My profession is the best teacher presentation. Profession - teacher presentation on the topic

The educator is involved in the child’s education: his upbringing, training and development.

To successfully master a profession, a person must be attentive, responsible, responsive, tactful, sociable, patient, and show a penchant for working with children.

Preferably have good memory, attention, high communication skills.

The teacher himself must be educated. K. Marx



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“Profession-educator” The presentation was prepared by: teacher-psychologist MADOU d/s No. 30 M.A. Aleshinskaya

Description of the profession A teacher is involved in the education of a child: his upbringing, training and development. Conducts exercises, classes on speech development, mental calculation skills, reading, drawing, modeling, and natural history. Develops children's attention, memory, thinking, intelligence, initiative, and communication skills. Introduces ethical and aesthetic standards of behavior in society. Organizes time for children: games, daily walks, other activities in accordance with the daily routine. Bears responsibility for the life and health of children!!!

Personal qualities To successfully master a profession, a person must be attentive, responsible, responsive, tactful, sociable, patient, and show a penchant for working with children. It is desirable to have a good memory, attention, and high communication skills. What is needed is general culture and erudition, competent and intelligible speech, a well-trained voice, and the ability to manage a team. Resistance to stress, the ability to control one’s behavior and emotions, strong nervous system: the work of a teacher, although not accompanied by increased physical activity However, it occurs under conditions of constant psycho-emotional stress.

What do you need to know? The teacher must have knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, basic life safety, first aid, ethics and aesthetics, content and principles of organization preschool education. Know the methods of teaching and developing children, be able to organize them cognitive activity. The specialty can be obtained at a pedagogical college in the specialty " Preschool education"Usually, during his studies, a person masters not only the profession of a teacher, but also one additional specialization to choose from: management visual arts, physical education, speech therapist, child psychologist, teacher in English for preschoolers, etc.

Place of work and career Works in kindergarten: in a group, gym, also outdoors, in the area for a walk. There are jobs in preschool institutions, development centers, and private kindergartens. Opportunities for career growth are small: increasing the level of education and accumulating work experience are reflected in the level of income, but do not yet ensure advancement up the career ladder. There is a chance to someday take the place of the head of a kindergarten or become an official of the education authorities. You can start a business, for example, by creating a private kindergarten or development center.

The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student. R. Emerson The educator himself must be educated. K. Marx Everything that is achieved through training, pressure, violence is fragile, incorrect and unreliable. J. Korczak

Natalia Dudkina
Presentation “My profession is a teacher”

A teacher sounds proud, but according to world research, working with children is one of the most difficult and responsible occupations. The reason for this lies in the fragility and vulnerability of the child’s psyche, the formation of which partially falls on his shoulders. teacher. All work teacher with a child is focused on the formation of not only a new personality, but also a new citizen of a particular state. In preschool education brought up the child’s attitude to work, to society and to himself, laying a solid foundation for his further development. I must say that in this difficult profession Most often they come by calling. After all, not only is it quite difficult - after working a shift, you have to, like a teacher, prepare for the next day - write class notes and prepare teaching materials, but also the salary teacher leaves much to be desired.

Profession educator - heroic profession.

And yet we must pay tribute - profession teacher kindergarten not only difficult, but also very interesting. But this work must certainly be carried out by passionate, kind and responsible people.

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Elena Elshina
Presentation “Profession of a kindergarten teacher”

The profession of a kindergarten teacher is one of the honorable professions in the world.. After all, it is with kindergarten The first stage in a child’s life begins. The teacher provides education, takes responsibility for the living conditions and development of children. Teacher kindergarten must teach the child the basic principles of the world around him. Patience, perseverance, exactingness and creativity are the qualities that contribute to achieving better results in raising children.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote:"IN education everything should be based on personality teacher,because educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality. "

Every day coming to kindergarten I'm convinced that I love my job. Seeing the cheerful eyes of children, their smiles, their joyful mood, trusting faces, this is why I want to work further. Together with our children, we overcome difficulties, achieve our goals, and together we rejoice in victories. Not only we adults teach and raising children, but sometimes children teach us what to do in a given situation. It is children who make us adults look at the world from a different perspective.

