Baskets made from newspaper tubes for beginners step by step. DIY basket made from newspaper tubes

Many women have one hobby or another, which not only allows them to occupy free time, but it’s also good to make money on it. Lace shawls, toys self made– it not only looks beautiful, but is also quite expensive. But a new trend in handicrafts is beginning to gain popularity in the world - wicker baskets from newspaper tubes.

Beautiful, practical, easy to use at home - they are perfect for storing things and a variety of jewelry, stationery, notebooks and much more.

Basket weaving patterns

There is a huge variety of patterns for weaving such baskets, from the simplest to quite complex and requiring great care, as well as the skill of the needlewoman. For a girl, this is not just a way to decorate her home with unusual household items, but also a good way to earn money while on maternity leave.

The secret of weaving itself is very simple - for such baskets made of paper tubes you do not need any expensive material - any paper or even ordinary newspapers will work perfectly.

All this splendor is held together with regular varnish and then covered with spray paint, which allows you to create a truly beautiful and unusual piece of furniture.

There is even a whole master class that allows you to learn how to weave a variety of baskets yourself at home absolutely free of charge.

Detailed instructions combined with a variety of photos provide not only a good basis, but also wide scope for the needlewoman’s imagination. Thanks to this, even the simplest things have their own charm.

What do you need?

Before you can take a cool photo of a straw basket, you need to weave it. And for this you will definitely need a form: any object that will help the product keep its given shape is suitable for this. For example, many girls use ordinary boxes, vases, and even various toys for this. For some unusual baskets, you can use various dishes, or even create and glue a mold for it yourself.

You can use newspapers as a material, preferably double sheets, then the product will be much stronger and more durable. We also weave a basket from tubes using: clothespins, scissors, regular office glue and a long wooden skewer.

Thick cardboard is usually used for the bottom of the future product, and a wide variety of decorative materials are used for decoration: ribbons, beads, various flowers, corrugated paper.

After creating a product, it is usually coated with paint or colored sheets of thick paper are initially used. But such material is quite expensive, so it is not profitable for subsequent resale.

How to make a basket?

And of course, the most important question that concerns the future needlewoman is how to make a basket from straws? To do this, you need to level the newspaper sheet, and then take a wooden skewer and apply it to the edge of the newspaper sheet.

After this, begin to tightly roll the newspaper sheet around this wooden skewer, which ultimately allows you to get a beautiful, dense tube. When twisting, it is also necessary to coat (lightly) the newspaper sheet with PVA glue.

Keep doing this until you have enough material to create a masterpiece. After you have decided on the shape of the future product, cut out the bottom from thick cardboard. The tubes are also glued together with PVA glue, but they must be allowed to dry thoroughly before doing so, so as not to end up with soggy paper.

To create a complete product, press the blanks to the base and let them dry, forming a square. And so on until there are four squares to form the walls of the basket. After this, connect everything together with glue and let it dry.

The finished item should be opened with varnish and then with paint from a spray can. If you have stencils at home, you can create some really cool installations using contrasting paint.

If you need step-by-step instruction for beginners, there are a lot of them on the Internet with a large number of photographs for examples and visual explanations for future needlewomen.

Photos of tube baskets

Surely the housewife has a stack of unnecessary newspapers at home that it would be a pity to throw away. A DIY newspaper basket will give them a second life. The product, depending on its size, can be multifunctional: it is a box for small items, a box for papers, and a basket for things. With the help of such a unique detail you can decorate your interior. Also, a homemade basket will appeal to needlewomen, as they can experiment with its design, relying on their limitless imagination.

Flower basket

A bouquet in a basket made from newspaper tubes will look great. Of course, you can store not only flowers in it, but also other things. Making this basket is not difficult even for beginners.

This master class will help you easily create a beautiful thing that will become a decoration in any interior. So, you will need:

  • a stack of newspapers;
  • an object that will be braided;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • thin knitting needle;
  • PVA glue.

Preparing the “vine”

First, let's prepare the parts for the future product - newspaper tubes.

To make them, you will need to divide the newspapers into double sheets and line them into strips, and then line them into strips about 10 cm wide.

When the strips are cut, you should wind them one by one onto the knitting needle, starting from the corner.

When winding the strip, you need to make sure that the newspaper is pressed tightly to the knitting needle and glue the joints from time to time.

When the strip is wound, glue the edges and remove the knitting needle. The process is shown in more detail in the photo.

