Ecco shoes - how to recognize a fake. ECCO shoes: what is the difference between the original and the replica? Who ordered ecco biome online

Over the relatively short period of its existence, the Ecco brand has gained worldwide popularity and a reputation as a manufacturer of high-quality and comfortable shoes. The brand was founded in 1963 in Denmark by Karl Toosby.

The history of Ecco began with the opening of a small shoe factory. The factory produced very comfortable and lightweight shoes, which very quickly became widely popular throughout Denmark, and soon throughout the world.

From the very beginning, the production process takes place under the strict control of management using the most modern equipment. Shoe leather is processed very carefully, which makes Ecco shoes very durable.

Nowadays, Ecco shoes are successfully sold all over the world. Now Ecco not only produces high-quality shoes, but also sells leather treated in a special way. Seats for airplanes and other vehicles, as well as furniture, are made from it.

The Ecco assortment currently includes two lines of shoes: Ecco (comfortable shoes for adults) and Ecco Kids (children's shoes).

How to distinguish a fake

Since Ecco is a very popular brand, it is no secret that on store shelves a large number of fakes To learn to distinguish them from the original, you need to know the most important points to pay attention to.

For original Ecco shoes, a mandatory condition is the presence of a branded box. If the shoes are without a box, then they are fake. The box must have a brand logo, as well as a sticker with all the information about the pair of shoes.

Pay attention to the country of manufacture. Real high-quality Ecco is sewn in Portugal, Slovakia, Holland, China, Thailand and Indonesia. Any of these countries indicated on the box of Ecco shoes indicates its originality. If you see a different country on the box, then most likely they are trying to sell you a fake.

When purchasing, pay special attention to the quality of shoes. Inspect all seams carefully, they should be smooth and neat. Protruding threads are not allowed. The sole should not lag behind, no traces or drips of glue are allowed. The sole itself should be elastic and soft enough.

When worn, Ecco shoes are very comfortable on the feet, never float or chafe. Most models have arch support, which ensures maximum comfort and health of your feet.

If you smell original Ecco shoes, you should not notice an unpleasant, pungent, chemical odor. If the shoes emit a strong rubber smell, then they are 100% fake.

And lastly, remember: never buy branded shoes in suspicious, unverified places. It is best to make a purchase at official Ecco representative offices. There you can be guaranteed the quality and originality of the products.

Answering the question: – How to buy original ECCO shoes and not get fake? First of all, you need to understand that original ECCO shoes cannot be cheap. The production of such shoes today is very technological and at every stage it undergoes appropriate tests and inspections, so we get quality in every pair. First of all, visit the official store of the ECCO brand, it is in our catalog and you will find the link here. Now feel free to take off your rose-colored glasses and use common sense when choosing and purchasing branded shoes.

Recently, a lot of fakes have appeared on the Ukrainian market. At the same time, such low-quality fake shoes are sometimes sold not only online, but also found in seemingly “reliable” stationary stores in the city.

Below we present several signs of original shoes. However, it is enough to learn 3 basic rules:
1. Buy from the official store, which is linked directly to the company’s website. Or, for now, we can only recommend European online stores with an excellent reputation and sales history.
2. Original high-quality shoes are usually expensive, and when there are big discounts, they relate to the sale of leftovers and there are only a few sizes left on sale. But not when these shoes are sold in stacks at bargain prices and in all sizes.
3. Don't be fooled by the sweet price. Always first study the real prices and the seller where you buy these shoes.

We turned to the official representative of the ECCO company in Ukraine with a request to comment on the situation and advise on how not to make a mistake with the choice and distinguish high-quality original brand shoes from fakes.

“Every year there are more and more people who want to make money on the glorious name of the ECCO company. And the chances of getting burned by buying non-original shoes under the ECCO label increase many times over,” a representative of the ECCO brand in Ukraine told us.

“How to distinguish original shoes from fakes?

The very first thing you need to pay attention to is to check the presence of the original article number consisting of eleven digits, which is assigned by the company to each new model and is written on the box label. Also, the first six numbers can be found on the lining of the model, usually near the lacing. The article number consists of two sets of numbers. The first six digits indicate the model and what it looks like, and the second five digits indicate the color number. Counterfeits do not have this item. Because, using the article number, you can easily check what the original model looks like in official online stores.

The next thing you should also look at is the packaging of the shoes. The company now packages its shoes in carton boxes gray color. All boxes have different sizes, depending on the model and size of the shoe. Shoes in a box must be wrapped in white or gray paper with company logos. Also, classic models are wrapped in a special synthetic fabric. The shoes themselves always have cardboard inserts that support their shape. Those who counterfeit shoes do not pay attention to such things, so as not to increase the cost of producing counterfeits.

