a dense mouse on a string.

Simple fabric toys

The simplest option is from a sock left without a pair. No threads or needles are required. Just fill the sock with filler (cotton wool, catnip) and pull it tightly. Enthusiasts can sew button eyes, ears and a tail to the blank - they will get a mouse for a cat.

Do you know how to use patterns? Create real soft toys for your cat. The quality is limited only by your skill and imagination: from the simplest fish from two cuttings to three-dimensional figures with articulation. First, try downloading simple patterns from the Internet. In your work you will need material, thread, needle, and filler. Decorate the blank with decorative elements.

The fabric allows you to create voluminous toys using wire frames. Cut thin felt into strips. Wrap them around a small diameter wire so that the ends hang down on both sides of the knots. Wrap the strips tightly so that there are no gaps between them. Wrap the wire into a ring and bend the ends. You will get a felt spider.

A few wire rings and a large roll of fabric will make an excellent tunnel. Be sure to wrap the wire on both sides to prevent the kitten from getting hurt crawling inside the tunnel. Ideally, the rings should be installed at intervals of 10-15 cm from each other, but you can limit yourself to two rings at the “input”, leaving the “exit” freely lying on the ground. The design can be even simpler: instead of a wire at the entrance, use a cardboard box (just make sure that the cat can crawl through it), and a sleeve or pant leg from unwanted clothing can serve as the tunnel itself.

Attention, TODAY only!

Kids love to make crafts from different materials.

You can offer your child to make a “Cat” craft with his own hands. Children will happily get to work because they love these fluffy animals. In this article we will tell you how to make a cat from different materials.


Paper is a material that is easy to cut, bend, and glue. A master class video will help you make an applique of an original paper cat.

Another option is appliqué using pieces of fabric.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • foam base 3 cm thick, size 50x80 cm;
  • multi-colored pieces of fabric;
  • marker;
  • scissors, manicure file, stationery knife.

A cat is drawn on the base sheet; you can use a stencil. All details are cut with a stationery knife.

A piece of fabric is cut out a little larger in size than the applique piece, placed on top of the design and carefully tucked into the slots with a nail file. The edges are secured with glue.

Volumetric figures

It’s not difficult to make a three-dimensional cat craft with your own hands. There are options that will interest children of different ages.

Option 1

For this craft you need 2 cardboard tubes, paints and glue.


  1. Fold the ends of one tube inward on one side and cut off the corners. This is the torso.
  2. The second tube is a cat's head. Diagonal cuts are made on the sides to create triangular ears.
  3. Both bushings are glued together.
  4. The background is tinted, eyes, nose, and mustache are drawn or pasted on.
  5. The tail is attached to the lower part of the body.

Option 2

A cat on springs is a toy that will interest older children. The work requires a little paper and patience.

Option 3

For the cat figurine you will need:

  • white and orange paper;
  • pencil, ruler, scissors;
  • glue;
  • markers.

Cut out the cat details:

  1. From orange paper:
  • rectangles 6x13 cm and 7x14 cm are the torso and head;
  • paws 4 parts 2x6 cm;
  • oval tail 2x8 cm;
  • 2 ear parts.
  1. From white paper:
  • stripes on the body (3 elements 1x14 cm);
  • stripes for the tail (6 parts 1x2 cm);
  • oval muzzle 4x6 cm;
  • ears (2 parts).

Glue the strips onto the body, roll them into a tube, and glue them together.

On the muzzle, draw or glue eyes, nose, mouth, glue the muzzle to the head, roll the part into a tube and fasten the ends with glue.

Glue white parts onto the orange parts of the ears and attach the ears to the head.

Connect the head and body.

Fold the paw parts, glue the edges, and glue them to the body.

Glue strips on both sides of the tail, the tail to the body.

Option 4

Their regular packaging cardboard is cut out with a cat's silhouette. Make 2 cuts at the bottom so that the figure can stand.

Glue on a muzzle made of colored paper and a mustache made from skewers.

The body is wrapped with colored woolen threads.

This cat will be warm even in the winter cold!


Origami – interesting way make a DIY “Cat” craft with your own hands. This technique develops thinking, logic, and accuracy.

