Experiment with a ball and water. Experiments and observations in lessons about the surrounding world using O.T.’s textbook

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OBVIOUS-INCREDIBLE Research on the topic: “Extraordinary experiences with balloons» Prepared by: student of 4 “A” class of Lyceum No. 4 (TMOL) Dzyuba Yulia Head: Martynova Tatyana Vsevolodovna Consultant: Dzyuba Elena Evgenievna

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INTRODUCTION We are surrounded by a world - beautiful and mysterious. A person begins to explore this world from birth, but not all the secrets can be revealed. The purpose of my work: to explain the behavior of balloons in physical experiments from the point of view of physical laws with the help of adults. Methods: observation, setting up an experiment, description, searching for information in different sources. Hypothesis: I suggest that the balloon is an excellent tool for learning the basics of physical phenomena. To achieve this goal, I set the following tasks: 1. Conduct experiments using balloons. 2. Record the observed phenomena. 3. Find information from various sources that allows you to explain the observed phenomena.

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Practical part Experience 1. I inflated a balloon and tried to drown it in water, applying force. The ball doesn't sink. You can hold it underwater, but as soon as I remove my hands, it floats up. Why? Because there is air inside the ball, it is lighter than water.

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Experiment 2. The shell of the ball is made of rubber. I wonder if it's on fire? When the ball is introduced into the flame of a candle, the shell lights up and the ball bursts. I’ll pour water into the ball and repeat the experiment. The water balloon does not burn. We can conclude that water has poor thermal conductivity and all the heat received from the flame is used to heat the water. The temperature of the shell, as long as there is water in it, will not rise above 1000C (since a candle flame is not enough to boil water), which is lower than the combustion temperature of rubber.

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Experiment 3. I cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle, placed the ball inside the bottle and pulled it over the neck. The cut part of the bottle was covered with film from another balloon and secured with tape. I pull back the film and the balloon inflates; I press on the film and the balloon deflates. Why is this happening? The volume of air inside the bottle is isolated from the rest of the air (atmospheric). When the film is pulled back, this volume increases, the pressure decreases and becomes less than atmospheric. The ball inside the bottle is inflated with atmospheric air. When you press on the film, the volume of air in the bottle decreases, the pressure becomes greater than atmospheric pressure, and the ball deflates. Our lungs work the same way.

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Experiment 4. Pour hot water into a three-liter glass jar. After a while, I pour out the water and place a ball of water on the neck of the jar. The ball is pulled into the neck and ends up at the bottom of the jar. Why? This is because hot water heats the jar, and the jar heats the air. The density of hot air is less than the density of cold air. The air in the jar quickly cools, its density increases, its volume decreases - the ball is drawn into the jar.

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Experiment 5. I inflate the balloon, turn on the hairdryer, bring a stream of air under the balloon and lower the balloon. A stream of air lifts the ball up, but it does not fly away, but is held steadily in the stream of air. This happens because the air pressure in the stream from the hair dryer is lower than atmospheric pressure, so the ball is in a kind of air corridor, the walls of which consist of air at atmospheric pressure. This causes the ball to stay in an area of ​​low pressure.

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Experiment 6. I inflate the balloon to medium size and tie the neck with a knot. I measure the ball with a measuring tape and make a mark. I put the ball in a bowl and pour hot water over it. The ball has increased in size, this is confirmed by the readings of the measuring tape. Why? Because the air inside the ball heats up under the influence of hot water and at the same time expands, stretching the shell.

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Experiment 7. What happens to the ball if you pierce it with a needle? I inflated the balloon and pierced it with a needle - it burst with a loud crack. Is it possible to pierce a balloon with a needle without bursting it? There are three ways to pierce a ball without bursting it: 1. From the sides, where the rubber is very stretched, glue tape and pierce the ball in this place. 2. Where the rubber is thickest, that is, “at the top of the head.” 3. Where the rubber is not tensioned is where the thread is. Why is this happening? In these places, the rubber is not stretched, and the integrity of the shell is not accompanied by ruptures. Adhesive tape helps keep the shell from tearing on the sides. The hole from the needle is small and the ball deflates unnoticeably.