Creating an organizer

When the newspaper tubes are ready, it’s time for the main process - weaving the basket. The master class will help you understand this difficult matter. There are two ways to make braid.

Having decided on the size of the finished product, you need to cut out the bottom from cardboard and glue the ends of the tubes to it so that there is approximately the same amount on each side. Then, when the glue dries, cut out the second bottom using the same measurements and glue it to the base, thus covering the junction of the tubes. When the bottom of the basket dries, you need to bend the tubes up and place an object inside the future basket, the shape of which the product will take. Next, take the tubes and intertwine them perpendicular to the existing ones in a checkerboard pattern. Glue the places where the tubes connect to each other. When the product reaches the desired height, carefully tuck in the vertical parts and coat the top row with glue. After the glue has dried, cover the basket with paint and varnish. The photo shows the manufacturing process.

The second method is more labor-intensive; it involves weaving the bottom of the basket. In order to weave the base of 4 tubes, place two at a distance of 1-2 cm. This is the first row.

Second row: place 6 tubes in pairs and perpendicular to the first row in the following order: the first 2 tubes are under the first pair and above the second pair of the first row. The other 2 tubes are nearby, but mirrored (above the first pair and under the second pair of the first row). Place the remaining 2 tubes in the same way as the first two.

Next you need to take new straw, fold in the middle and put braids on some pair of rays. Cross the working tube once and continue braiding other pairs of tubes. After each pair, cross the working parts of the tube.

The third and fourth rows are made with a single working tube. To make an edging at the bottom of the basket, the ray where the row ended should be folded over the next one, and repeat the same with the remaining rays to the end. Insert the last tube into the loop formed from the first ray.

The next rows are woven according to the pattern of the third row of the bottom. You can decorate the basket with beads; to do this, when weaving some rows, you need to put beads on the working tube.

When the basket reaches the desired height, cut off the remaining tubes and secure them between the rows.

Weaving a basket handle

The handle should be strong enough, so after the basket has reached the required size, you should leave 3 tubes on each side and fasten them with clothespins. When the edge of the basket is glued, you can start weaving the handle.

The three tubes that remain on the sides need to be connected. Then glue a working tube to their base and braid the remaining three with it. Glue the end of the working tube to the opposite side of the basket at the base of the handle. The weaving of the handles is shown in more detail in the video.

Glue the finished product with glue, cover it with paint and varnish.

Video on the topic of the article

More more ideas can be found in the video.

I came across such creativity online as weaving from newspaper tubes. I was interested and decided to try it. I have reviewed more than a dozen master classes. Externally, the products are in no way inferior to wickerwork. And for home use They are quite durable and would be nice for a gift!
Using various varnishes, paints and coating impregnations when weaving, you can create braids of all the colors of the rainbow.
And by decorating the baskets with beads, flowers, ribbons or appliqués using the deco page technique, you can turn them into works of art.
Here's what I got.
You will need:
1. Newspaper sheets
2. PVA glue
3. Knitting needle
4. Scissors, stationery knife
5. Paint (acrylic), varnish (Finish varnish), alcohol-based stain (origon, larch, lemon...)
6. Brushes for glue and paint.
7. Basis for weaving

Operating procedure:

First, you need to determine the direction of the paper grain. The direction must be longitudinal. There are several ways to determine direction. Here's one: stretch the edges of a piece of paper between the nails of two fingers. In the transverse direction of the fibers, the edge will become wavy; in the longitudinal direction, folds will not form. Strips of this size will make thin tubes for an elegant product. If you need thicker tubes, then the width of the strips and the diameter of the knitting needles need to be increased.
I paint the tubes with a brush on regular oilcloth. I only use alcohol-based stains. On the recommendation of one master class, I tried to paint the tubes with a water-based stain - it ruined everything. When wet, the gluing area separates and the tubes unfold. Don't repeat the same mistakes.
Stage 1: Preparation
We mark the newspaper into strips of 7 cm.

On a backing board, cut the newspaper into strips with a utility knife.

The angle of the knitting needle on the newspaper strip is 10°-15°.

You need to start winding the strip very tightly, wrapping the edge of the newspaper around the knitting needle. The tubes are obtained white if the white margin of the newspaper strip is left on the right.

Secure the edge of the newspaper with glue.

At this stage, the finished tubes can be painted in the desired color if desired and allowed to dry thoroughly. You can paint it after ready product. And if you cover it with paint and varnish on top, then no one will guess that this basket is made from an ordinary old magazine (newspaper).