The master class will help you cope with this task. A three-dimensional figurine of a pet will delight a child.

Chenille wire


  • 2 foam balls with a diameter of 2 cm and 4 cm;
  • wire white, brown, pink;
  • heat gun.

A hole is made in the ball on one side, glue is applied, and a brown wire is inserted. The ball is wrapped around her. The same actions are performed with the second ball. Then the parts are glued together - these are the body and the head.

For the paws, take white wire and twist it into a trefoil shape. One part is glued to the body.

The white wire for the ears is twisted into a spiral, and pieces of pink wire are inserted into the middle.

The ears are attached to the head.

The muzzle is formed from white wire, the tail is made from brown, the parts are glued, the mustache is secured - and the cat is ready!


You can make a cat from plasticine or plastic mass. To create more complex crafts you will need:

  1. Draw the outlines of a cat on a beautiful background, drawing all the details in color.
  2. Make a lot of balls with a diameter of 2-3 mm from plasticine of different colors.
  3. Attach plasticine parts to the drawing of the cat.

It turns out to be a mosaic cat! Using the same scheme, you can make a panel with a cat, using multi-colored sand, beads, pebbles, cereals, pasta and other small objects as finishing materials.

Important! In this case, the parts must be attached immediately, otherwise the adhesive base dries quickly and the craft will look sloppy.

Soft cats

Handsome cats are made from felt or felt.

If a child knows how to sew, then using the template he can make a phone case, an anti-stress cat or a bookmark.

Felting wool is also useful. For the craft you will need wool of 1-2 colors, 2 foam balls, beads, and tools - a needle for felting.

The balls are wrapped in wool and carefully pierced with a needle, creating an even soft layer on the surface.

Ears and paws are laid separately.

The parts are connected to each other by placing pieces of wool or gluing them together. The cat is decorated with a ribbon, beads are glued instead of eyes. The DIY “Cat” craft is ready!
Patterned cats

The quilling technique allows you to create original panels.


  • strips 5 mm wide;
  • scissors, tweezers;
  • quilling stick;
  • glue;
  • basis for work (designer cardboard, beautiful printed background).

A contour drawing is made on the base.

5 turns are formed for the head, 6-7 for the body, several parts in the form of a drop.

Ears (in the shape of drops) and paws are glued on, and whiskers are attached - wound on a stick and straightened strips.

Did your child lose a glove while out for a walk? No problem, the remaining glove makes a soft and cozy cat. You can see how this is done in the video

Available materials

To create a “Cat” craft with your own hands, you will need everything you can find at home.

Option 1

A disposable plastic plate quickly turns into a cat's face. The complexity of the work is low, production time is 20-30 minutes.

The plate is the head, the eyes and nose can be drawn with paints, but it’s more interesting to do it in volume:

  1. For the nose, take a black or Pink colour. It can be wound from threads. A triangle cut out of paper looks beautiful.
  2. Chenille wire is used for mustaches.
  3. You can use ready-made eyes or draw them with paints or a marker.
  4. All that remains is to glue the triangular ears - and the cat is ready.

Option 2

The cat silhouette template is transferred to the cardboard base and pins are inserted along the contour. Then the child weaves the threads, hooking them onto the heads of the pins, filling the inside of the outline.

Option 3

There are always a couple of empty ones in the house plastic bottles. They will come in handy to make a bright and cheerful cat that will fit perfectly into your country house design.

To help the young master - a master class in video format.

Option 4

A vegetable cat is easy to make. You will need 2 potatoes, carrots and a little plasticine:

  1. The potatoes are connected to each other with skewers.
  2. 4 legs, a tail and ears are cut out of carrots and secured with skewers.
  3. Make a nose, eyes and mustache from plasticine.

Important! You can make your own “Cat” craft from other vegetables, chestnuts and nuts.

Option 5

From cotton pads You will get a funny cat applique.

A video with a master class will help you create an interesting craft.

Another option is to use not only cotton pads, but also disposable spoons.

Cats are beautiful animals that have settled in the hearts of people since ancient times. In this article you will know how to make a cat from different materials with your own hands.