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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Profession teacher 2017. Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region State budgetary educational institution "Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College" The presentation was made by a student of group 444 z 6 in the specialty 44.02.01 Preschool education (correspondence course) Oksana Alekseevna Kulakova.

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The profession of a teacher originated in Ancient Greece; in those days, a special slave was involved in raising a child - a teacher, who dealt only with the child and accompanied him everywhere, hence the name. The rest of the time, the teacher monitored the child’s development, protected him from dangers and shaped his attitude to life, developed the child’s abilities, actions and behavior in general. Many centuries have passed, but the function of the educator has retained its significance. What should a modern educator be like, what is his function in the modern world? The requirements for a teacher are very high. He must be a wise, knowledgeable mentor and artist at the same time, possess all the knowledge that develops and educates children and be able to use it professionally in classes with children in kindergarten. History of the profession

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The profession of a teacher or teacher is extremely honorable and respected. It is the teacher who is responsible for the formation of the students’ personality and the development of their future destiny. The teaching profession first appeared in Ancient Greece, but was not widespread, since slaves were involved in raising the children of wealthy people, and the children of peasants did not receive any education at all. In an evolving society, the profession of educator grew into the profession of home tutor, whose goal was focused on raising the offspring of the employer. Several centuries ago, the work of educators and educators acquired a mass focus, which was facilitated by the emergence of the first schools. A huge task was entrusted to the shoulders of the educator, which consisted in the formation of young boys and girls, and the subsequent direction to the chosen path. It should be added that the profession of a teacher is highly relevant even today. History of the teacher profession

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What do you need to have to become a teacher? Required qualities a modern educator - patience, goodwill, tolerance, erudition, erudition, a developed sense of empathy, because the educator has to work not only with children, but also with parents. It is necessary to learn to respect parents, to take their opinions into account, even if it differs from the teacher’s ideas about pedagogy. “The ability to educate is still an art, the same art as playing the violin or piano well, or painting well.” A. S. Makarenko.

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Why I chose a profession Living among children requires you to understand their needs, establish contacts with their parents, be thoughtful about everything that surrounds you, and endure the hardships of a hectic educational life. I think it is worth paying a lot of attention to preparing children for school. Their first assessments will be an assessment of my work. I believe that the main goal of a child care institution is the comprehensive development of personality, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, as well as preparing children for school. Raising children is a special function of adults who take responsibility for the physical safety and development of children.

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A teacher is... A teacher is the first teacher, after the mother, that children meet on their life path. For me, my profession is an opportunity to constantly be in the sincere, understanding and accepting world of childhood, in the daily, and sometimes every minute, land of fairy tales and fantasies. And you involuntarily think about the importance of the teaching profession when you see in the wide-open, trusting eyes of children the delight and expectation of something new, catching my every word, my glance and gesture. Looking into these children's eyes, you understand that they need you, that you are the whole universe for them, you support them with your love, you give them the warmth of your heart.

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All children have very different characters, so you can’t do without an individual approach, some need to be caressed and pitied, and some need to be scolded, because the teacher is a second mother, and she should have the key to each child. A teacher is a sage to whom children go with any question, and he must give an answer: why are bears white, why don’t people fly, where a mosquito’s ear is, how snow is formed, etc.. In my opinion, a very interesting profession is to be a teacher: children love you and expect something new from you, and you live their life and rejoice in their successes with them... The highest manifestation of pedagogical success is a smile on the faces of children. It costs nothing, but it gives a lot, it enriches those who receive it, without impoverishing those who give it. Children

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When the time comes to determine life priorities, boundaries and goals, a very important period begins when the whole future life depends on the choice made. There are thousands of professions in the world, and choosing one for the rest of your life is, of course, difficult. But there are still such happy professions that cause a certain delight among the people around them. The nurse personifies mercy, the first teacher represents the brightest memory, and the kindergarten teacher represents kindness and attention, some kind of inexplicable happiness and... a second mother. One can only be surprised how much is required to work with children, which to the uninitiated seems very simple. In fact, who can’t look after a child, feed him, take him for a walk, read a fairy tale, pat him on the head? It turns out that this is not enough. In addition to knowledge and skills, you need to be able to make children fall in love with you. And only then, when the “romance” begins, the real work begins... “We say, with our hand on our hearts, Let everything be beautiful in a person, And thoughts, and actions, and soul! In harmony with nature and with yourself In the world, so that children can live, Nurture in children, take care, Preserve the ecology of the soul.” N. Lukonin