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Experiment 8. I inflate the balloon and tie it. I electrify the ball and rub it on my hair. I raise the ball above my head. The hair also reaches for the ball. Why is this happening? When the ball is rubbed on the head, the hair and the ball become electrified, i.e. receive an electrical charge. The ball is charged negatively, the hair is charged positively. Oppositely charged bodies attract each other, so the hair is drawn to the ball.

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Experiment 9. I inflate two balloons of the same size. I electrify the balls on my hair. I take the balls by the threads in one hand - the balls scatter in different directions. I electrify the balls by rubbing them against each other. I take the balls different hands- the balls stick to each other. Because balls rubbed against a piece of paper or a head are charged with a charge of the same sign, and balls rubbed against each other are charged with charges of a different sign. Oppositely charged bodies attract, similarly charged bodies repel. Why?

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Experiment 10 I inflated two balloons, but so that one was big size, and the second one is smaller. I took the tube I had. I pull the balls onto both ends of the tube, twisting their necks. I unscrew the necks - the balls communicate freely with each other through the tube. Air flows from one ball to another. But... the small balloon inflates the big one! How is this possible? Many people believe that since there is more air mass in a larger balloon, this balloon will deflate and inflate the smaller balloon. But such reasoning is wrong. The reason for the observed phenomenon is the pressure inside the ball. The gas pressure depends on the curvature of the surface, i.e. on the radius of the sphere: the smaller the radius, the greater the pressure. (how can I remember this, since I still can’t understand it at all!!!) But doing this experiment was very interesting!!!

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CONCLUSIONS Let's summarize. To do this, let's summarize the obtained data in a table: Experience Conclusion Input, the ball floats up The air in the ball is lighter than water 2. The ball does not burn with water Water has poor thermal conductivity 3. The ball inside the insulated bottle is inflated As the volume of air increases, the pressure decreases 4. When the air in the jar cools, the ball with water is drawn into the jar Density hot air is more dense than cold air 5. The ball is held in a stream of air from a hair dryer. In a stream of air, where its speed is high, the pressure is less than in the surrounding still air. 6. When the ball is heated, it increases in size. When heated, the air increases in size. 7. When pierced, the ball does not burst. If there is no tension on the ball or the density of the ball in a certain place is greater, the ball will not burst. 8. When rubbed against the hair, the ball and the hair are electrified. Electric charges can be transferred. from one body to another 9. When the balls rub against the hair, they repel, when the balls rub against each other, they attract. Identical bodies, when rubbed against the same object, are charged equally. Identical bodies, when rubbed against each other, are charged differently. 10. Balls different sizes communicate freely with each other through a tube Gas (air) pressure depends on the curvature of the surface

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Thanks for your insight! While carrying out this work, I learned that Physics (from ancient Greek φύσις - nature) is a field of natural science. This is the science of the simplest and at the same time the most general laws of nature, of matter, its structure and movement. The laws of physics underlie all natural science. I hope that my work will contribute to the formation of genuine interest in the study of physics. And a computer presentation created on the basis of the practical part will help schoolchildren quickly understand the essence of the physical phenomena being studied and will arouse a great desire to conduct experiments using simple equipment.

It turns out that with the help of an ordinary balloon you can do a lot of exciting and educational experiences with children. Believe me, these experiments will be interesting even for older children, so feel free to buy colorful balls and get started!

Losing weight

Oh, if everything in life were as simple as in this experiment, women would regularly spend time in freezers and happily jump through the snowdrifts in winter, hoping to lose a little more weight. Judge for yourself. Inflate the balloon and measure its waist. We got 54 cm. Now we put it in the freezer (we tried putting it in the refrigerator, but there was no effect).

You need to wait 30 minutes, take out the ball and measure. Surprisingly, during this time our airy friend lost 2 cm in weight! Now his waist is 52 cm! The thing is that air compresses in the cold and takes up less volume, which is why the ball has lost weight.

With fire

For this experiment you will need water and a candle. We did the experiment in the bathroom, because... I did not believe that the ball that we would hold over the candle would not burst from the heat of its flame. The trick is that we first fill the ball with water (we took cold water for greater effect). Now you can not be afraid and bring it to an open fire. The ball was only charred, but not damaged at all.

The solution is simple - the whole point is that the water in the ball takes all the heat of the candle onto itself, and its surface does not heat up due to this. You can even show your child the anti-experience and bring a regular ball to the candle. It will burst immediately.