We are confident that both children and adults will enjoy this activity, as creative activity relaxes, calms and develops fine motor skills hands Over time, you will be able to create amazing work.

What can you make a craft from?

You can create a figurine of a furry friend from different materials. Let's list some of them:

  • Paper, cardboard:
  • Textile;
  • Napkins;
  • Balloons;
  • Matches;
  • Plasticine.

There are many materials that can be used as raw materials for a cat figurine.

Simple crafts

Here are some easy cat crafts that are perfect for kids. It is especially important for little masters to engage in creativity, because it trains imagination, sense of style, abstract thinking and fine motor skills.

CD cat

A cute portrait of a cat can be made from just a DVD disc. To do this you will need:

  • Unnecessary CD;
  • Colored paper;
  • Marker:
  • Double sided tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Corrugated paper.

Here is the algorithm of actions:

Cut out a circle from black paper. The size of the circle should be slightly larger than the size of the hole on the disk. Glue the circle to the center of the disk so that it covers the hole - the spout is ready.

Cut out ears and eyes from paper. You can make these parts of any shape or use a special instruction picture on how to make the craft.

Glue the ears and eyes to the disc using glue or double-sided tape.

You can make a butterfly for a cat from colored paper and glue it to the disk. In this case, a simple cat will look even more elegant.

Puff pastry panel

You can hang the panel on the wall, in which case it will become a wonderful accessory for your room. In addition, creating your own work of art will definitely be to your liking.

To do this you need to prepare:

  • Pattern in the shape of a cat;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Salt dough (mix 1:1:1 water, salt and flour)
  • Foil;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Frame;
  • Beads, ribbons optional.

Once you have prepared all the necessary elements, get to work.

Prepare a template in the shape of a cat. You can find it in a book and redraw it from there, or search for photos of crafts in the form of cats from the Internet.

Knead the dough in the specified ratio. Pour in a little water slowly, just 300 g of water will be enough to start with, then add more later. Water is necessary, otherwise the mixture will stick to your hands, which makes it unsuitable for work.

Leave the dough to dry; in the warm season, 3-4 hours will be enough. When the dough has become stiff, sand the edges of the cat with sandpaper. Apply a design to its surface.

Gouache or acrylic paints start painting the figure. This is a very interesting and enjoyable activity.

Make a beautiful background for your future painting, you can paint it with gouache. Glue the piece to the background and then insert the cat into the frame.

Glue the cat using a glue gun. If you wish, you can stick beads, ribbons in the form of bows and other accessories on the figurine. Don't forget to varnish the product when finished.

Felt cat

To create a figurine of a four-legged friend, prepare the following items needed for work:

  • Felt;
  • Scissors;
  • Threads of different colors;
  • Glue;
  • Filler (you can use synthetic winterizer);
  • Paper and a simple pencil;
  • Beads and parts of old toys for decoration.

Let's get started:

Draw the outline of the cat on paper, then transfer it to felt. For greater convenience, you can connect the fabric to the paper using pins.

Make two sides of the animal and cut out its outline from felt.

Mark the eyes, nose and mouth on the cat's face. Start creating them: for example, you can use buttons or parts of old toys as eyes; you can embroider a nose and mouth with colored threads. It is worth noting that the use of threads of different colors makes the craft even more creative and vibrant.

Sew the felt parts to each other: the tail, the head and the paws to the body. As you stitch the pieces together, be sure to include some filling. An overlock stitch is best suited for this project.

Decorate the toy as desired: you can use ribbons to make a scarf, bow or tie. The craft is ready.

Master class on crafts on the topic: “Cat made of paper”

You can make a wonderful black cat from paper. This craft can become a desktop decoration that will lift your spirits every time you look at it.

Prepare the necessary items:

  • Black and green cardboard;
  • Bright yellow paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Black marker;
  • Glue.

Let's start creating a member of the cat family:

Fold black cardstock in half. Cut it along the fold line. Fold one half of the black cardboard in half again, and cut a semicircle from the edge. This will create the cat's body.

Bend the edges of the paws to create the toes of your four-legged friend on which he will stand. Glue the cat's paws to the cardboard, which will serve as a stand for the product. You can use green cardboard to imitate grass. Make cuts in the back of the cat, into which we will then place the tail.