A very important point that we recommend that you look at is how the sole is made and attached. The ECCO company was the first to introduce the technology of injection molding of soles into molds into mass production of footwear. In this case, the sole is not sewn or glued, as is done in cheap shoes and fakes. The sole seems to merge with the skin and has no gaps or glue residues. This production technology is quite expensive, and small shoe manufacturers cannot afford to produce their products this way. Usually they order a ready-made sole and glue it to the upper, while the shoes, very often, remain unsealed and allow water to pass through.

Another indicator of the originality of ECCO shoes is the insoles. The company produces insoles from various materials. Leather, textiles, felt, wool, foam rubber, microfiber and other modern materials are used in various combinations. If you take it out and look at the insole, you will see that it consists of two or three layers and is always anatomically correctly shaped according to the foot. Again, manufacturers of counterfeit shoes do not pay attention to such things, so as not to increase the cost of production.

An important indicator of originality are the materials from which the upper of the shoe is made. ECCO produces leather for shoes and bags themselves, to the highest standards in the industry. The highest quality yak, camel and cow leather is used. In fakes, only the cheapest is used - pork from China. Leather is processed many times, going through various technical processes, and ultimately has qualities that cannot be replicated in artisanal conditions and in small-scale production. Pay attention to the thickness, texture, softness and finish of the leather, and you will know for yourself whether this is a high-quality product or a low-grade fake from the market.”

Well, a comprehensive answer from a specialist and your vigilance should help you choose good shoes! But let the relevant structures deal with the scammers. After all, such actions clearly violate both consumer rights and a number of current laws of Ukraine.

Guaranteed quality - only on branded sites!

Dear customers!

Draw your attention to!

Limited Liability Partnership "EKKO-ROS Kazakhstan" sells only high-quality and original products and does not bear any responsibility for counterfeit products posted on third-party Internet resources.

“Additionally, please note that the trademark “ECCO” is registered with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization in accordance with the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks. The exclusive owner of the ECCO trademark is ECCO Sko A/S (Denmark).

An agreement has been concluded between the international company ECCO Sko A/S (hereinafter referred to as the “Copyright Holder”) and the limited liability partnership “ECCO-ROS Kazakhstan” (hereinafter referred to as the “Distributor”) for the exclusive distribution of goods bearing the “ECCO” trademark. In accordance with the terms of this agreement, the limited liability partnership "EKKO-ROS Kazakhstan" is the only distributor of goods under the ECCO brand in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition, the Copyright Holder authorizes the Distributor to use the Licensed Marks owned by ECCO on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purposes of exercising its rights and fulfilling its obligations under the agreement.”

Be careful, beware of fakes!

To avoid becoming victims of scammers, purchase shoes under the “ECCO” trademark, only in branded stores ECCO, as well as from our official partners. The current list of our stores can be found on the website in the Stores section. The list of stores is updated regularly.

Our official partners are also the following online stores:

  • - Lamoda
  • - Wildberries

Buy ECCO shoes only in the online store and ECCO brand stores, as well as from our official partners.

Why are counterfeit products dangerous?

According to the conclusion of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology", it was established that the toxicity index of counterfeit shoes and the content of such substances as Acetaldehyde, Ethylene Glycol and Formaldehyde many times exceed the permissible standards.

The overwhelming number of manufacturers of counterfeit shoes for Russia generally ignore generally accepted standards adopted by shoe manufacturers, and also do not recognize the bans on the use of cheap toxic glue, tannins, low-quality dyes, cheap leatherette and plastic. It’s easy to guess what consequences wearing such shoes can cause. Flat feet – perhaps, does not sound so scary for lovers of cheap beauty. Various skin diseases, joint diseases, and, finally, oncology are undoubtedly more severe and terrible, but, unfortunately, no less real for fans of counterfeit shoes.

What happens next is worse. The fact that counterfeit shoes are dangerous to life is evidenced by the carcinogens formaldehyde and phenolic compounds present in many batches of shoes - substances that provoke cancer.

In handicraft shoe production, aromatic amine, metal amine and unstable aniline dyes are also used. When wearing such shoes for a long time, the likelihood of cancer increases hundreds of times! The problem becomes much more serious when you consider that many of these factories use formaldehyde and phenols in the production of shoes for both adults and children. Cheap synthetic shoes can be compared to a steam bath for the feet, where the body receives prohibitive amounts of carcinogenic substances through the skin.

Scientists have proven that more than 75% of cancers occur due to harmful and deadly substances entering our body from the outside. Human skin very quickly absorbs synthetic substances, which are present in terrifying quantities not only in cheap cooperative cosmetics, but also in homemade clothing and shoes. Once in the body, poisons are not eliminated, but remain in it forever. Of course, if you wear such shoes today, your health may not suffer tomorrow, but rest assured, the consequences, the most terrible of which are incurable terrible diseases, may not take long to arrive.

