How to propose to your ex-wife. Marriage proposal poems

The 21st century is a century of impermanence, open relationships, lack of obligations. And the most pressing and pressing topic among girls is “When will he propose to me?”

There really is nothing worse than being in a dead relationship that has been dragging on for a long time and will lead nowhere.

It turns out that there are men with such characters and distinctive features who could date for 20 years and never propose. Some people are happy with this course of things, but others definitely want to get married.

And, if you want a relationship that will lead to marriage, then you need to understand your man whether he is ready for a serious relationship.
How to do it? The following 10 signs that a man will never propose will help.

10 signs your man will never propose to you

Negative thoughts about marriage

Once you start dating a guy, you need to know his thoughts about marriage. Meanwhile, while you dream of a dazzling and shining wedding, a ring on your finger, the best romantic proposal ever made and a beautiful wedding dress, he may hate the very idea of ​​marriage.

How can you find out about this?
First of all, what are his thoughts about marriage? Does he like to go to weddings?
Does he talk about marriage as the end of life and wonder why people even get married?

To find out, you need to listen to his thoughts on the institution of marriage. Does he have any phobias related to marriage, perhaps he believes that all marriages lead to divorce.

It's not permanent

This is another indication that he does not have a wedding in his immediate plans.

When you notice that the guy you are dating some days is very attentive, very romantic, shows you his affection, for example, by buying you flowers or inviting you to a party. romantic date, and on other days he is just a brute and does not call you for many days without any particular reason or explanation, then perhaps this is because he is indecisive and does not know what he wants from you.

You are not close to his friends and/or family

Dating a secretive guy who hasn't introduced you to his friends or family yet? This is a big sign that your boyfriend will never propose to you.
Dear girls, the truth is that he may be married, and you are just a mistress.
Sure, you've met them a couple of times, but if he's considering you as a potential wife, he'll try to make sure his parents get to know you better than just some girl he's dating.
A very big sign that he will propose to you is when he makes sure that his family knows you and accepts you as a part of life as much as him.

Short term plans

Another sign for girls with serious intentions who are waiting for a proposal from their lover. The moment you think about your plans for the next week, you notice how your man becomes very joyful, but as soon as you talk about going on vacation together next year, as he instantly begins to stutter, then gasps and mutters something like, “Let's think about this closer to the point.”

If he sees you as part of his future, he has no qualms about making plans or at least thinking about them. Ladies should be aware that if a man becomes very confused and stressed when you try to make plans, then this may be a sign that he doesn't really see you in his future.

All talk and no action

Some girls may unconsciously date guys who avoid talking about marriage, but what about those men who love to talk about marriage, but also do not propose marriage?

Yes, indeed, there are such men, they can seriously discuss the wedding, you will tell him what you think about it, and he, in turn, seems to passionately want to think about the future with you, but that’s where it all ends.

And nothing further happens. If after a serious conversation with your boyfriend about the wedding, he is happy and excited, but at the same time he:
1. Doesn't buy a ring
2. Doesn't propose to you
3. When you bring up this topic, he finds 1000 excuses and reasons.

Dear girls, you need to think about this seriously. As long as his excuses are similar to the real reasons preventing him from getting married, there is a chance that he is simply stalling until he is pushed to the wall and forced to make a decision.

Already a wife

Very often, psychologists warn girls who dream of a wedding to never perform marital duties for their men. Don't be your wife until he puts a ring on your ring finger, and you won't get married.

This is one of the main reasons why you can find relationships lasting 10 years and suddenly breaking down. If you were together for how long in a civil marriage, that is, you lived together, had sex, had a common budget, why would he marry you again?

You fulfill all the marital duties that he only dreamed of. He is happy with everything and simply sees no reason to propose. The saying fits this case: “Why buy a cow if you have free milk?”

Of course, there is no specific relationship length after which couples should decide to get married or just start talking about it.

But according to relationship experts, 1.5-2 years is enough to make a decision. If you have been dating your boyfriend for about 3 years, but the relationship is not developing, then there is a high probability that this is not your other half.

He lives in the past

Some young people cannot part with their past and continue living. Girls should avoid them. Does your boyfriend often talk about his past or previous relationships?