Carbon dioxide

Now let's show the children what carbon dioxide is. Pour soda into a bottle and add table vinegar to it. A reaction will immediately occur that is familiar to many housewives and which we call “putting out the soda.” The baking soda will fizz and foam, and the reaction will produce carbon dioxide. Quickly put a ball on the neck of the bottle and take a look. In a couple of minutes it will begin to straighten out and inflate with carbon dioxide!

Jet engine car

The boys will enjoy the following experience, but it also caused a storm of delight among my daughters. Everyone especially laughed when we tried to install the ball on the machine. But first things first. We secure the drinking straw in the inflation hole with threads. We insert it deeper and tie it properly, but so that the ball can be inflated through the straw.

Now we clamp the tube with our finger and install the ball on the machine. This is the most difficult thing, because... the ball begins to rush around the room as soon as you release your finger. We took a piece of tape and secured the ball to the machine. Now we release our finger and due to the air escaping from the ball, the machine rushes like the wind. True, not for long. Explain to your child that jet engines are built using the same principle.

Pierce the ball

Now you need to take the inflated balloon and glue a piece of tape to its upper part (where there is a seal). Now take a needle and pierce the ball in this place. It doesn't burst! The secret of the experiment is that the tape prevents pressure from breaking the ball, and the needle itself closes the hole, preventing air from escaping.
We hope you enjoy these simple and educational experiments! We had a lot of fun making them yesterday. We wish the same for you :)

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Elena Shartinova
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Experiments with balloons”

Target: Promote children's development cognitive activity, curiosity, striving for independence knowledge and reflection.


Develop in children curiosity, observation

Contribute formation of cognitive interest in children

To develop in children the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships based on a basic experiment and draw conclusions.

Foster a culture of communication and enhance children’s speech activity.

Abstract of practice: How much joy they bring balloons for children, they play with them. But soon they stop paying attention to what to do with them so that they don’t lie there without any purpose. During practice, children get acquainted with various experiments with balls.

Age: 4-5 years

Number of hours: 2 hours

Group capacity: 7-10 people

Equipment: Air balloons, tape, needle, baking soda, vinegar, woolen fabric.

Venue: group room

Frequency: 1 time per week

Meeting 1

Ball magnet (has an electric charge) With the help of the most ordinary hot air balloon the effect of static electricity can be demonstrated. To do this you need to inflate two or three balloons and tie them. Rub the surface woolen fabric or fur for a few seconds. Bring the ball closer to the sheets of paper or foil. They will rise to the ball and stick to it. Rub the ball again and bring it to the wall. The ball stuck to her!

Let's pierce balloon(ball piercing trick) We need to take an inflated balloon and glue it to its upper part. (where there is a seal) a piece of tape. Now take a needle and pierce the ball in this place. It doesn't burst! Secret experience is that the tape prevents the pressure from breaking the ball, and the needle itself closes the hole, preventing it from coming out air.

Meeting 2

It will burst - it will not burst (experience with thermal conductivity) You will need a candle, one blown and one new balloon(this second balloon must be filled with tap water, and then inflated and tied so that the water remains inside). Agree in advance with your child that one of the balloons will burst. (so there is no unpleasant surprise). Light a candle, bring an ordinary ball to the fire - as soon as the flame touches it, it will burst. Now “conjure” the second ball and declare that it is no longer afraid of fire. Bring it to the candle flame. Fire will touch ball, but nothing will happen to him! This trick clearly demonstrates such a physical concept as “thermal conductivity.” The secret of the trick is that the water in the ball “takes” all the heat from the candle onto itself, so the surface of the ball does not heat up to a dangerous temperature.

Inflating the balloon (using a chemical reaction) Pour baking soda into a plastic bottle through a funnel. (we poured 2 tablespoons) and pour some in there too table vinegar (approximately). Many people are familiar with this experience: this is how children are usually shown a volcano - as a result of a violent chemical reaction, a lot of foam is produced, which “escaps” from the vessel. But this time we are not interested in foam (this is just an appearance, but what is produced during this reaction is carbon dioxide. It is invisible. But we can catch it if we immediately pull it onto the neck of the bottle balloon. Then you can see how the released carbon dioxide inflates the balloon.