Stage 2: Weaving
Let's start the work by weaving the bottom. It all depends on the size of your product. To weave the basket presented to your attention, you will need 30 (thirty) tubes 50 cm long.
We take 10 tubes (hereinafter: faces) 45-50 cm long. Lay them out in pairs.

We fold the working tube in half and wrap it around the first pair of rays.

The start of work can be marked with a marker on the edge of the beam.

We braid each pair of rays with a rope. The working tubes intersect, then one working tube goes on top of the pair of rays, the other below. As soon as the length of the working tube ends, we extend it (insert the end of the next tube into the hole of the previous one).

We weave two rows until the pair of rays marked with a marker.

We weave the third and fourth row into one ray.

We direct the working tubes to the middle of the bottom.

We form the edging of the bottom. With the first ray (marked with a marker), we go around the next one, directing it to the center of the bottom and so on in a circle.

We insert the last ray from below into the loop of the first ray.

We decorate the 5th (fifth) row with wooden beads with a diameter of 16 cm. You will need 6 pieces. beads

6 (sixth) and 7 (seventh) rows, knit with a rope. The work is almost finished! All that remains is to trim the excess length of the working tubes and tuck them between the rows using a knitting needle.

We cut off the extended ends of the working tubes with scissors.

To make the handle of the basket, leave 3 (three) rays on each side, separating them with clothespins. Place a drop of glue at the base of the remaining rays and cut them off with scissors.

We connect the ends of the basket handle tubes.

Before weaving the handle, drop a drop of glue onto the edge of the tube and secure it with a clothespin. We braid the handle with a tube along the entire length.

At the end of weaving the handle, drop a drop of glue onto the end of the tube and secure it with a clothespin. The main work is finished.

Stage 3: Coloring
For strength, saturate the basket with PVA glue and give it the desired shape. Let the glue dry completely.

Paint the basket white acrylic paint. (you can add color paste, different dyes or paint with stain).

We cut out the motifs from a napkin and make a page deck. Cover the basket with Finish varnish and dry the finished work.

There is nothing better than something made with your own hands. Admire, rejoice, give as a gift!!!

Weaving has always been a popular handicraft not only among women, but also among men. Everyone has memories of wicker baskets, with which it is so convenient to go to the forest to pick mushrooms or berries. And what beautiful straw hats come out of straw sticks. This material provides a master class on weaving baskets from newspaper tubes, thanks to which you will learn how to make such wonderful products.

A little history

In the era of the 20th century, when people did not have any means to make suitcases, they weaved baskets, and the basket was closed with a lid and locked. It was from these times that such interesting handicrafts began, and also very useful ones. Times change, as do materials. So here, instead of straw and wicker, newspaper, paper or a magazine are now used, tubes are twisted, and incomparable things are woven from such simple and accessible material.

This type of needlework is very exciting for many people, and every year there are more and more people who want to learn how to weave. In the old days, to learn how to weave, you had to look for a skilled person, but now learning anything is as easy as shelling pears. IN in social networks there are many groups and publics. You can easily use the Internet and watch interesting videos.

What can you weave from newspaper tubes? There's a lot you can do. For example, weave a beautiful hat or a basket with a handle for a picnic. Show a little imagination, it will help a lot in this matter.

Nowadays, it has become very popular to have beautiful hand-made things in the form of apartment interiors. With such needlework, there is a place for an interesting thing in every corner of the house. For example, a handmade laundry basket would be perfect for the bathroom.

Let's go to the lesson

In this article you will learn a master class on weaving a round basket. Experienced craftsmen make magnificent products, from which everyone is delighted. Many people think that this is incredibly difficult, but in fact it is just good workout, which you can easily master. When looking at a photo of a wicker product made by a master, it simply boggles the mind how it is possible to make such an impeccable thing, in which everything is so perfect that there is nothing to complain about.

So where to start and what do you need to get started?

You should start with preparation. Buy magazines, newspapers or just A4 paper (more is possible), or rummage through household waste paper. Prepare scissors that cut well. Buy PVA glue at the store. Then you just need a knitting needle or something similar.

Note! The diameters of the tubes depend on the thickness of the knitting needle; it is impossible to do without it.

In order to strengthen our tubes, we need a varnish to cover the wood. To decorate the finished basket, use paint, or food coloring. And also don’t forget about brushes, it’s better to take a couple - for glue, paint and varnish.