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Children fall in love easily, but maintaining their love is extremely difficult: they need reciprocity. The unrequited feeling evaporates instantly, without a trace. Love for children cannot be replaced by any pretense - they notice the difference immediately. And most importantly, the teacher must be worthy of love and not cause disappointment in the children, otherwise everything will be lost. How difficult it is to be in shape all the time, under the gaze of children noticing everything. They are very observant, these kids. And yet this is an amazing profession! Working with children gives a person the opportunity to show all the best that is inherent in him: both spiritual qualities and abilities.

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Kindergarten for children Kindergarten is a second home for children, here they spend 10-12 hours a day. The main task of the educator is to develop the child’s personality, that uniqueness that will distinguish him from others; teach how to communicate and consider others, respect yourself and others...

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A teacher is a responsibility. Being a kindergarten teacher is very, very difficult. You understand what responsibility lies with you - the future of the child, the country, the entire planet, and yours personally depends on the teacher. Do I take on too much?! Not at all... In 5-10 years, the entire adult population will be represented by our graduates. It is to them that we will go for treatment, they will build houses, pass laws, and become the people on whom the fate of the planet depends. You will say that the main educators are parents, but modern parents, mostly our graduates too!

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Educator as a person But in order to educate a person, you need to be a person yourself. 1) The teacher must know a lot, constantly work on himself, have special skills; constantly improve your skills, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods; know a computer, be able to use the Internet.

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2) The teacher must be a psychologist, take into account age characteristics children, find an individual approach to them, respect them. Children are open to goodness and beauty, do not tolerate injustice, and tell the truth straight to their faces! 3) The teacher must be a creative person, be a guide for children into the world of fairy tales and fantasy, evoke delight, love, tenderness, and surprise in children. The teacher must be interesting to children - be able to sing, dance, “animate” dolls, read poetry, tell fairy tales, sew, draw, make toys from natural material, from paper, from bottles and jars, from lids and boxes and much more!

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6) The teacher must be able to find mutual language with parents. Every parent dreams of a kind, smart, loving teacher for all children (including his child). The teacher must pay attention to the questions and wishes of the parents, be extremely polite and patient with them (know the psychology of an adult, because parents are all so different!) 7) What else? The teacher must be: independent, diligent, disciplined, hardworking, responsible

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The profession of a teacher is very relevant in our time, since the future of the world depends on the younger generation.

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Goal and tasks:

Introduce classmates to this profession; To interest classmates in this profession;

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Methods of finding and performing work:

Internet media (mass media)

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Description; History of the profession; The importance of the profession in society; Uniqueness of the profession; Risks of the profession; Where to get this profession;

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A teacher sounds proud, but according to world research, working with children is one of the most difficult and responsible occupations. The reason for this lies in the fragility and vulnerability of the child’s psyche, the formation of which partially falls on the shoulders of his teacher

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History of the profession:

The history of the teaching profession originated in Ancient Greece, but in those days a child was raised by a slave, who took him to school and carried all the necessary supplies for his studies. The rest of the time, the slave monitored the child’s development and protected him from danger. Some time later, the slave’s work was continued by the home teacher, and subsequently, after popularization public education the profession of educator appeared...

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The importance of the profession in society:

Life position a person, his character, moral principles and views are laid in childhood, and that is why the high competence, impeccable education and comprehensive development of the personality of the educator himself, accompanying the child in his early years, acquires special social significance.

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Uniqueness of the profession:

Working with children, the teacher is directly involved in organizing their lives under certain conditions. preschool, carrying out all the planned activities. To work successfully, you must have a good understanding of developmental psychology children, pedagogy, be familiar with the basic principles of organizing preschool and primary school education.

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Profession risks:

Positive sides professions involve direct communication with children. The profession of a teacher is perfect for women, which is clearly reflected in statistics, but the lack of male education for preschool and younger children remains annoying. school age, the reason for which lies in the low material profit of this profession

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Where to get this profession:

It is possible to obtain education as a teacher at pedagogical schools, as well as pedagogical or humanitarian institutes

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