What does anubis mean in tattoos? Anubis beautiful pictures

Anubis tattoo

First we need to remember what kind of god Anubis is. This “character” appeared in the pantheon of Ancient Egypt. However, it has not yet been fully studied. Even by the scientific community. Any mythology, regardless of the degree of study, is reflected, including in the art of tattooing.

Famous facts about Anubis

The earliest mention of Anubis is in texts that were found in the pyramids, which in turn were presumably published in the 23rd century BC. Although it is directly related to Greek mythology, it is also reflected in the culture of other countries. Moreover, this “character” is also depicted on tattoos. And both male and female.

  1. In the mythology of ancient Egypt, he is the patron saint of the dead.
  2. According to legend, he accompanies the dead to the afterlife.
  3. He was depicted as a jackal or wild dog. This God was also very revered in Ancient Rome.
  4. The tattoo is often depicted with the head of a dog.
  5. He was portrayed in the same image. Another very common option is in the form of a man with a dog or jackal head.
  6. According to legend, he was the son of Set and Nephthys. Raised by Isis.

How is he depicted in tattoos?

  1. Most often they are depicted on a tattoo with a head, only sometimes with the head of a jackal.
  2. The meaning of this symbol has changed over time.
  3. At some point it was even considered the main one, i.e. the main deity in the ancient Egyptian pantheon.
  4. But by and large, he was still considered the patron saint of the dead. Why are Anubis tattoos done now?

The meaning of the Anubis tattoo

All for the same reason. Because of the fear of death. Sometimes a tattoo is done in the form of a talisman. Including Anubis, especially when he is depicted with the head of a dog. He decides whether to accompany a person to the afterlife or not.

The Anubis tattoo with the head of a jackal has exactly the opposite meaning. Those who do it seem to be challenging him, challenging death. With the help of a tattoo with this deity, they show that they are not afraid of this phenomenon, which all people are destined to experience sooner or later.

Therefore, you should add the words “courage and courage” to the meanings of the Anubis tattoo.

A female, but not so common analogue of the Anubis tattoo

  1. Mythology buffs like to point out that Anubis has a female counterpart, one might say: the goddess Input. She was depicted as a woman with a dog's head.
  2. However, such a tattoo is very rare. But with Anubis - quite often.
  3. Presumably this is due to Anubis' greater fame. Although their meaning and meaning are identical.

Everyone can add their own meaning

However, any person who is at least a little interested in mythology has his own opinion about this or that “character”. Therefore, in a tattoo with Anubis, each “carrier”, the owner, can fill it with meaning, which is important exclusively for him personally.

For example, he may be connected to a loved one who has passed away. Also with a certain event: both joyful and sad. Therefore, if a person does not want to talk about the meaning of his tattoo, it is personal for him, something he does not want to dedicate to anyone.

Colors in which Anubis tattoo can be made

It can be made using three colors:

  1. Green is a symbol of resurrection.
  2. White - like a mummy's bandages.
  3. Black is the most common color. This god is associated with this color of night, death, life in the afterlife. Additionally, black is the color of the embalming resin used by the Greeks.

According to modern researchers, since Anubis is the god of the dead, if a person gets a tattoo with him, this can bring changes to his life, and of a negative nature.

But if we consider this “character” from the perspective of different interpretations of this image, then everything is not so pessimistic. If we consider the image from the side of ancient Egyptian beliefs, then he is the ruler of the kingdom of the dead, as well as the owner of the necropolis.

According to ancient Egyptian beliefs, he is also the god of embalming.

And in Christianity with whom is he associated?

Neither more nor less, with Jesus Christ himself. This point of view is characteristic primarily of the Gnostics, who believed, and still believe, that Anubis takes the souls of the righteous to heaven.

Video on the topic

An ancient civilization, which, quite likely, surpassed modern society in development. A country that raises many questions and hides secrets that even now cannot be revealed. A story that excites the imagination of all the dreamers of the world. All this is Ancient Egypt and its population, which had its own traditions, faith and prejudices.

To get a little closer to ancient civilization, many leave marks on their bodies related to this theme. One of the most common images is "Anubis". The meaning of a tattoo makes sense for some, for others it’s just an interesting and beautiful picture, but in any case they are popular in modern society.

What does Anubis symbolize?

Highly revered in ancient Egypt god given, and for a long time he was depicted as a jackal. Later the image was transformed into a man with the head of a jackal or wild dog. This is the look of the Anubis tattoo, the meaning of which is associated with the world of the dead.

And although at first glance it may seem that this god is not the most positive character, to determine his essence it is necessary to dig a little deeper, and then it turns out that the character acts as a judge with a heightened sense of justice. Depending on what kind of deeds a person did, he punishes or rewards him.

Anubis can hold various objects in his hands, such as scales and a human heart. According to legends, the deity places the heart of the deceased on the scales and compares it with a feather, which, in turn, acts as a symbol of truth. Most often, when tattooing “Anubis”, the meaning of the tattoo is reduced to faith in the Supreme Court, which will befall every person.