Cases from the past, comparisons, whatever – it doesn’t matter. If your boyfriend remembers his " best years" in college or something in the past that he cannot part with and get out of his head, this is a sign that he is not able to live in the present, and an indicator of his unwillingness to begin a new phase in life.

If you notice that your boyfriend is not living in the present, then this actually means that he does not appreciate having you around and is not worried about your future.

Financial instability

Another sign that a man won't propose to you anytime soon.
Stability means a lot to a man. That is why many men who are under 40 years old are not yet married. While talking about marriage, they start talking about investments, work, money, etc. Men want to be sure that they can take care of you after marriage.

Single friends

“Show me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are.” A good confirmation of this proverb. Guys with single friends will have a hard time imagining married life.
If a man is always among happy bachelors, do you think he will want to change his life?

If all his friends are bachelors, he most likely will not want to change his lifestyle.
But to be fair, this is not about all guys.

He is bad at solving problems

If your boyfriend is not very good at solving problems and often prefers to run away from them, then he may not want to get married. You may have noticed that even the idea of ​​discussing the wedding scares him.

The St. Petersburg Magistrate's Court gave the Zenit striker and Yulia Baranovskaya the opportunity to sit down at the negotiating table and jointly decide how much money the athlete should pay for the maintenance of their three children together

If the parties do not find a compromise, a process will begin on May 23, promising the footballer the loss of half of his earnings. Children's Ombudsman Pavel Astakhov is closely monitoring the showdown. Elena Chernyavskaya, Magistrate Judge of the 169th Precinct of the Primorsky District, tried not to advertise the date and time of the court hearing on Yulia Baranovskaya’s claim to collect alimony from Andrei Arshavin for the maintenance of three children.

On the Internet platform of the St. Petersburg magistrates' courts, civil case No. 2-304/2014-171 was listed as impersonal, without a plaintiff and a defendant. Having made the virtual search as difficult as possible, Judge Chernyavskaya was not diplomatic even in live communication. The bailiff admitted to the Fontanka correspondent at the entrance that he had received an order not to let the press in, and the judge herself referred to being busy and did not discuss the likelihood of journalists being present at the meeting. Although it is open by default, it can only be closed at the request of one of the parties.

Only the smiling and responsive assistant judge hesitantly confirmed: yes, Arshavin and Baranovskaya will meet today. According to rumors, the reason for the secrecy is due to the fact that magistrates rarely consider high-profile cases and are not ready for close attention to their work. An official reason was found for the closed doors: technical capabilities do not allow anyone other than the participants in the process to be allowed in. The hall is really small, but several visitors will definitely fit in it.

By 12:30 Yulia Baranovskaya arrived at the court station. Dressed modestly, with discreet makeup, she really gave the impression of an oppressed mother, for whom the lawsuit was the last chance to receive the funds required by law to support her three children. Andrei Arshavin did not come to court. Around this time, he visited the SOS village in Pushkin and played football with the children. The interests of the football player were represented by lawyer Pavel Voloshin.

At the preliminary hearing, Judge Chernyavskaya found the case prepared for hearing, scheduled the start of the trial for May 23, and before that time invited the plaintiff and defendant to agree and conclude a settlement agreement on alimony obligations.

According to Fontanka, the parties agree to negotiations and pre-trial resolution of the dispute. At least at the meeting no one voiced a fundamental “against”.

The preliminary balance of power is in favor of Yulia Baranovskaya. Back in September 2013, the British court took her side and approved the settlement agreement. According to it, Arshavin had to pay a large sum of money in one lump sum, pay monthly alimony, donate a car and a three-room apartment in Kolomyagi. According to Baranovskaya, her former common-law husband did not fulfill these conditions, so she went to the St. Petersburg Magistrate’s Court and won another victory.

In February, Judge Chernyavskaya issued a court order to collect alimony from Arshavin in the amount of 50 percent of all income. The bailiffs of St. Petersburg even sent a copy of the writ of execution to FC Zenit about withholding half the salary from the football player and began searching for his other financial sources. They say that the conditions under this order are much more severe than the London agreement, since they take into account Arshavin’s outside earnings - his business, advertising contracts, etc. But Judge Chernyavskaya herself canceled this order, since the football player filed objections on time, and forced Baranovskaya to file a lawsuit.