Fold the other piece of cardboard in half to serve as the head. Round the edges of the square. Make two cuts for the ears. Glue the animal's head to the body.

On yellow paper draw two cat eyes, and use a black marker to draw a pupil on them. Glue the eyes to the cat's head. Use the rest of the cardboard as whiskers and then glue them to the cat's head.

Cut the tail out of cardboard and place it in the slits. Place ready product on a cabinet or desktop.


We learned how to create beautiful figures cats from scrap materials. These lessons are simple, but the result of your work will definitely please you and your loved ones, because you can give the finished product to them as a gift.

Agree: it’s always nice to receive something made with your own hands, because every craft contains a piece of the soul of its creator.

Photos of cat crafts

Great idea for children's party– origami paper box in the shape of a cat. It can be used as packaging for candy, similar to the bonbonnieres given to guests at a wedding. Let every child invited to your child's birthday receive a miniature gift when they get ready to leave the house after the fun is over. The kids will be happy with the return gift, and you will earn the status of a cordial and hospitable hostess from their parents.

How to make an origami box in the shape of a cat

You will need colored paper V large quantities , scissors and double-sided tape. To fold one product, you need to prepare two squares: 15x15 cm and 7.5x7.5 cm (0). First we make the body of the cat, and then we move on to making the head.1. Take a larger sheet, fold it twice, first in half, then diagonally.2. Fold each corner to a point located in the center.3. Turn the craft over and fold it in half horizontally.4. Hold the paper in both hands and pinch the right and left triangles between your thumb and forefinger.5. Connect the top corners by folding the diamond formed inside the product.6. Bend the triangle located in front to the right, and the one located at the back to the left.7. You will see that you have a “pocket” divided in half. Insert your fingers into each half and straighten the paper, gradually bending it down. Turn over and repeat the action. 8. Place the bottom triangles on each side together.9. Connect the edges on the right and left with a line running in the middle. Turn over and repeat the same. 10. Straighten the folds made in step 9. At the bottom of the craft you have two points, bend the paper to them as shown in the figure. After that, hide it inside.11. Fold the piece in half on the left side to the nearest vertical line. And again, focusing on the resulting width. Repeat with the right half of the craft. Then turn it over and perform similar manipulations. Don’t forget that the triangles from the bottom in the middle must be hidden (see step 10). 12. At the top of the triangle, make two folds towards the center. There is no need to try to connect the edges to the middle line, they should be located at a short distance from it. 13. Grab the top of the triangle and fold the paper first up, straighten it, and then down. This way you will have two folds (indicated by arrows).14. Lift up the triangle by pinching the paper where the paperclip is located. Bend the part slightly.15. Turn the product over and bend the triangle down and then up.16. Take the craft in your hands and use your fingers to straighten the paper in the middle. The body of the origami cat is ready. To make the head, you will need a second sheet.1. Fold it diagonally, then align the bottom corners with the top of the triangle.2. Make a small triangle, bend the upper corners down and slightly diagonally.3. Form a fold line and hide the part inside. Turn it over, slightly bend the lower triangle twice. The head of the paper cat is ready, now use double-sided tape to secure it to the body. The nose (trapezoid) can be painted or white paper glued to make the craft look more interesting. Now all that remains is to pack the candies into small bags and tie them with a beautiful bow and put it inside. Gift box origami in the form of a cat is ready.

from a cardboard box, T-shirt, foam rubber and plywood

Plywood cat house

Other cat house ideas

DIY cardboard cat house

Cats love to climb into boxes, so a house made from a cardboard box is almost a win-win option! And working with cardboard is quite easy. We take the box and cut out a round entrance in the wall. To do this, you can use a flat plate as a template.

Trace with a pencil and cut out.

We use the top of the box as a roof. We cut off the cardboard above the entrance and parallel to it. We connect the sides, creating natural ventilation in the house.

There is an even simpler version of the house. Cut out an entrance in the box.

On the wall of the box opposite the entrance, we cut out three holes for ventilation, and a small window on the side.

We put a pillow on the bottom. We secure the top of the box with a stapler. The house is ready in 5 minutes.