Everyone decides for himself whether he should play games with the departed gods, but if he decides to get a tattoo, then do it well. An Anubis tattoo, the meaning of which, sketches can be completely different, should be like a large, well-drawn image. Often used is its classic appearance with the body of a man and the head of a wolf, around which there is a staff, scales, uas, sekhem, imiut, and heart in his hands. It can be drawn in a tomb or next to a mummy; you can also depict Ancient Egypt with its customs and rules.

The best place for a tattoo would be the arm, back, shin, you can choose other places, it all depends on the professionalism of the tattoo artist. So who is the depicted “Anubis” suitable for? The meaning of the tattoo will be close to those who find themselves in difficult life situation and stands at a crossroads, not knowing what to do. Suitable for those who want to find their own way in life, their own path.

Is it worth stuffing?

Since the image really carries a certain sacred meaning, then before you fill it, you need to weigh the pros and cons, decide whether it is worth living with such a powerful symbol. Traditionally, Anubis is made in three colors: green, white and black. Green color- a symbol of resurrection, white symbolizes the bandages with which the body of the future mummy was wrapped, black - death. Most often, tattoos are found in black, therefore, before choosing a sketch or assigning a task to a master to create it, you must also decide in what colors the picture will be made.

Ancient Egypt

Connoisseurs of high-quality images on the body and everything connected with Ancient Egypt often stuff scarabs, ankhs, and “Anubis” does not stand aside. The meaning of the tattoo in this case has a lot of weight, so superstitious people should avoid it. The most mysterious Egyptian patron of the dead and having power over the afterlife inspires horror even today, let alone the times when more than one thousand people believed in him...

An Anubis tattoo has nothing to do with ordinary symbols that anyone can get. This is an image of the ancient Egyptian god Anubis, embodied in the body of a man with the head of a jackal or dog. The essence of the drawing has a strong energy charge, having a spiritual content from time immemorial and at the same time showing an impartial attitude towards the material part of the world.

History of the symbol

A tattoo depicting an anubis refers to the ancient Egyptian theme of tattooing, which came to us from this great civilization filled with secret knowledge and mysteries. The symbol of the deity is carefully preserved by history, as the patron of the kingdom of the dead and the ruler of the underworld. The deity Anubis itself is under a mysterious veil of mystery and mysticism. The deep mystical meaning of the symbols of ancient civilization still attracts attention, although their distribution is not as wide as before.

The meaning of the Anubis tattoo

One of the meanings of tattoos is justice and supreme power. According to legends, the deity condemned or rewarded not only people, but also other gods for their actions. Accordingly, the owner of this sign is fearless, has information about everything and everyone, and is endowed with the power to repay for sins committed.

There is a point of view according to which this god is identified with Christ, helping the souls of the righteous to reach heaven.

There is also a valid interpretation of the drawing that the sign is endowed with protective properties and serves as a guide to the world of the unknown and mysterious.

According to another legend, the deity protected medicines and poisonous substances, opening the way for new development in this direction. Therefore, modern psychiatrists and anesthesiologists consider him their patron.

Sometimes a drawing indicates that its owner is in search of his destiny and a special path that will herald the emergence of something new and special.

Position and placement on the body

A tattoo with the image of the god Anubis is applied to any part of the body, which is chosen depending on the desire of the future owner - to hide the symbol or put it on public display. Most often it is pinned on:

  • back;
  • breast;
  • hands;
  • shoulders;
  • caviar.

Color spectrum

Often three colors are used in drawing:

  • green - symbolizes resurrection;
  • black - indicates a connection with the other world;

white - indicates the bandages of the mummy; in sketches it is found in the pose of a mummy.

Looks beautiful in large scale size.

Designation of an Anubis tattoo for a guy and a girl

Spectacular tattooing is done by both men and girls. For a man it means:

  • readiness at any moment to sacrifice the most valuable thing - life;
  • the period of searching for your path in life;
  • professional affiliation;
  • protection and amulet;
  • passion for Egyptian culture.

For girls, the semantic meaning is as follows, often intersecting with men’s:

  • difficult period in life;
  • as a talisman;
  • determination;
  • finding your way in life;
  • professional activity.

Compatibility with other symbols

The classic tattoo with Anubis looks like a man with the head of a wolf or jackal. Some masters complement the image with scales, other gods, a mummy, etc. He can hold various objects in his hands, including a heart - symbolism of good deeds done by a person during his lifetime.

We suggest finding out the meaning of a tattoo with the image of Anubis. This is what is commonly called the deity of Ancient Egypt. His appearance leaves no one indifferent and, frankly speaking, even shocks. Anubis has the head of a jackal and the body of a human. This creature is the guide of all the dead to the other world. In addition, he is called the patron of necropolises and cemeteries, one of the judges of the kingdom of the dead, as well as the keeper of poisons and various medicines. In ancient Egyptian mythology, this creature was the son of Osiris.