Lawyer Andrey Tyndik, representing the interests of a single mother, told a Fontanka correspondent that the children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov became interested in the dispute and even offered help, since apparently there is reason to see a violation of children's rights in the difficult relationships between adults.

As reported by Fontanka lawyer Pavel Voloshin, representing the interests of the football player, Yulia Baranovskaya refused the offer even before the trial (probably referring to a plan for a monthly payment of 50 thousand euros until June 2015 with a subsequent revision of the agreements).

“We will now consider other options and make a proposal. In general, without details, the idea is to accumulate half of the alimony funds in the children’s personal accounts so that when they go out adult life, were provided. At the same time, the possibility of spending money before reaching adulthood is not excluded,” Voloshin added. – We hope the proposal will suit our procedural opponents. As a last resort, Andrey is not afraid of a lawsuit, since, according to my information, he fulfills his alimony obligations. The settlement agreement is good because it will suit both parties. The plaintiff or defendant will not like any other court decision, and there is a possibility of appealing it.”

Andrey Tyndik confirmed that Yulia Baranovskaya is not against dialogue.

“The dispute is of a simple nature, so it is not surprising that the court gave time to discuss a settlement agreement,” he told a Fontanka correspondent. – We are waiting for proposals from opponents. A peaceful settlement is the best path for Andrei Arshavin. However, the idea of ​​accumulating funds in the personal accounts of young children is inherently absurd. We need to invest in their development now. Education, medicine, and other areas require expenses. When they grow up and have access to their father's money, it will be too late. Adults will be able to earn money themselves.”

According to the law, Yulia Baranovskaya has the right to recover from Arshavin half of his earnings and other income until December 2023 (until his eldest son comes of age), a third until April 2026, and a quarter until August 2030, when he turns almost 50 years old.

Alexander Ermakov

Looking at your friends getting married, have you bought a ring and are ready to offer your hand, heart and kidney to your beloved? Stop and think!

Everyone around suddenly decided to get married and have children. Yours social media filled with wedding photos of happy newlyweds, and every day it becomes more and more difficult for you to find a friend who could go to football with you: after all, they are all at home with their wives, and they suddenly have no time for football. Moreover, parents add fuel to the fire! Everyone asks when the grandchildren will be, and sighs sadly, saying, “Oh, I wish I could live to see your wedding, son!”

And so, one beautiful (or not so) morning you wake up with the thoughts that time is passing, the clock is ticking... in short, it’s time to get married. So should you propose to your girlfriend right now? There are five good reasons to wait.

1. It's expensive. It is not so much the proposal itself that is expensive, but its consequences. If you have no idea how much a medium-sized wedding costs these days, I have bad news for you: it costs a lot! Don't make an offer until you have at least half the amount you need. After all, engagement for most girls means “soon we will become husband and wife.” And waiting another three years after the offer until the amount needed accumulates is not very pleasant. Of course, the questions are removed if you both have discussed more than once that you don’t want a wedding at all, but are ready to just come to the registry office and get stamps. In this case, the costs will be feasible.

2. You quarreled. If you are going to make an offer, approach this issue responsibly. Almost every girl dreams that a marriage proposal is not a casual question, but something super-romantic and touching. So asking a cherished question to a girl with whom you are in a quarrel is definitely not best idea. She may perceive this not as your sincere desire, but as a desperate step towards reconciliation.

3. Your girlfriend told you several times that she doesn’t want to get married. Not for you, but in general. She is against a stamp in her passport, doesn’t want to think about children in the next n years, and in general is happy to be at the stage of the relationship that you are at now. Proposing to her will put her in a terrible situation. She will either have to step over herself and agree to the marriage, or coolly refuse, breaking your heart. It is much easier to find out in advance, through soft, distant conversations, whether she would like to get married someday in principle. Find out when she is ready for this and why she does not want marriage now, and solve these problems.