You can make a scratching post for a cat from scrap materials: take a pipe - the base of paper towels - and wrap it with twine. You can use hot glue to secure the ends.

Interesting option cat house - a house made from a T-shirt. There are several options to consider.


  • 2 wires, 50cm long,
  • t-shirt,
  • cardboard,
  • scotch.

We take 2 wires and cross them together. We cover the joints with tape and insulate the ends so that the cat does not get hurt.

You should get two connected arcs that will adjust the height of the house.

Now let's work on the base for the house. Take a box, you can use cardboard. We make four holes in the corners where we will insert the arcs.

Carefully bend the ends of the wire at the bottom of the box and seal with tape so that the sharp edges do not show through.

It's time for the T-shirt. For aesthetics, you can rip off the sleeves and sew an armhole. We stretch the T-shirt onto the frame so that the neck of the product is the entrance.

The larger the frame, the wider the T-shirt is needed.

If the length of the T-shirt is inconvenient, then you can cut it off and make a pillow inside the house.

Second way. We take a cardboard box and put a pillow inside according to size.

We cover the box with a T-shirt so that the cutout serves as the entrance to the cat’s house.

Carefully fold the bottom of the T-shirt and fasten it with a stapler.

We push the sleeves inside the armhole. The simplest cat house is ready!

Plywood cat house

Take a sheet of plywood. And we make three sides and a floor out of it, it is better to choose a square shape.

For the roof you need two squares, which are connected at an angle by furniture corners.

We use self-tapping screws to connect the walls and roof.

We cut out the entrance and front sides of the roof from foam plastic.

In order to cut out the entrance, we outline the plate.

You also need to make small holes in the roof parts for ventilation.

You can line the inside with fleece or put a pillow.

We take foam rubber and cut it according to the pattern.

We cover the parts with fabric. We sew the sides together.

What works for cats also works for dogs!

We put a pillow inside.

Other cat house ideas

I suggest you look interesting ideas cat houses for inspiration.

We use plywood and wood.

Cardboard house with a printed design.

Soft house with a scratching post.

Soft house made of foam rubber.

Modern style cat bed.

I will be glad to see your comments. What type of cat house do you like best?

Cat made of colored paper: step-by-step photos for children

A ginger cat made of colored paper that walks on its own and does not need an owner. The shape of her body has a static position. Therefore, you can turn the craft into a convenient and practical stand for small items.

Necessary materials:

  • colored semi-cardboard;
  • White paper;
  • black felt-tip pen;
  • office glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

Stages of making a cat:

1. The cat's body will consist of a cubic shape. Therefore, to create it you will need to cut out a 17 x 5 cm rectangle from orange double-sided thick paper.

2. Mark along the top and bottom edges 4 cm four times. Connecting the markings. On the far left side we draw a semicircle to create the cat’s paws.

3. Bend the cat’s body blank along vertical lines and cut it along the intended contour to create paws. Let's reveal.

4. Apply glue to the 1 cm side of the workpiece. Glue the figure together and get a cubic shape of the cat’s body.

5. From the same shade of paper, cut out a tail along the contour. Glue it to one of the sides of the body. You should also take white paper and cut out a semi-oval. Glue it on the opposite side of the body and get the front part where the head will be attached.

6. Draw the outline of the head and a long strip on an orange sheet of paper. Cut out the details. We bend the strip several times and glue it together to obtain a three-dimensional rectangle.

7. Let’s embellish the cat’s face with details. Cut out a couple of drops and circles from white paper. Glue it. We also cut out the middle of the ears, nose and mouth from pink paper. Attached to to the right places.

Let's add small details to the cat's face using a black felt-tip pen or marker. We draw pupils in the middle of each circle, a long mustache, eyebrows, and the outline of the ears and mouth.

8. Glue a volumetric rectangle to the back of the head.

9. Next, apply glue to the side of the rectangle and glue the part to the wall of the body, where there is a white section of the chest.

10. At this point, our cute paper cat is ready in the form of a voluminous craft with a cubic body and a voluminous head. You can complement the craft with lines and small decorative elements that will create the desired effect.

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