Children receive a description as a gift experiments with balloons!

Expected result: Children can independently conduct experiments with balloons, establish cause-and-effect relationships based on an elementary experiment and draw conclusions.

Publications on the topic:

Series of game complexes “Games with balloons” Compiled by: Educator: Panfilenko Larisa Viktorovna. MADO "Kindergarten "Kolobok", Tyumen region, Noyabrsk Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Educational.

New Year is a wonderful holiday! New Year Both children and adults look forward to it equally. Everyone believes in a miracle and makes a wish.

Summary of educational organized activities “Games with balloons” Goal: to create a development situation to broaden children’s horizons about the balloon, its properties and capabilities. Tasks: 1. Create conditions.

Summary of educational activities with children of senior preschool age on cognitive development “Experiments with balloons” Integration educational areas: cognitive development, speech development. Type of children's activity: cognitive and research.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Indoor plants” Lesson summary: “Indoor plants” Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about indoor plants. Talk to your children about why they need indoors.

Summary of a mathematics lesson in the senior group “Travel with balloons” Topic: “Travel with balloons” Purpose: to activate the cognitive and speech activity of children. Objectives: continue to learn how to solve simple problems.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group “Experiments with water” Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world (experiments with water). IN preparatory group. Purpose: -to teach children to conduct experiments with water.

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

The study of natural phenomena, processes, as well as the properties of substances requires students to master experimental experimental activities. The equipment for conducting experiments is designed in such a way that it does not require complex instruments, materials or chemical glassware. Beverage containers are used plastic cups, pinwheels made of paper or foil, balloons, an air and water thermometer, a refrigerator freezer, a radiator and other items available to everyone.

To form temperature concepts spent problematic experience suggested in the workbook for 3rd grade. (slide 2)

By performing this simple experiment, students realize the relativity of a person’s sensations of cold and heat and come to the conclusion about the need to objectively measure the temperature of air, water, different bodies a special device - thermometer.

A fairly large number of experiments are devoted to the topic “Journey to the world of substances.” In the first lesson in this topic, the teacher draws the students’ attention to the orientation apparatus (hints) in the textbook. On the screensaver (shmutze) before studying the topic “Journey into the World of Substances” there are borders of small drawings and illustrations that tell students what and how they will study . (slide 3)

When studying the topic “Structure of Matter,” a simple experiment is demonstrated: a few drops of paint are added to a glass of water (slide 4). Students observe the coloring of the water and try to explain what is happening.

To find an answer to this question, additional questions are asked:

– Is it possible to color water if it were solid? (No. Water is colored because it is made up of individual particles with spaces between them.)

– Why is a small drop of paint enough to color all the water? (This means there are a lot of particles in a small drop of ink.)

– What does the spread of coloring in different directions indicate? (Particles move in different directions)

Each student has repeatedly observed this fact, which is proof that bodies (in this case, a drop of paint and water in a glass) consist of tiny moving particles, between which there are gaps. Molecules paints, dissolving in water, penetrate into the spaces between water molecules and color it.

Playful illustrations(slide 5) help children imagine how many molecules there are in solid, liquid and gaseous matter. How they continuously move, oscillate, rush at high speeds, collide and fly apart in different directions.

Let groups of children depict the movement of molecules in substances in different states.

Before conducting experiments, children learn to set up an experimental problem. For example, completing a notebook task (61, slide 6), the teacher asks:

– What experimental task did the author of the textbook set when inviting us to carry out these experiments? (Explore the properties of air.)

The guys already know that air occupies the entire volume provided to it, and now they need to check whether the volume of air can be changed.

To do this, we need air in a certain volume. This could be a balloon and a glass. In a glass, students will draw dots of air molecules that do not allow the water to rise higher - they resist (although the water manages to slightly compress the air, displacing its molecules.)

To change the volume of air in the balloon, place a small book on it. The air resists compression (it is elastic) and will even restore the shape of the ball after the load is removed.

This is how the guys learn from experience about elasticity air.

Experience 3 the guys can do it at home. (The balloon is placed on a vessel and placed in hot water. You can also add hot water from the kettle, watching the balloon rise and inflate (slide 7). But if we remove the vessel from the hot water, the ball deflates again.