Today, experts from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority advise not only not to try on counterfeit shoes, but also not to smell them. Unpleasant, pungent odor? Place your shoes on the shelf and leave the store as a matter of urgency. Formaldehyde, styrene, phenol, organic solvents, nitrogen-containing dyes, toxic adhesives, salts of heavy metals (lead, cobalt, chromium, cadmium) - homemade counterfeit shoes contain, if not the entire periodic table, then certainly a school course in organic chemistry. But, despite the content of all of the above poisons, shoes, shoes and boots can have a quite attractive appearance, and it is not always possible to reject them based on their smell. However, even the amount of harmful substances that is not detected by our sense of smell makes such shoes especially dangerous to life.

How much has already been said about the dangers of counterfeit shoes produced somewhere in basements in small-scale handicraft production?! How much more remains to be told?! After all, we were taught to take care of our health from childhood: do not drink alcoholic beverages, do not smoke, healthy image life... But many of us learn, unfortunately, too late that we also need to choose the right shoes (so as not to stretch out our legs before the due date), without chasing cheapness.

Take care of yourself! Wear only high-quality shoes!

How to distinguish ECCO shoes from counterfeit products?

To learn how to distinguish original shoes from counterfeit ones, you need to know the most important points to pay attention to.

1. For ECCO shoes, a mandatory condition is the presence of a branded box. If the shoes are without a box, then, unfortunately, it is a fake. The box must have a brand logo and a sticker with all information about the product.

2. In ECCO shoes, the logo on the inside of the shoe must be very clear - even small elements of the logo are visually detectable.

Probably, more and more often, when buying shoes, you begin to wonder whether they are fake or not. Just about 5 years ago there was no such problem. But technology does not stand still, so fakes are becoming more and more similar to the original. But still, the original is the original. What is the difference?

We will try to describe to you in detail the difference between original ECCO shoes and fake ones.

In order to understand the differences, you need to know ECCO's shoe production methods.

For your comfort distinctive features we will divide into blocks.

  1. The first block is the sole.

The first, and probably the most significant difference between original ECCO shoes and fakes, is the method of attaching the sole.

Let's call this technique the “hot vulcanization technique.” ECCO has long moved away from rough seams on the soles and unreliable adhesives. They still have models that use glue, but this is rather an exception to their rules.

The technology for attaching the sole consists of hot injection of polyurethane (sole material) into a mold with a finished shoe upper.

Thus, the upper of the shoe and the sole are held together more securely.

The top of the shoe is stitched with a “bottom”. And the finished upper is inserted into the mold for pouring the sole.

This technology is quite complex and expensive. Therefore, counterfeit manufacturers are not able to use such technologies.

How can you see if this technology has been used?

Firstly, along the perimeter of the fastening of the sole and upper of the shoe there is a small trace from the movement of the pressure roller.

Secondly, due to the infusion of liquid polyurethane, traces of it are visible under the insole. That is, when you take out the insole from the original ECCO shoes, polyurethane sagging is visible under it. These saggings have the same color as the sole itself.

Unlike the original, there is simply a stitched lining under the insoles of the fakes. Adhesive is visible around the perimeter of the sole attachment. Seams along the sole can have a purely decorative function, but are not a method of attaching the sole. Based on this, a stitched sole is an indicator of a fake.

  1. The second block is articles.

It may not be strange, but these small numbers on shoes are an important indicator of originality.

ECCO has been using a specific shoe labeling system for many years.

It consists in the fact that the article is divided into 2 parts. The first part (6 digits) is the model code, the second part (5 digits) is the color code of this model.

The manufacturer displays these items on the box and on the shoes themselves.

It looks a little different on shoes. The first 2 numbers are the size, then the letter (indicates whether the shoe is right or left), and then the article itself, which coincides with the 6-digit article on the box (the first part). Next come the batch numbers and. etc.

The article number on the shoes itself is located:

Under the Velcro. As a rule, sandals or children's shoes are labeled this way.

Under the lacing part. To find it, you need to unscrew the place where the laces are attached and see a long code embossed with paint there.

Under the tongue of the shoe. You just need to unscrew the “tongue” of the shoe and see the long code.

  1. The third block is materials.

ECCO NEVER uses leather substitutes. Exclusively Genuine Leather, and is often used more strong skin yak. We will describe what this is in another article, in more detail.

ECCO NEVER uses faux fur. If it’s fur, then it’s natural sheepskin. But this is rare. As a rule, wool, insulation based on wool or using wool, is used as insulation in shoes.

  1. The last block is the presence of a GORE-TEX membrane or other water-repellent technologies.

We wrote about how exactly the GORE-TEX membrane works in other articles. But the presence of this membrane can be checked.