4. You have even the slightest doubts about your happy future together. If you haven’t had your fill yet and are guided by the rule “oh well, I’ll get a divorce later if anything happens” - just don’t get married. I don't care if everyone around me is getting married and having children. If you are not 100% sure of your partner, you should just admit that perhaps this is not the person for you at all. And while the wind is blowing in your head, you yourself are not ready for serious relationship and you will not be happy in them. Don't do anything you'll regret later.

5. You didn’t have time to live together. Yes, yes, yes, before there was sex only after the wedding, and in some countries even today the bride sees the groom for the first time after their engagement - and they all lived and live happily. But in our realities, living with each other before marriage is very important. No matter how strong your relationship may seem, it can be broken by harsh reality in the form of socks scattered around the house, a toilet seat that hasn’t been lowered down, and burnt cutlets with over-salted pasta. You will have time to go to the registry office, but for now, look at each other in conditions of total everyday life. Alas, you can find out a lot of unpleasant details about each other.

Love, feelings, relationships, even Cohabitation- all this is wonderful, but people perceive it as steps to something more important, serious, reliable. Namely, to legal marriage. Which is preceded by a very romantic event - a marriage proposal from young man to his chosen one. You can just say “Marry me”, you can give a diamond ring, but there is more original ideas. For example, a poetic marriage proposal. Choose what you like on our website! Proposal of marriage to your beloved girl in verse.

I don't want to love half
I bring my heart to your feet,
And I will erect a monument to our feelings,
I’ll tell you, my beloved, “I LOVE.”
I want to be there when the sun is shining
I want to be there when it rains
Let our happiness blind us both,
And the feeling of passion will not leave, will not pass.
My ring is a symbol of perfection
Your ring is an expression of gratitude in love,
And two rings are like the citadel of the family,
We will experience the realities of fate in it.

I will not spare my knees,
And I will fall proudly before you,
Without cowardice and without doubt,
I will offer my love and heart.
Take your time and think carefully
AND the right decision accept,
Don’t you dare refuse your loved one,
Squeeze my heart tightly.
And let the ring flaunt on your hand,
As a symbol of happiness and grateful love,
We can carry it endlessly
Just tell the guy “YES” now.

From trembling to freezing,
I finally decided.
My beautiful creation
I always lived only for you.
You are my sun, heavenly light,
Love and joy, my fire,
And feelings were resurrected with you,
And the blood freezes in the veins again.
Dancing the waltz under the sky,
I'll offer you my hand,
And I give my heart for years,
And I always want to be with you.

Look into my eyes - what do you see?
The fire burns with love,
Press yourself to my lips - what do you hear?
Breath of my soul.
Come close to me and feel my heart
It only beats for you
You're far away, he's so sad
And without you, neither am I.
Take my hand in yours,
I'll be with you forever
The soul cannot survive separation -
Do you agree to be my wife?

Take my hand and heart
Will you become my bride?
And we will be you forever,
I am the husband, you are the faithful wife.
Take my heart and hand
Let's drive away sadness and boredom,
Let's not let pain into desires,
Let us warm love with patience.
Take my heart and hand
Darling, stop the torment,
Hold my feelings close to you,
Tell me the long-awaited answer.

Let the words sound selfish
But you know, I'm not indifferent
Our feelings, our state,
Your love, my desires.
Long ago, side by side, free dreams,
I can't stand a long silence,
Accept my confession today,
I confess my unbridled love to you.
And I will only accept “YES” as an answer now,
After all, we have matured, the hour has come.

My goddess, my clear light,
Today is the most beautiful day,
I've thought it over, this is my decision,
Please accept my heartfelt and loving offer.
Hand and heart, no longer mine
After all, I confessed my sincere love,
And this holiday is just for you,
Hopefully future bride and wife.

I can reach a star from the sky
Neither the devil nor the demon is scary,
God always stands with me
And covered it with his hand.
Like puzzles we merged,
And together we learned about life,
The time is coming
Ring proposals.
Happiness, joy and goodness,
We were merged together
Heart and my hand
Locked away, just for you.