Conclusion students speak for themselves. (When heated, the elasticity of air increases, and when cooled, it decreases.

Available to students independently at home study of water transformation (slides 8-10)

Based on the results of the experiments, the following conclusions are recorded: water freezes at 0 degrees, ice is lighter than water(it was visible as he floated on the surface of the water), ice takes up more volume than water. We don't see water vapor.

Experience on condensation of water the pair can be demonstrated in class (slide 11) and discuss what happens to the water. (Here in the experiment, a frying pan with ice cubes plays the same role as cold air in the formation of clouds and rain. Water evaporates, steam rises and turns into small droplets in the cold air. Small droplets gather into large ones and fall out of the clouds as rain. So the students become familiar with the processes of evaporation and condensation.

The experiments are followed by conclusion:The water in the clouds above the seas is fresh; salt does not evaporate with water, so evaporated water is fresh.

Self-conducted research on the properties of snow and ice (slides 12-13). A full glass with snow and another with ice cubes are placed in a warm place, and the children observe which will melt faster (snow or ice) and which glass will contain more water.

Second experience allows you to see that snow and ice are lighter than water.

Snow cover.

In the theme of plants in winter is carried out experience (slide 14), in which freezing of tree sap is simulated, containing mineral salts and sugar. The guys conclude: a solution of salt and sugar freezes later than pure water. It follows that tree sap can freeze only under very low temperatures. Experience 2 (slide 14) will allow students to make sure that the needles of spruce and pine do not freeze even in severe frosts (they do not freeze, they remain flexible), because the tree sap in them contains many mineral salts and organic substances, which give the needles a sourish-tart taste. Experience 3 (slide 14) will reveal to students the thermal properties of bark - it conducts heat and cold poorly, protects the tree in the winter cold and in the hot season. (Knowing this property, some housewives keep a cork on the lids as a kind of potholder. It protects them from burns.)

In the topic "Plant development" (slides 15-16) We continue to develop students’ skills in observing plant life and conducting experimental research, fostering interest in research work, the desire to grow plants yourself and observe the progress of their development.

After observing the germination of a bean seed, students will be able to see how the root moves and bends, how it stubbornly searches for soil in order to quickly plunge into it. Students will be convinced that, regardless of the position of the seeds, the roots that emerge from them grow downward. By looking at the root tip under a magnifying glass, students can see the root cap, which protects the root from damage when it penetrates the soil and root hairs.

On assignment 23 (slide 17) Students at home will use a ruler to determine the depth of root penetration (potatoes - 50 cm, peas - 105 cm, beet root can reach - 165 cm, wormwood - 225 cm)

As we can see, fairly simple experiments allow students to determine the physical properties of substances and draw conclusions based on their results.

When studying the world around us, much attention is paid to observations. The teacher’s task is to provide each student with the conditions for an adequate perception of the world around him, so that he not only looks, but also sees everything that is required, not only listens, but also hears.

The ways to develop observation skills are varied: the use of various visual aids, organizing observations at home for the lesson and in the classroom, organizing observations during experiments, practical work, keeping observation diaries, nature wall calendars, organizing observations on excursions and after excursions.

Traditionally, observation mainly meant observations in nature. However, the modern subject " the world" Along with natural science, it also includes social science. Consequently, observations in nature are combined with observation of the social environment (how people dress, how adults and children behave on the bus and other public places). An interesting observation is observations to compare the behavior of humans and animals (what they feed the cat at home, what you eat himself, does the behavior of animals resemble the behavior of people, etc.)

Observation acts both as a research method and as a teaching method.

Through observations in nature, schoolchildren develop ideas about many program concepts: about the seasons, landforms, water, weather phenomena, soils, plants, animals, human activities in nature, etc.

Most often, direct observations in nature should precede the study of a particular topic in class. It is on the material of preliminary observations in nature that the study of seasonal changes is based (work on assignments from observation diaries, observations on excursions). However, in a number of cases, observations in nature are useful to carry out in the process of studying the relevant topic, since knowledge is deepened by alternating observations and analysis. Observations are also possible at the final stages of studying the topic, for example, during general excursions.