So, let's make a list of what we need:

  • magazine, newspaper or paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • paint or food coloring;
  • knitting needle or something similar. Choose the diameter yourself;
  • varnish for fixing (preferably wood varnish);
  • brushes (three pieces).

When you have all the tools, you can safely start making the basket. If after watching the video nothing works out, don’t be upset, you can calmly go to courses, master classes, where everything will be explained, shown and told in detail, down to the smallest detail.

If you are already a trained person in this matter, then with a high degree of probability this will be able to expand your circle of imagination and give you new ideas for creativity. Well, if you have just started to master this type of needlework, then you don’t have to worry, everything will definitely work out.

Remember. In order to create something clearly and accurately, you must first spoil it or even completely ruin it. But this is just experience and training. Don't get too upset and quit right away.

The more and more diligently you do this and clearly hone your skills, you will become a master of your craft and cannot be compared with anyone.

The main thing is don’t be afraid to use your imagination. After all, it is imagination and manifestations of creativity that will help you create mind-blowing things and bring pleasure to those around you and your loved ones.

Below is a video of interesting trainings and master classes.

Video on the topic of the article

Today, a new type of needlework is successfully developing - weaving from newspapers. For many, this activity has already become a hobby that is simply impossible to give up. This type of creativity helps you take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, switch your attention and do useful things yourself to create home comfort. A laundry basket made from newspaper tubes will become interesting decor in the interior of the bathroom.


To weave a basket you need to have the following tools:

  • ordinary newspapers that every home has;
  • dye to create the color of the future basket. Water-based stain is often used;
  • stationery knife and scissors;
  • a long needle, the diameter of which should be 2.5 ml;
  • PVA glue with a thin brush or glue in the form of a pencil;
  • regular clothespins for secure fixation;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • brush;
  • weight for oppression.

Before you start weaving a basket, you need to imagine what it should be like. You should definitely take into account parameters such as shape, height and density of weaving. If you have difficulties with this, then you can use a bucket or box of the required size as a model.

How to make newspaper tubes?

When creating a laundry basket, paper is used, which is a substitute for wicker. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to prepare newspaper tubes. Sequencing:

  • Newspaper sheets must be made in A4 format. It is the size of the album sheet that is optimal and is 21x30 cm.
  • Each prepared leaf must also be cut into three leaves lengthwise, then the size of one leaf will be 7x30 cm.
  • Thanks to the use of a stationery knife, you can quickly and accurately make a large number of leaves of the required size. Such a knife will allow you to make smooth edges and eliminate traces of paper fibers. In the future, each strip will become a tube.
  • It is necessary to sort the sheets. Divide them into two piles: with printed text and with white stripes, which are always on the edges of newspaper sheets. This preparation will allow you to make white tubes from those strips that were on the edges of the newspaper sheet; the rest of the tubes will need to be painted.
  • Take one strip and place it vertically, with the white side on the right.
  • Place the knitting needle at the bottom left at an angle of about 30 degrees, and begin to wind the sheet onto it. When only 1 cm of strip remains, secure the tube with glue.
  • Next, do the same steps with colored newsprint. The only thing is that you need to try to hide all the dark areas in the middle.
  • After this work, you will receive identical paper tubes, the length of which will be slightly more than 30 cm.
  • Distinctive feature Each tube will have one pointed edge and the other in the form of a bell. This allows you to connect several tubes together using glue to create a long stick that resembles a vine.

Watch a short video tutorial on how to make straws from newspapers.

Painting the tubes

Before you start painting the tubes, you need to prepare your work area. Take a small tray and place plastic on it. You can dry the “vine” on it after painting. Prepare the stain and put gloves on your hands.

You can work with 10 tubes at once. Dip them in the stain for 3-5 seconds. Then lower the other end. After painting, each tube must be carefully placed on a tray, leaving some distance between the “vines”. When the tray is completely filled, then you can lay the straws on top as a “woodpile”.

To dry completely, just leave the tray with the straws for 12 hours. It is better to avoid additional sources of heat, since sudden drying can make the tubes dry out and they will lose their plasticity.

Weaving baskets of different shapes


To create a wicker basket from square newspaper tubes, you need to start by forming the bottom into a square.

So, first you need to take a strip of cardboard, keeping in mind that the bottom of the basket will be slightly smaller in size cardboard Then fold it in half. Using a hole punch, make small holes in the cardboard, the distance between which should be no more than 2 cm. You need to insert a long “working rod” into the holes.