Knowledgeable people assure that getting tattoos with the ancient Egyptian god is simply not necessary, since jokes with him can end badly. He had a bad reputation in religion. Anubis symbolizes the night, as well as the other world and the afterlife, and often fights with Horus.

It is impossible not to say that every negative character has its own positive qualities. This creature was called the real patron of pharmacists who were engaged in the manufacture of medicines and poisons. At the same time, he could sometimes send terrible storms.

What does an Anubis tattoo mean?

A spectacular body image in the form of Anubis is often preferred by both men and women. Such a tattoo will mean that a person is ready to fight for the right priorities. In this case, the drawing will definitely be a real amulet. But getting a tattoo while heavily intoxicated or out of whim is not necessary.

In the modern world, Anubis is the patron saint of psychologists, psychiatrists and anesthesiologists. This means that such a body image can be made by representatives of these professions.

A tattoo of Anubis can mean a desire to find your path in life. Such a body drawing can tell that a person is in a difficult life situation and wants to find a way out of it as soon as possible.

Meaning for men

Such body designs look especially impressive in the style of realism. Anubis tattoo means:

  • difficult life period
  • desire to find your way in life
  • professional activity
  • amulet
  • interest in Egyptian culture

The work can tell about the hobby of its owner.

Perhaps a man with a similar body pattern is going through a difficult life period, and he wants to find his way in life as soon as possible. In addition, such an image can tell about the professional activities of its owner.

An Anubis tattoo sometimes becomes a choice for a man not because of its special symbolic meaning, but because of the originality of the design.

Meaning for women

Sometimes a tattoo with the image of Anubis becomes a choice for the fair sex. Women most often choose colorful image options. For them, such a tattoo will mean:

  • passion for Egyptian culture
  • professional activity
  • amulet
  • difficult life period
  • desire to find a path in life

A tattoo with the image of Anubis will tell about your passion for Egyptian culture. In addition, such a drawing can mean the professional activity of its owner.

A tattoo in the form of Anubis is sometimes a real amulet for a woman, and sometimes it means a difficult period in life and the desire to find one’s path.

Sometimes representatives of the fair sex choose a tattoo because of the effectiveness of the body image, and not because of any special symbolic meaning.

Which image to choose for a tattoo?

There are quite a few various options Anubis tattoo. Among the top most popular are images in the style of realism. Such designs impress with their beauty and naturalness and therefore often become a choice for both men and women.

They look no less interesting. Such images are distinguished by their visual prominence and colorfulness.

The theme for the “Anubis” tattoo got its name from the name of the ancient Egyptian deity, who is supposedly the patron of the kingdom of the dead and the ruler of the underworld. So tattoos with his image are preferred by people prone to mysticism, or who believe that the drawing of an ancient deity on the body will protect them from the influence of evil spirits.

Together with the silhouette of Anubis, tattoo artists often depict scales, was, and the mummy of Sekhem - symbols of the other world. What is the significance of such a tattoo (tattoo) for men, women, and also in prisons?

For men

In Egypt, it was believed that Anubis patronized people involved in the production of medicinal mixtures, as well as poisons. The guy wearing his tattoo should always be prepared for death and unquestioningly accept dark side character while remaining on the path to the light.

The ancients believed that the image of Anubis had an exclusively negative meaning, however, with the development of modern philosophical movements, the meaning of the Anubis tattoo has expanded somewhat.

A person wearing the outline of an ancient Egyptian god wants to find the right path in life and stoically endures all misfortunes. This is precisely the meaning that is attached to the image of this inhospitable deity.

It is often inflicted by people with a difficult life, who believe that everything will change for the better. By the way, visiting a tattoo parlor with the aim of getting a tattoo with the image of the god Anubis needs to be thought carefully, it can significantly complicate your earthly existence.

For girls

Women are not so inclined to get various tattoos, including symbols of deities of ancient religions. This is due to the fact that representatives of the fairer sex are more sensitive to their appearance. But emancipation changed their attitude to this issue.

If a modern woman wears a drawing of Anubis on her body, it means that she has an enviable sense of purpose, is not afraid of life’s difficulties and is to a certain extent prone to fatalism.

The meaning of a tattoo is the same as for men, but you should remember that in order for the tattoo to be of high quality (the smallest details of the figure are visible), you will have to sacrifice a significant area of ​​your skin. The figure of Anubis symbolizes wisdom, prudence and calm.

What does the Anubis tattoo on the “zone” mean?

Quite often the image of Anubis can be found on tattoos made over barbed wire, first of all, for the sake of intimidating fellow inmates and neighbors in the barracks. People who find themselves behind bars are often faced with the choice of whether to continue committing crimes or whether they need to radically change their lifestyle.

They are confident that the Anubis tattoo can help in this choice. Moreover, the art of prison tattoo artists and the availability of unoccupied time make this possible.

The Anubis tattoo does not carry any other meaning. And it should only be done by people who are completely confident in their artistic taste and qualifications as a master.

This is the meaning of the Anubis tattoo.

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