We try to turn observation work into educational and research activities, which includes:

  • bringing schoolchildren to understand the purpose of observation, finding out what and why we will observe
  • put forward a hypothesis;
  • draw up an observation program;
  • learning to use measuring tools
  • record the observation results in a table or graph, etc.
  • and analyze the results of observations

The results of weather observations are recorded in observation diaries, in cool calendar nature, where schoolchildren make short notes, sketches, and make numerical tables. During excursions, sketches, photographs, and notes in notebooks are practiced.

Let us dwell in more detail on the organization of work with the observation calendar.

In the traditional program, maintaining a nature calendar caused certain difficulties for almost every teacher. Students quickly lost interest in it, forgot to take regular notes,

In the Harmony program, children begin keeping an observation diary in 3rd grade and continue in 4th grade. (slide 18). But these diaries are significantly different. In grade 3, this is a table that includes the following columns: day of the month, cloudiness, air temperature, wind strength, precipitation. In the 4th grade, children receive their first concepts about graphs and diagrams through an observation diary. In the diary, we work mainly collectively, on those days when a lesson on the surrounding world is taught, because the number of days corresponds to the number of lessons per month. But children who love this work make the same calendar, but for a whole month. On the graph, children mark the days horizontally (X axis), the air temperature vertically (along the Y axis), and on the graph the number of clear and cloudy days, the number of days with precipitation and strong winds. Pay attention to the sun in the Observation Diary (slide 19). In September it is high, then it becomes lower, its eyes close, nature falls asleep and the sun does not warm, it sleeps. In January it becomes more active and its eyes open.

We call the stage of the lesson in which we work with the observation diary “Calendar Minute”. Here, the correctness of filling out nature calendars is checked, and what changes in nature and human life have occurred during this period are discussed. Most often, this work is carried out at the very beginning of the lesson, but it can also be organized in the process of learning new material if the content of the lesson is related to seasonal observations. Cloud conditions (cloudy, clear, variable), precipitation is recorded based on the results of observations for yesterday. Observations of temperature and wind direction are always carried out at the same time, for example, before the start of classes - for students of the second shift.

To work with the diagram in class, we keep a nature calendar. It is a table by month, including the same columns: day of the month, cloudiness, air temperature, presence and strength of wind, precipitation (slide 20). Next to the table are attached pockets with the inscriptions: “Plant Life”, “Animal Life”, “Human Life”, into which children periodically insert relevant information (notes on pieces of paper, drawings, photographs). A special place is given to recording the results of observations of the duration of day and night (we mark using a tear-off calendar), as well as changes in the phases of the Moon (slide 21).

At the end of the month, the chart actually produces a pivot table

weather for the month: the number of clear, cloudy days, days with partly cloudy days, days with precipitation, we calculate the average air temperature for the month, the lowest and highest temperature, we find out the length of day and night. At the end of the season, a month-by-month comparison is made, and then a season-by-season comparison. This is easy to track with the chart.

Let's find out:

  1. when did winter begin and end, for example, this year (signs of the beginning of winter: the establishment of permanent snow cover, freezing of water bodies; signs of the beginning of spring: the appearance of thawed patches, the arrival of rooks), what
    duration of winter;
  2. which of the winter months was the cloudiest, snowiest, frostiest;
  3. when were the most short days, drawing attention to the fact that all of the listed signs of winter are repeated annually;
  4. comparison of this year’s winter with the winters of past years (according to the children’s own experience (comparing grades 3 with 4), teachers, according to last year’s nature calendar, based on climatic data from the nearest weather station, data from long-term phenological observations).

Thus, if the work of conducting phenological observations and physical experiments was well organized, it has a significant effect in terms of introducing children to the direct study of nature, human life, contributes to the development of observation, the formation of ideas about the dynamics of natural phenomena, the establishment of natural and natural-anthropogenic connections (slide 22).