Now you can start weaving the bottom of the basket. The elongated tube must be woven next to the cardboard paper. When the weaving reaches the edge, then you need to make a turn and weave in the opposite direction. So that the “working vine” does not end, you constantly need to lengthen it - add more newspaper tubes. It is necessary to keep the size of the bottom under special control, as its width may narrow. Thus, it creates a square bottom of the desired size.

To see this process clearly, see the video below.

Next, you can move on to weaving the side walls of the basket. There are already two vines of the future frame, so it is necessary to make two more walls. To do this, you need to take a long newspaper tube, bend it in half and insert both ends into the bottom of the basket. Tails that will appear with reverse side bottom, you need to bend it upward and secure it. Thus, a stable frame is obtained. Depending on the desired height of the basket, it is necessary to create a “working vine” of the required size.

To securely fix the walls of the basket, you need to take a heavy object shaped like the future product and place it in the center. Next, the frame tubes are attached to it using an elastic band. For a square basket, it is very important to create smooth edges. When weaving a product of a different shape, you can do without a sample inside.

Weaving must begin from the bottom of the basket. You need to take a long tube and weave it into one of the sides, while alternating the position of the vertical tubes, from the front to the back. In this way you need to form all the walls.

At the beginning of weaving, the end of the “working vine” remains; in the future it will be used as one of the elements of the frame. It allows you to create an odd number of vertical tubes. After each row, the free end must be braided. The process of weaving the side walls occurs in a circle until you get a basket of the desired size.

For a simple way to weave walls with a rope pattern, see the video below.


To create a rectangular basket, you need to start by weaving a rectangular bottom. You need to create a cardboard pattern for the bottom of the basket. Then place it along the edge of the finished tube and secure the structure with clothespins. Next, you need to place paper tubes across the base, and in turn, each “vine” should go under or above the base, adhering to the required weaving density. For a while, the structure should be covered with another newspaper tube and secured with clothespins. The bottom will resemble a comb, so then you need to weave in new tubes, adhering to a checkerboard pattern, to create the necessary density of the bottom. When the bottom acquires the required density, the clothespins can be removed, because it will already hold its shape on its own. The width of the bottom depends entirely on the size of the pattern. When weaving the bottom, so-called rays will remain, which will later be used as the basis of the frame. With their help it will be possible to create the side walls of the frame.


A round basket is the most difficult to make, because it takes a lot of effort to form a round bottom. The most in a simple way considered "rope". You need to take six tubes and connect them together using clothespins to create a single plane. Then this action should be repeated. The finished planes need to be laid crosswise.

Next you will need a “vine”, which will be used for further weaving of the product. It needs to be bent in half and the fork placed near the beam that forms the “cross”. When turning, the working tube must be bent. You should pass the top part down and the bottom part up until you reach another beam of six tubes. Bends should be made at an angle of 90 degrees, and the lower and upper parts of the “vine” should be constantly changed. This action must be performed four times. The result is a ring that should be immediately secured with clothespins.

After completing three circles, you need to take six tubes and move them apart in pairs to form a flat surface. Next, weaving with a working tube must be done every two tubes. And again make three circles. It is necessary to take steps to separate the couples. Weaving must be done before creating a base of the required size. The bottom of the round basket will resemble a sun, which consists of 24 rays.


When weaving a corner laundry basket from newspaper tubes, you should follow some rules due to the shape of the product:

  • For the basket posts, it is better to use tubes from a whole sheet of printer paper or take sheets from a magazine. Soft newspaper tubes cannot support the entire structure.
  • To create a flat bottom, you need to place a weight on it when designing the basket, paying special attention to the corners.
  • Before painting the product, you need to calculate the quantity acrylic varnish, otherwise you will have to repaint it with a different color, and the result will no longer be ideal.

Edge decoration

When the basket of the required height is ready, you need to hide the ends of the tubes that form the frame, and also do not forget to fix and hide the working tube. This will require a long knitting needle. It needs to be inserted into the hole near the rack in the middle for 3 rows. This is where you will need to hide the tip.

The action with the knitting needle must be repeated in the other direction also for 3 rows, put the stand on it and push it down. Thus, each rack will bend and tighten. At the end of the work, the edge of the product will be ready.

Each hole where the stand has fallen must be coated with glue and allowed to dry. After this, use scissors to trim all the edges of the protruding tubes. All sections must be carefully hidden between newspaper tubes.

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