Feelings cannot be measured by the ocean,
You can't see love from space,
At least travel to all distant countries,
Happiness is where you and I are now.
We've known each other for years
And the moment came, the moment came,
Wrapping rings around hearts,
Let's live without grief for a hundred years.
I suggest, I beg you to agree,
Become my beautiful wife
Darling, here is my hand and heart,
All that remains is for you to decide.

With you, dear, every moment is wonderful,
And I admire you lovingly.
Fate gave me a royal gift,
I am grateful to her that I have you.
Today I ask you, my love,
Become my wife forever.
And I promise, we will have a beautiful life,
After all, there is no one dearer to me in the world.

I'm so glad that I have you,
My long-awaited princess from a fairy tale.
I give you the best flowers,
Sweet, beloved, desired.
I want to give you a ring,
And ask for your hand and heart.
I will cherish and love you all my life,
Always cherish, adore, appreciate.

Beloved, dear, tender, unique,
I’m ready to call you that for the rest of my life.
I want to unite my destiny with you, dear,
I am ready to wait for an answer as long as necessary.
Let me make a proposal
And call you my wife.
And I will tell you without a doubt,
We will have a great family.

I write poems and compose songs for you,
I admire you, I pray for you.
There is no more beautiful and wonderful girl in the world,
I strive to connect my life with you.
From my heart I give you a ring,
In return I ask for your heart.
Be my wife forever
So that we can be together as one.

My beloved, my good one,
You are like light in a window to me.
There is no better gift for me,
And I am proud that they envy me a little.
Today is a crucial moment for me,
I ask you on my knees.
Be my wife forever
I promise you will never regret it.

My love for you is growing stronger
I can no longer live a day without you.
My love, the time has come
And I want to call you my wife.
I ask for your hand and heart,
I want to live as a family with you alone.
And when our children grow up,
We will talk about our beautiful and great love.

We've been dating for a long time,
And we understand each other perfectly.
It's time for us to start our own family,
You and I know this for sure.
My dear, my beloved,
The most beautiful in the world.
Marry me, I beg you,
I will always be responsible for you, my dear.

You won't find anything better in the world,
You are the only one beautiful and kind.
And I want to walk next to you all my life,
To be loved, trusting each other.
I give you a beautiful ring
It will decorate your ring finger.
And you give me your heart,
Be my beloved wife.

Half, you are my dear,
If I'm not around you, I miss you.
I love you very tenderly and adore you,
There is reciprocity in relationships, I know for sure.
I stand confused and all excited,
Because I'm making you an offer.
I ask you to be my wife,
And I give you a gold ring.

I call you my beloved,
Good, dear, unique.
I admire you and breathe you,
I call you the only one and the most beautiful.
I ask you to become my wife,
Without you there is no, washed away in this life.
I will wear crayfish, kiss you tenderly,
You will never regret that you married me.

I had such a beautiful dream,
Why are you standing there in a wedding dress?
Well, I'm next to you,
A new, beautiful family is being created.
And I ask you now, not in a dream, in reality,
Become my only wife.
I ask you for your hand and heart,
Be my faithful wife-friend in life.

You are destined for me,
I realized this at our first meeting.
There is nothing more beautiful, and there is nothing more beautiful,
Tender, modest and good are no longer in the world.
Darling, I ask you to become my wife,
This is what I dream and hope about.
That we shouldn't wait any longer
We are both ripe to start our own family.

I met you a year ago,
Our time limit is no longer short.
I’m ready to get a star from heaven for you,
And give a scarlet flower.
Today I give you flowers,
And a scarlet box with a ring.
I hope you won't refuse,
Become my wife and give her your heart.

I want to become your guardian angel,
To always be with you.
I love you madly, I say for the hundredth time,
I give a ring to you, my bride.
Don't refuse and be my wife
And we will live happily together with you.
I will cherish you all my life, beloved,
My good, kind and beautiful wife.

I'd rather die a thousand times than live without you,
I agree to go to first grade if fate orders me to.
I am ready to give my hand and heart forever, and be close only to you,
I’m ready to warm you up in the cold, just give me your answer.
I want you to become my wife, to marry me before God,
I want us to be with you forever, our connection will not pass, will not be erased,
I will surrender to love and carry it through the fog and through winds,
I want the shades of the ring to show off on your finger.

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