Lesson summary for experimental activities: Balloon tricks

Developed by the teacher of MADOU kindergarten No. 2 Zlatoust Bogdanova Anastasia Viktorovna.
The material is intended for kindergarten teachers, teachers primary classes, additional education teachers and caring parents.
These experiments can be carried out with children of senior preschool and primary school age.
Form of study: non-traditional occupation By research activities children.
Target: Expand children's horizons preschool age about the balloon, its properties and capabilities.
Tasks: 1. Develop speech, attention, interest in the research process.
2. Introduce children to a balloon, to the properties of air (weight of air), and to the simplest generation of static electricity.
3. Cultivate a sustainable interest and respect for research activities.
Materials and equipment: Balloons (including those made of thin and thick rubber for comparison), lever scales (if there are no scales, a stick tied in the center with a string), a piece of flat rubber band, scraps from burst balloons (according to the number of children), a piece of paper, two or three identical plastic bottles, a well-sharpened metal knitting needle, and tape.
Preliminary work: We launched Chinese lanterns into the sky with the children and watched them.
Preparatory work: In one of plastic bottles make a small hole, inflate the balloon and stick a square of transparent, wide tape on different sides of the balloon.
Progress of joint activities:
Organizing time
Guys, quickly take your seats, exciting work awaits you and me.
Part 1, introductory
Educator: But what we will study, you will have to guess:
Your ponytail
I held it in my hand
You flew -
I ran.
I hold him by the leash

Although he is not a puppy at all
And he got off the leash
And flew away under the clouds.
Round, smooth, like a watermelon...
Any color, for different tastes.
If you let me off the leash,
It will fly away beyond the clouds.
Today everyone is rejoicing!
In the hands of a child
Oh they dance for joy

Part 2, practical
Educator: That's right, these are balloons! How many of you know what balloons are made of?
That's right, made of rubber. Let's look at pieces of rubber from balloons, what are they? (stretch, tear, they are multi-colored). That's right, rubber stretches and can break under heavy load.
But look at a piece of thick rubber, even I can’t tear it. (Children also try their strength)
Experience No. 1
I propose to conduct an experiment with inflating balloons. (two children inflate balloons, one from thin rubber and the other from thicker rubber.)
Have you noticed the difference? How did Sasha's balloon inflate? (easy, quick) And Dimin? (somehow, hard) Of course, why do you think?
They are made from material different thicknesses. Please tell me which balloon will burst faster if you inflate it too much? (Made from thin rubber, due to the fact that thin rubber breaks faster, and thick rubber stretches harder, this is why this ball inflated worse.)
Well done! Do you know that there is a large flying machine that is very similar to our balloon, and it has the same name - a balloon.

This aircraft consists of a huge durable ball and a basket in which people travel. And it is helped to fly by the warm air inside, which lifts the ball to the top. About the same as the Chinese lanterns that we used to launch.
Experience No. 2
Air surrounds us everywhere. Have you ever wondered how much air weighs? (not at all) Maybe we can check your assumption? For this you will need these scales and two balls. We will inflate one balloon. Tell me, what's inside? (air) The balls are the same, but one contains air, now let’s check if they have the same weight? (balls are attached to the scales) Well, what do you say? (the ball with air is heavier) That's right, the ball with air is heavier, which means the air has weight.

Educator: I suggest you get some rest.
Dynamic pause
We are fun and friendly (children are marching)
Let's inflate a balloon (the guys take a deep breath through their nose, while inflating their stomach as if it were a balloon)
The ball is red, the ball is blue (exhale through the mouth, while deflating the stomach, drawing it in)
We inflate very, very strongly.
Inhale-exhale, exhale-inhale (take a deep breath, short exhale, another short exhale and inhale through your nose again),
Our ball flew away - “OH”!
Experience No. 3
It turns out that an ordinary ball can work like a magnet. Only it is not metal that attracts it. Shall we check? You need to rub the ball on your hair. (a volunteer is selected from short haircut, on whose head the ball is rubbed) We tore the paper into small pieces, let's see what happens if we bring the ball to them. (They are magnetized!) Let's see what else attracts the magnetized ball. (we bring it to the children’s heads, magnetizes the hair)

It can also be attached to the wall. (we bring the ball to the wall, it hangs)
Part 3, final
Today we conducted several experiments with balloons. What new did you learn in our lesson? (1. the rubber from which the balls are made varies in strength; 2. that air has weight; 3. If the ball is rubbed on your hair, it can attract some objects.
Well done! You have learned everything perfectly. And lastly, I'll show you a trick. (a trick involving piercing a ball is demonstrated.)

I will reveal the secret of this trick in the next lesson, but for now, each of you will receive a balloon as a gift.

Thank you for your attention!

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