This can be seen at the places where zippers or lacing are attached. It looks like a membrane that prevents moisture penetration.

Other technologies are impregnations, so the presence of these technologies can be seen only by marking or experimentally. For example, put shoes in a bowl of water.

We hope that this article will help you get to know ECCO shoes better and stop being afraid of fakes.

Dear customers!

Draw your attention to!

Foreign limited liability company "EKKO-BELROS" sells only high-quality and original products and does not bear any responsibility for counterfeit products posted on third-party Internet resources.

“Additionally, please note that the trademark “ECCO” is registered with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization in accordance with the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks. The exclusive owner of the ECCO trademark is ECCO Sko A/S (Denmark).

The international company ECCO Sko A/S issued permission to the foreign limited liability company "ECCO-BELROS" for the exclusive distribution of goods. In accordance with the terms of this permit, the foreign limited liability company "ECCO-BELROS" is the only distributor of goods under the ECCO brand in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. »

Be careful, beware of fakes!

To avoid becoming victims of scammers, purchase shoes under the “ECCO” trademark only in the company stores of IOOO “ECCO-BELROS”.

The current list of our stores can be found on the website in the Stores section. The list of stores is updated regularly.

Buy ECCO shoes only in the online store and ECCO brand stores.

Why are counterfeit products dangerous?

According to the conclusion of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology", it was established that the toxicity index of counterfeit shoes and the content of such substances as Acetaldehyde, Ethylene Glycol and Formaldehyde many times exceed the permissible standards.

The overwhelming number of manufacturers of counterfeit shoes for Russia generally ignore generally accepted standards adopted by shoe manufacturers, and also do not recognize the bans on the use of cheap toxic glue, tannins, low-quality dyes, cheap leatherette and plastic. It’s easy to guess what consequences wearing such shoes can cause. Flat feet – perhaps, does not sound so scary for lovers of cheap beauty. Various skin diseases, joint diseases, and, finally, oncology are undoubtedly more severe and terrible, but, unfortunately, no less real for fans of counterfeit shoes.

What happens next is worse. The fact that counterfeit shoes are dangerous to life is evidenced by the carcinogens formaldehyde and phenolic compounds present in many batches of shoes - substances that provoke cancer.

In handicraft shoe production, aromatic amine, metal amine and unstable aniline dyes are also used. When wearing such shoes for a long time, the likelihood of cancer increases hundreds of times! The problem becomes much more serious when you consider that many of these factories use formaldehyde and phenols in the production of shoes for both adults and children. Cheap synthetic shoes can be compared to a steam bath for the feet, where the body receives prohibitive amounts of carcinogenic substances through the skin.

Scientists have proven that more than 75% of cancers occur due to harmful and deadly substances entering our body from the outside. Human skin very quickly absorbs synthetic substances, which are present in terrifying quantities not only in cheap cooperative cosmetics, but also in homemade clothing and shoes. Once in the body, poisons are not eliminated, but remain in it forever. Of course, if you wear such shoes today, your health may not suffer tomorrow, but rest assured, the consequences, the most terrible of which are incurable terrible diseases, may not take long to arrive.

Today, experts from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority advise not only not to try on counterfeit shoes, but also not to smell them. Unpleasant, pungent odor? Place your shoes on the shelf and leave the store as a matter of urgency. Formaldehyde, styrene, phenol, organic solvents, nitrogen-containing dyes, toxic adhesives, salts of heavy metals (lead, cobalt, chromium, cadmium) - homemade counterfeit shoes contain, if not the entire periodic table, then certainly a school course in organic chemistry. But, despite the content of all of the above poisons, shoes, shoes and boots can have a quite attractive appearance, and it is not always possible to reject them based on their smell. However, even the amount of harmful substances that is not detected by our sense of smell makes such shoes especially dangerous to life.

How much has already been said about the dangers of counterfeit shoes produced somewhere in basements in small-scale handicraft production?! How much more remains to be told?! After all, we were taught to take care of our health from childhood: not to drink alcoholic beverages, not to smoke, to lead a healthy lifestyle... But the fact is that you also need to choose the right shoes (so as not to stretch your legs ahead of time), without chasing cheapness, many They will find out from us, alas, too late.

Take care of yourself! Wear only high-quality shoes!

How to distinguish ECCO shoes from counterfeit products?

To learn how to distinguish original shoes from counterfeit ones, you need to know the most important points to pay attention to.

1. For ECCO shoes, a mandatory condition is the presence of a branded box. If the shoes are without a box, then, unfortunately, it is a fake. The box must have a brand logo and a sticker with all information about the product.

2. In ECCO shoes, the logo on the inside of the shoe must be very clear - even small elements of the logo are visually detectable.

For ECCO shoes, a mandatory condition is the presence of a branded box

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